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Staggering, worst or best tactic for a MMO this day and age?


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The biggest non-issue I've ever seen.


I bet you won't even think about all this 2 weeks from now.



Heck probably.



But consider, what will the next colossally bad decision be, and how many months will you have invested in the game when that decision is made?

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It is clearly a terrible tactic. By not allowing a major part of the customer base to play it gives them idle time spent bashing Bioware on various internet sites. The rage would not even be as high if there were queues. In Rift the rage lasted about a day and then it was gone for the most part. For this game it will last all week...


What are they going to bash about? "I really want to play this game but I can't yet?"


Sounds like that could easily be interpreted as good press. Especially considering that the people it would be news to aren't going to be able to get in for a while anyway.

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All anyone has to do is realize that the complainers just want to play the game. Every point they make leads back to not being able to play today.


Though if they were capable of playing, they'd either shut up or complain about something else that resulted from them playing, i.e. they're whiners. Just note, the only truly bad thing that has happened today is not the launch itself, but the PvP exploit; and even that's trivial unless you're on a PvP server.

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All anyone has to do is realize that the complainers just want to play the game. Every point they make leads back to not being able to play today.


Though if they were capable of playing, they'd either shut up or complain about something else that resulted from them playing, i.e. they're whiners. Just note, the only truly bad thing that has happened today is not the launch itself, but the PvP exploit; and even that's trivial unless you're on a PvP server.


This is a false tatement.

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This may help alleviate some of your pain (or at least answer some of your questions): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=66561#edit66561


seriously? how can you still post that?


he starts by saying it's not a stress test .. then says they aren't inviting more people because they need to evaluate the stress on the system .. that post is epic fail.

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Wasn't your initial argument that you were mad that they could've very well invited more people than they had?


I could have this wrong, but I kindly ask, would you state your argument good sir?


Oh the part about complaining about something else.

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I'll be shocked if any company repeats this method of launch in the future. What could have been a good means of having a stable launch is only going to turn into more and more of a nightmare as the days go by.


I think the reason so many people are annoyed (in the politest way possible), is that they, like myself, attributed the entire "pre-order to secure early game access" crap to be the product of the EA/Bioware hype machine that has been running since last year and didn't take it very seriously. After all, when was the last time a digital retailer ran out of copies of a game.


The one thing that I feel would have saved all this trouble would have been to state from the beginning when you needed to purchase a copy to secure so many days of early access. Even right now, if they just released a solid timetable, we could just calm down. Instead they're letting the frenzy build to attract even more attention, because all attention is good attention when selling a product like this. As it is, the entire situation smacks of arrogance and terrible skill at predicting the reaction of the fanbase.

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As a late November pre order I'm obviously not in, I'm not complaining either, sure the way they're handeling it now seems too careful, but I'll pass my judgement on it once the release of the game has passed and the results are clear.

All in all I guess I could say I don't have much to complain about, though I'm not going to be very happy that there are people at lvl cap or very close by the time I get in, kind of takes away the reason to pre order.

Edited by Asuntha
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5 hour Q or a 2-5 day Q?


/end thread



Its not a 2-5 day que...


Why can't these people understand the game IS NOT officially released yet, we aren't even falling into the 5 day early release window that they previously stated.


These threads of people pissed off have to be jokes right? This is all early access, anything before 20 Dec is EXTRA.


If servers have issues after the 20 Dec then more power to you, until then, Stop whining :mad:

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Cross posted from another thread, and said better than I could:


Originally Posted by Kinegos

This isn't a troll, and isn't exactly QQ although there is some of that involved.


I just want to put it down for the record that the way this early access program has been implemented is truly one of the most poorly conceived ideas that I've ever personally encountered in over 25 years of playing video games. I've personally participated in launches of 6 other MMO games, and there is nothing in those experiences that compares to how ridiculous this process is.


When you are dealing with a pre-launch even that is only for pre-order customers, after an extensive and massive beta testing period that was a huge success according to nearly all sources involved - it begs the huge question as to what is the limiting factor in the way you have chosen to roll out this game. I personally participated in the beta in a very limited way (not by choice, mind you, I just wasn't lucky enough to get a key) and was only online during the big Thanksgiving weekend test. That test was wonderful - there were a huge number of servers, and a huge population of testers. The game performance was amazing.


So, EA/BW - what exactly are you afraid of?


The ONLY way this should have been done is to have given ALL pre-orders (perhaps separated only by level of game purchased - i.e. CE customers get 7 days, SE get 5, e.g.) access at exactly the same time. Of course it will overload the servers and queues would ensue and all that - but that's what we all expect. Making your customers wait unknowingly with no idea how long it will be or when to expect an email is just adding insult to injury. A poor alternative would have been to send out emails with a set time and day that your access would be available.


