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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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I said "my opinion", reply I got was "I don't believe anyone can get to level 50 after 3 weeks without space bar because I play 1 hour a day and suck at it!", yes you are right, how wrong of me to expect intelligence on these forums especially from people paying a subscription still.


Enjoy your love fest, don't whine when you get bored out of your mind within a week or 2, which is expected length of a single player RPG, which this is in the sense "Game ends at 50".


When I get bored with something I move on and find a more productive way to spend my time.


Committing the forum equivalent of throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store isn't exactly what I would choose as an alternative.

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I didn't troll you.

Really? That's EXACTLY what this is. In fact, there's no other reason for this comment, than to troll:


Ok whatever, stupid fanboys can't ever discuss a problem relating to anything without personal attacks and slander, hence the word fan=fanatic...
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Now when story is over=game is over, unless Bioware and EA can push out new story content that is well written with voice overs on frequentl basis this game could never last just because of story and justify a sub each month. All the restof the game is broken, bad, terrible or at best mediocre compared to all of the competition. Sorry, bye bye



repeating so that you and the other 4 actually GET and understand my point. So this game starts at level 1 instead of 60, great, I love it, but when it ends at 50 you have a whole bunch of new problems don't you? same in nature yes? you just reversed the order for when game ends, problem is it will be harder for Bioware to add content compared to WoW. Nigh impossible I say!


And if you would have done your research you would know that all the main voice actors are locked into a 5 year contract for feature content and are currently recording now.


Try again.


For the love of the Force people do your research!

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And if you would have done your research you would know that all the main voice actors are locked into a 5 year contract for feature content and are currently recording now.


Try again.


For the love of the Force people do your research!


Infact I did not know that, sorry, any word on an ETA for this content or doI sub 6months times 15 dollars then get content or can I just unsub and wait a year?

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Really? That's EXACTLY what this is. In fact, there's no other reason for this comment, than to troll:


Nah i was just pointing out you were not being nearly as perfect as you portray yourself to be.


By all means if you'd like to stop trolling and blaming everyone else for it i'm more than happy to have an intelligent coverstation for a change.

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Nah i was just pointing out you were not being nearly as perfect as you portray yourself to be.


By all means if you'd like to stop trolling and blaming everyone else for it i'm more than happy to have an intelligent coverstation for a change.


Talking to the wrong person, here I am... and no I do not agree,I tried to carry a normal conversation, I wastold I am a liar.

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Infact I did not know that, sorry, any word on an ETA for this content or doI sub 6months times 15 dollars then get content or can I just unsub and wait a year?


They have content ready on the go now they are tweaking it. Point is they are still recording voice work for much later. With patch 1.1 we get another operations and another max level flash-point plus plus.

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They have content ready on the go now they are tweaking it. Point is they are still recording voice work for much later. With patch 1.1 we get another operations and another max level flash-point plus plus.


That I knew but do not care for, since to me those elements of the game fails, what I do care about is continued stories/quests for my bounty hunter. Equal to that of my leveling experience.

Edited by TheHirogen
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Infact I did not know that, sorry, any word on an ETA for this content or doI sub 6months times 15 dollars then get content or can I just unsub and wait a year?


This is what happens when you make brash assumptions.


Your rather irrational assumption was. "I hit level 50 and I feel the game has ended, since there will never be any more content ever and nothing will change I might as well quit, NO! better yet I might as well go out with a bang and get as many other people feeling negative to share in my misery as I can!"


At what point did you think that "The game ends at 50" ever made any sense whatsoever as a valid argument? You did not stop to think that a subscription based MMO would be continuing to add future content?


I'm sorry, but please, give everyone a break and find some other way to vent your stupidity inducing rage.

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They have content ready on the go now they are tweaking it. Point is they are still recording voice work for much later. With patch 1.1 we get another operations and another max level flash-point plus plus.


The part i really was happy to hear was that they kept their entire dev team around, unlike most MMO's or really any new software release, where they usually drop a considerable chuck of the dev staff.


This is a very good sign for future content.


Of course i'm at 50 and have a ton of content to do right now. Seriously perplexed by people saying there is nothing to do at 50.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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This is what happens when you make brash assumptions.


Your rather irrational assumption was. "I hit level 50 and I feel the game has ended, since there will never be any more content ever and nothing will change I might as well quit, NO! better yet I might as well go out with a bang and get as many other people feeling negative to share in my misery as I can!"


