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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Anyways, the biggest thing holding this back I imagine is the fact that if we get a separate maintenance schedule, we will have to be physically separated from the American client so that when the versions dont sync it doesnt cause issues.


I am not sure how many people like having access to both sets of servers, but it really has to be a vast minority as people will tend to play on one set or another.


Rift a game from a smaller company is able to do separate maintenance window plus have access to both servers, so EA/bio some love would be nice.

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I guess because for some strange reason EU players would like to be able to play during the day, have their Down time as off peek as USA is...Crazy EU players thinking just because they pay (and pay more actually) they should be treated as equal


Excuse me, but there's no reason to get snippy with me and give me the same smug, snotty, and sarcastic attutude you've given others here, especially when my questions and points were valid and not flaming you or your "cause" in any way.


To clarify, I see no problem with having separate downtimes for EU and NA servers so everyone is happy. However, if that isn't a possibility for whatever reason, at least it still does not interfere with your peak playing times. Look at the bright side in that it may not be perfect, but it's at least more tolerable than some other possibilities.


Honestly, you need to calm down and have a little patience. Your sense of self-entitlement and the whole "occupybioware" movement of the "meet our demands or we'll make your life miserable" ploy does little to garner sympathy, even from those who would agree with your original intentions.

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To be honest Arlya, your post did come off rather arrogant. If people weren't affected they wouldn't be bothered to post here. We have the feeling the way the downtime is at the moment it's only based on US players and the Europeans can just consider themselves lucky that the timezone isn't even more apart.


While no one is claiming that every European plays from 0800 to 1600, a fair chunk of people do. My server for instance is usually pretty full starting at 1400 and onwards. I think everyone can agree that WoW set the gold standard for how to do server maintenance, with Rift following up in the same pattern. Bioware/EA is actually degrading service that people are accustomed to.

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To be honest Arlya, your post did come off rather arrogant. If people weren't affected they wouldn't be bothered to post here. We have the feeling the way the downtime is at the moment it's only based on US players and the Europeans can just consider themselves lucky that the timezone isn't even more apart.


While no one is claiming that every European plays from 0800 to 1600, a fair chunk of people do. My server for instance is usually pretty full starting at 1400 and onwards. I think everyone can agree that WoW set the gold standard for how to do server maintenance, with Rift following up in the same pattern. Bioware/EA is actually degrading service that people are accustomed to.


Fair enough, and I apologize if my post came off sounding that way. That was not my intention at all; I was honestly just trying to understand the situation. Thank you for clarifying in a calm and rational manner, instead of jumping down my throat. :p I hope things can be adjusted to make more people happy.

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Excuse me, but there's no reason to get snippy with me and give me the same smug, snotty, and sarcastic attutude you've given others here, especially when my questions and points were valid and not flaming you or your "cause" in any way.


To clarify, I see no problem with having separate downtimes for EU and NA servers so everyone is happy. However, if that isn't a possibility for whatever reason, at least it still does not interfere with your peak playing times. Look at the bright side in that it may not be perfect, but it's at least more tolerable than some other possibilities.


Honestly, you need to calm down and have a little patience. Your sense of self-entitlement and the whole "occupybioware" movement of the "meet our demands or we'll make your life miserable" ploy does little to garner sympathy, even from those who would agree with your original intentions.


That argument just went out of the window, since they seem to have no issue with extending EU maintenance to 6 PM (finnish time) while they could have just as easily started a bit earlier to some minor inconvenience of the US players


We need seperate maintenance times, especially since the current ones can easily extend into the evening for EU players

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Yeah, I for one at least wouldn´t mind having the maintenance 1 day later than US (just like some other mmo) if we could have it during the off hours 2ish cet-10ish cet. Since I guess most of the techs are in US, otherwise it would ofc be more logical to have maintenance in EU first.
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+1, I just can't understand why they wouldn't change this.


Not only that, they're not even acknowledging the problem. All we get was a single post by Chris Collins a while back with the usual platitudes, and since then nothing.


We're heading into the third incarnation of the thread, surely BioWare cannot keep ignoring it entirely..?

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Then I guess that explains the timeframe BioWare picked...


Irish engineers = cheap

Irish daytime work = cheap

Irish server farm = cheap


As an Irish person I find your assertion that the only reason it was located here was because we work for pennies offensive. Maybe they selected Ireland for our high IT skills and low corporation tax? Why don't you tell me which country you live in so I can bandy about some stereotypes about you and yours?

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still hoping here that they will reconsider and seperate the maintenance schedules :rolleyes:


If they do they will have to divide the servers where EU can not log into NA servers and NA can not log into EU servers, otherwise it will just cause some to belly ache about que times.


They might even go as to choose which servers you want to play on. But if EU players choose to play on NA servers then the are say they don't mind the maintenance time.


But like AC classes once you chose you can go back unless you reroll. (purchase new account).


But then if they patch NA servers first and then relize there are some bugs. They may decide not to patch the EU servers but still leave the patch up on NA servers till they can fix both.

(Blizzard has done this. Not often but they have)


As I see no matter what they do someone is going to QQ about something so they might as well just keep it as it is.


(Oh before you say it doesn't effect me. It does. I do most of my playing at night in the early morning hours of 2am to 8 am. est)

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You will feel much better about it once you realize that people who have loads of free time during the day with no obligations and nothing better to do except to play the game are a vast minority.


Yes amazing.. the people than run our healthcare, fire and emergency services not to mention shops,resturants, pubs, clubs, bars.


It's very small minded and an attitude I'm sick of - to assume because some-one can play during the day they're good for nothing layabouts. It's 2012 shopping, eating, drinking and gaming is a 24 hour a day deal.

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1 day of play time left sort of Ironic since I will not be able to play most of the day. It is now 7.15 am where I live so soon servers will be down, forums will be shut off (if they do as they have been doing) and my last play day will be a day of no playing
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They will most certainly shut down the forums in their usual manner.

I dont see why they are limiting posting at this time, it just strikes me as a little bit weird.


I am guessing so players are not here leaving records of how upset they are that they can not play and if it goes over time. Heck who knows maybe even someone in the USA might get upset..



I just got this email 1 hour ago and have to share it



Greetings *****,



I have received your transmission regarding your query on the scheduled maintenance for the servers which affect EU players.


I do apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has upon you and I know how frustrating it is to not be able to play on your free time. We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players. We are also aiming to inform players of the precise duration of any weekly maintenance period at least 24 hours before the maintenance begins.



Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...




Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


Why do they keep saying it is our off peek time when it is only off peek for USA??

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Why do they keep saying it is our off peek time when it is only off peek for USA??


because middle of the day IS off peak time... unless you are unemployed or of the very tiny minority that work odd hours... in which case the majority is more important than you

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because middle of the day IS off peak time... unless you are unemployed or of the very tiny minority that work odd hours... in which case the majority is more important than you


Then tell me why the middle of the night is off peek for usa? 10am - 6pm is not off peek for me. And Schools here are out at noon.

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Then tell me why the middle of the night is off peek for usa? 10am - 6pm is not off peek for me. And Schools here are out at noon.


because it is the middle of the night when the majority is ASLEEP... just like it is the middle of the day when a majority in EU is AT WORK... it's all about the majority... no matter what time they did it there would be some people who just happen to have that as their free time... so they do it when their metrics show are the lower pop (AKA NOT PEAK) times...


the majority will always win in business...


I happen to be awake and have my free time during the middle of the night a lot so I miss out when they patch to.. but I don't complain because I have enough common sense to realize I'm part of the minority....


you can't please everyone

Edited by Liquidacid
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