I read in the top post how you are monitoring the server performance and are rolling waves based on server performance. Are you seriously saying you have to wonder at this point if your servers can perform up to the task - when you probably still have 90% of the launch day players yet to even be able to play? That is not at all a good message to be sending at the beginning of an MMO franchise.


At any rate, I love this game. I love BW. But I truly despise and am sickened by the way you chose to put your customers through so much stress for absolutely no good or justifiable reason.

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the point the fanbois and the trolls aren't paying attention to is ea/bw's handling of the community. Everything they do is showing us the paying customer whether or not to trust the company with a subscription past the one month point. Playing favorites with your ega time and being extremely passive with your launch push is a negative to some.
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Its not a 2-5 day que...


Why can't these people understand the game IS NOT officially released yet, we aren't even falling into the 5 day early release window that they previously stated.


These threads of people pissed off have to be jokes right? This is all early access, anything before 20 Dec is EXTRA.


If servers have issues after the 20 Dec then more power to you, until then, Stop whining :mad:



The release date is arbitrary. This is obvious to anyone that understands business. This is actually the real release date. The game is working, people are playing it, it is released. This argument is semantics. And has been debunked already. Stop using it.


The issue of some are getting in, and some are not, is not really the point. This is not the worst of it, since that can be excused due to the technological difficulty involved in releasing a game of this size. The real problem here as many have stated already is: 7 days is far too long to let us think we can play, and COMMUNICATE nothing as to when we can reasonably expect to get in.


That's the problem here. All these other arguments are strawmen.

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I don't think this staggering thing worked out that great. It's essentially a disguised launch date, without it actually being a launch date. I mean, if everyone who buys the game now will get early access, but everyone who buys it the 20th and beyond doesn't... what's the difference? And while it gives the company the flexibility to bend the rules and whatnot, I doubt other companies will look at all the fuss kicked up about it and decide to do the same thing.


Don't get me wrong, I could care less atm since I have finals this week up till the 15th, so I won't let myself play even if I got in today (well, I might a bit, like I'm on the forums now when I should be studying for my chem final tomorrow...). Looking at when I registered my preorder, I fully expect to get in tomorrow, but can't really play till the 16th anyways so it doesn't really matter to me. And it's essentially a couple more days added on to the free 30 days you get, so it's not like we're not benefiting one way or another. I just don't think that other companies will look at this and decide to do the same.

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7 days is far too long to let us think we can play, and COMMUNICATE nothing as to when we can reasonably expect to get in.


This is what you need to sound constructive. Right here in bold. That much is a valid concern, but the wait time before playing has been told to you time and time again actually. They said it was staggered and its at their discretion, even going as far to say that of course not everyone will get in on day one.


Yeah, they could add a lot more people right now actually. But it's at their own discretion. It's basically a battle between what you want and what they want on that particular front.

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The early game access issue has been clear from the beginning. Granted everyone has a right to question the motives here but, really some of the questions thus far have not really been thought through.


Hmm....odd reasons to be concerned.


Playing with friends.

This is easily remedied by simple planning. Not a valid gripe really.


Being the first to 50.

If this is your motivation might I suggest you play FPS? That crowed is more empathetic to such goals. In an MMO its a bit counter productive to enjoying the game.


Any server firsts.

Again, this is something carried over from FPS and really means nothing to the MMO community as a whole. No one really cares that you are a server first....honestly its over rated and means you didn't really care about the rest of the game.


Getting the name you wanted.

Yeah l337jones was my favorite too...i think they should band anyone who cannot create a character name that refuses to refrain from multiple lowercase first letters and multiple-consecutive pre and post consonants like xXl337jonesXx or sammy (not the lack of proper capitalization. Be original and make up a decent name for your characters. The script kiddie era is old and faded and just not cool anymore.


Taking time off work to play hard the first few days.

Again this is just a matter of planning.


Not being pissed off at prelaunch.

Considering this has been known since the first publication of the games pre-order service you should be over it by now. If your not might I suggest professional help about those anger issues?


Not getting ganked by others who launched first.

You won't be. The open PvP in this game is not as open as you think and its just a matter of paying attention to where you are and what your doing.


Your responses tell me you are very new to MMO's and probably play more FPS's. Thanks for your input though however misguided it may be.

Edited by Justinjedi
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It beats a million lowbies going for the same quest mob at once. By a large margin.


I'd agree with you, except that this game was built taking that issue in mind, and when there is a large number of people in a single zone, additional instances of that zone are created. Which basically means this is never a major problem

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