At what point did you think that "The game ends at 50" ever made any sense whatsoever as a valid argument? You did not stop to think that a subscription based MMO would be continuing to add future content?


I'm sorry, but please, give everyone a break and find some other way to vent your stupidity inducing rage.


You quoted me wrong and out of context, but now your crazy raving and rabid antics and replies make more sense if that is what you think I said when you read my post.



You need to calm down from defending a GAME before you have a heartattack god forbid.

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You quoted me wrong and out of context, but now your crazy raving and rabid antics and replies make more sense if that is what you think I said when you read my post.



You need to calm down from defending a GAME before you have a heartattack god forbid.


When Bioware does do something wrong I promise I'll yell at them but people like who you responded too and myself are more intent on attacking stupidity then defending Bioware.


Frankly I hate WoW but if anyone ever tells me raiding is too hard I cuff them upside a the head. You pay to play this game not win, if you want to win you need to Rocky yourself up and work for it.


Training music included :p

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You quoted me wrong and out of context, but now your crazy raving and rabid antics and replies make more sense if that is what you think I said when you read my post.



You need to calm down from defending a GAME before you have a heartattack god forbid.


Since you have repeated your opinion about eight times I think I am quite clear on it thank you...


You claim to have done everything possible in the game already (a lie) and that the game is totally over at 50, doom and gloom, the world is coming to an end, bioware will never add more story content, might as well quit, etc. In a nutshell.


You seem to have a big disconnect in failing to understand your "opinions", not "facts", which are also gratuitously exaggerated, do not constitute reality.

Edited by savagepotato
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Story is very important to me in books and movies. In an online game? Not so much. At least not one written by the developers. I am enjoying the story as written in SWTOR, but that is a poor recipe for an MMO because you can't make us a part of it deeply that way.


You need the tools for us to make our own stories. The best stories I've seen in an MMO were in EVE and Darkfall which had barely any developer made content at the time. They had the tools for us to create and resolve drama within the game mechanics.

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Story is very important to me in books and movies. In an online game? Not so much. At least not one written by the developers. I am enjoying the story as written in SWTOR, but that is a poor recipe for an MMO because you can't make us a part of it deeply that way.




Interesting although i disagree fully.


Unless you missed the last 100 pages story is obviously important to some people coming in here and saying this on page 100+ is well kinda silly.

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When Bioware does do something wrong I promise I'll yell at them but people like who you responded too and myself are more intent on attacking stupidity then defending Bioware.


Frankly I hate WoW but if anyone ever tells me raiding is too hard I cuff them upside a the head. You pay to play this game not win, if you want to win you need to Rocky yourself up and work for it.


Training music included :p


lol well I was not asking for more raids, I am not a "raider". It is just I got 200 more hours worth of quality RPG in Skyrim and KOTOR 1 and 2 than I got from this games RPG element that I applaud for an MMO to add but once finished then what? No RP, no community support, bad UI, bad pvp, not even chat bubbles in the game. So unless they can add same value for my buck that those other games gave me for RPG experience it is not worth it, I doubt they can release proper RPG stuff on frequent basis enoughto warrant my sub every month. Also their customer support is the worst I have ever seen in an MMO, something I can solve 90% of the time with /console commands and mods,more stable release and the extensive patches they released for single RPG games.


So far I do not feel Bioware or EA address this at all, except for promise of a flashpoint, picture of a boss and talk about banned ilum players. Alsowhere is the patch we were suppose to get today? Downtime lasted less than an hour and now it has been postponed, not so stable I guess that I applauded them for being my first 30 levels of this game, now at 50 and another char soon done with tickets deleted without so much as a word to me and more downtimes, bad for EU zone etc. I canceled and deleted the game.


Now I try and be constructive, but it is hard and difficult to be and get BW/EA to fix their problems when fanboys troll and flame and insult every request by gamers to IMPROVE the game.

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Story is very important to me in books and movies. In an online game? Not so much. At least not one written by the developers. I am enjoying the story as written in SWTOR, but that is a poor recipe for an MMO because you can't make us a part of it deeply that way.


You need the tools for us to make our own stories. The best stories I've seen in an MMO were in EVE and Darkfall which had barely any developer made content at the time. They had the tools for us to create and resolve drama within the game mechanics.


