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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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It's not ADD and I am not a kiddie I am 32 and my highest level is 25, I decided to try other classes and I can't bare to get them above 15 because other than the class story it's the SAME THING EVERY TIME which is BORING! Heck you are almost forced light or dark side if you want your companion to like you, or pick a certain answer if you want them to like you, so it is like your choices are narrowed down to "Do I make my companion think less of me or do what I want?"


There are more people on the internet than just you.


BTW... nice quote.

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Im about the story inside the game would rather play it and for some reason in all my 15 lvl 85 i have yet to see 1 stupid panda in game! and inserting a random panda in warcraft 3 and in portraits for warcraft as well as an april fools joke does not count by any means as thought out!



So you missed the part where he helped Rexxar and Jaina get Theramore? (Chen) or Chen's Empty Keg which starts a quest about Chen?

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This is the first MMO I've every played where I can remember the story, NPC names and climactic moments in the plot. Yes I'm sure parts of the MMO got less funding because of this (hence the bugs.)


Because of the story, I will be rolling alts for the first time in an MMO. To each their own, and this game suits me just fine for now.

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It's not ADD and I am not a kiddie I am 32 and my highest level is 25, I decided to try other classes and I can't bare to get them above 15 because other than the class story it's the SAME THING EVERY TIME which is BORING! Heck you are almost forced light or dark side if you want your companion to like you, or pick a certain answer if you want them to like you, so it is like your choices are narrowed down to "Do I make my companion think less of me or do what I want?"


Screw your companions. Respond like you would and see how your NPCs react.

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Screw your companions. Respond like you would and see how your NPCs react.


Nah, I'd rather keep it so my companions don't hate me.


The other thing they screwed up with is no middle ground on light and dark........it's called Balance, not everyone is squeaky clean and not everyone is just a royal douche, some people do good things and bad things all in the same lifetime.

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Maybe that was before my time wow's been out a while and i wasnt a loser the whole time it's been out but 1 random panda wouldnt make me think hey panda would be a great character what about murloc, naga, centaur's and a ton others i would have chose first and timing of the releasing the idea for next exp right before kung fu panda 2 not very thought out right out retarded IMO hence the kung fu panda reference. just as the panda thing is retarded. kinda liked the idea for none combat pets arena though!
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Maybe that was before my time wow's been out a while and i wasnt a loser the whole time it's been out but 1 random panda wouldnt make me think hey panda would be a great character what about murloc, naga, centaur's and a ton others i would have chose first and timing of the releasing the idea for next exp right before kung fu panda 2 not very thought out right out retarded IMO hence the kung fu panda reference. just as the panda thing is retarded. kinda liked the idea for none combat pets arena though!


Because for many years (heck even during classic) people wanted to play Pandarians.

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Ah another person who doesn't know anything about WoW Lore yet claims story is important......Pandarians came long before Kung Fu Panda, so you have nothing to bash other than that which just shows you are just trying to be condescending and a jerk.

I could be wrong and all, but a half-drunk panda with a chinese hat was around long before. That was about the extent of Pandarian lore back in the day. And it wasn't until after Kung-Fu Panda comes around, and an extreme lack of places that have any relevance to WoW Lore, that we're suddenly looking at martial arts panda bears as an expansion. And yes, people have been complaining about being a panda for years. About as many who had complained to be Murlocs...or any other race that stood on two legs for that matter.


Personally though, I gave up on WoW lore when the giant spaceship was shot out of the sky.



As for the question itself, it's 100% subjective and therefore kind of pointless in the manner it was asked. Story, as Bioware has delivered to us, is absolutely what I wanted.

Edited by Jxspyder
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Screw your companions. Respond like you would and see how your NPCs react.


Depends on how seriously one takes that virtual relationship. As long as the RP is played out within the confines of the story... :D


Yes to both. My thoughts exactly. If you just want to romance your digital companion then by all means... let them bend you to their will. Otherwise, just play it to mirror your own moral standards.

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Nah, I'd rather keep it so my companions don't hate me.


The other thing they screwed up with is no middle ground on light and dark........it's called Balance, not everyone is squeaky clean and not everyone is just a royal douche, some people do good things and bad things all in the same lifetime.


I'm doing just fine at -200 alignment. ;)

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Story for me was interesting the first 20 levels I would say. Now I just mash spacebar as quickly as I can even when in group conversations with players who watch and listen to eveyrthing(meaning mashing spacebar doesn't speed anything up for me, I just miss the story).


I just don't care anymore since there are so many quests. I rather just play then sit passively.

Following the conversations with my companions though which I found kinda interesting.

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Nah, I'd rather keep it so my companions don't hate me.


The other thing they screwed up with is no middle ground on light and dark........it's called Balance, not everyone is squeaky clean and not everyone is just a royal douche, some people do good things and bad things all in the same lifetime.


That's why they included companion gifts.

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Story for me was interesting the first 20 levels I would say. Now I just mash spacebar as quickly as I can even when in group conversations with players who watch and listen to eveyrthing(meaning mashing spacebar doesn't speed anything up for me, I just miss the story).


I just don't care anymore since there are so many quests. I rather just play then sit passively.

Following the conversations with my companions though which I found kinda interesting.


And miss out on the sith warrior story

" turning the jedi to the dark side i think not "


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Yep all of which I haven't been able to use because it says it requires this or that level 1 to be able to use.


Are you just trying to buy from the Fleet companion vendor? There are regular gift vendors spread around and I've never run into a requirement for using a gift.

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