I love sandbox games as a concept as well, and would love to see some great successful sandbox games.


But I just don't see this as realistic. They are not as popular and developers don't want to get behind them. They want to go where the money is. Statistically people prefer the themepark game. That doesn't mean the themepark game is better, but it is where the development focus is going to be.


When you look at all those games you mentioned the thing they have in common is that very few people play them.

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Interesting although i disagree fully.


Unless you missed the last 100 pages story is obviously important to some people coming in here and saying this on page 100+ is well kinda silly.


Yes. I do understand that. Hence the use of the word 'Me.' In that context to indicate it was my opinion.

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This is what I have been talking about.. :)


This is an MMO story is important to only a small group of players, people want action and things to be doing with their character.


You 2 are the minority. Don not speak for other's.

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lol well I was not asking for more raids, I am not a "raider". It is just I got 200 more hours worth of quality RPG in Skyrim and KOTOR 1 and 2 than I got from this games RPG element that I applaud for an MMO to add but once finished then what? No RP, no community support, bad UI, bad pvp, not even chat bubbles in the game. So unless they can add same value for my buck that those other games gave me for RPG experience it is not worth it, I doubt they can release proper RPG stuff on frequent basis enoughto warrant my sub every month. Also their customer support is the worst I have ever seen in an MMO, something I can solve 90% of the time with /console commands and mods,more stable release and the extensive patches they released for single RPG games.


So far I do not feel Bioware or EA address this at all, except for promise of a flashpoint, picture of a boss and talk about banned ilum players. Alsowhere is the patch we were suppose to get today? Downtime lasted less than an hour and now it has been postponed, not so stable I guess that I applauded them for being my first 30 levels of this game, now at 50 and another char soon done with tickets deleted without so much as a word to me and more downtimes, bad for EU zone etc. I canceled and deleted the game.


Now I try and be constructive, but it is hard and difficult to be and get BW/EA to fix their problems when fanboys troll and flame and insult every request by gamers to IMPROVE the game.


No, you don't try to be constructive.


You are bellyaching and being a loudmouth, in simplest terms. Do yourself the biggest favor you can do, save your fifteen dollars, and move on. It sounds like you don't like the game and you aren't accomplishing anything at all by venting.


And no offense, but I really don't want to play the game that has been "improved" on the basis of your irrational rantings.


This thread isn't even about that. It is about whether you find story important to you or not. Period.

Edited by savagepotato
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lol well I was not asking for more raids, I am not a "raider". It is just I got 200 more hours worth of quality RPG in Skyrim and KOTOR 1 and 2 than I got from this games RPG element that I applaud for an MMO to add but once finished then what? No RP, no community support, bad UI, bad pvp, not even chat bubbles in the game. So unless they can add same value for my buck that those other games gave me for RPG experience it is not worth it, I doubt they can release proper RPG stuff on frequent basis enoughto warrant my sub every month. Also their customer support is the worst I have ever seen in an MMO, something I can solve 90% of the time with /console commands and mods,more stable release and the extensive patches they released for single RPG games.


So far I do not feel Bioware or EA address this at all, except for promise of a flashpoint, picture of a boss and talk about banned ilum players. Alsowhere is the patch we were suppose to get today? Downtime lasted less than an hour and now it has been postponed, not so stable I guess that I applauded them for being my first 30 levels of this game, now at 50 and another char soon done with tickets deleted without so much as a word to me and more downtimes, bad for EU zone etc. I canceled and deleted the game.


Now I try and be constructive, but it is hard and difficult to be and get BW/EA to fix their problems when fanboys troll and flame and insult every request by gamers to IMPROVE the game.


Yep, Sounds like you're really trying to help.

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The trouble is, once you get to max level, all you get is the conventional formula. If you are not interested in that, the game is over. Time to unsub and move onto something else.


The criticism of story isn't that people don't like or enjoy the story - they do. It's just that we can't see what is going to keep us in the game when the story is finished.




Levelling is finite. Once you are done with it, the gameplay BW offers is raiding for gear, or pvp for gear. Is that really want people want?


There are many other kinds of end-game that could be offered - crafting, customisation of player ships, territory control. But they're not there.


A lot of people dont seem to quite grasp this and just go all defensivemode on anyone critizising a story based MMO. It will be very interesting to see how this game will do in terms of longevity and replayability.

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