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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Lets get it right shall we


We got it right.. All you have us was your biased opinion.. What else is there to say.. For some reason you feel that you matter more than everyone else that plays this game.. Dude!! You are 1 in over 2 milliion.. Get a clue here.. They are doing it at the best time for the majority of the people.. World wide.. They have the stats to prove it.. What do you have?? Just an opinion.. And a biased one at that.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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We got it right.. All you have us was your biased opinion.. What else is there to say.. For some reason you feel that you matter more than everyone else that plays this game.. Dude!! You are 1 in over 2 milliion.. Get a clue here.. They are doing it at the best time for the majority of the people.. World wide.. They have the stats to prove it.. What do you have?? Just an opinion.. And a biased one at that.. :rolleyes:


But they aren't doing it when the least EU players are online. No matter how you try to spin it, this will always be a fact. The least players are on during the night time hours. That is the best time to do maintenance for EU players, not the daytime.

Edited by Mandrax
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No, they do what every company manging large Data Centre hosted Server farms do; they set an expectation. Anything that beats that expectation is a bonus.


Would you rather they say it will take 4 hours, and then have everyine QQing over and extra 30 - 60 minutes.


So much nagativity and glass half empty attitudes of entitlement on these forums, it's unbelievable.


What? - 8 hours becomes 4 hours, or 5 hours or 10 hours? Come on, even the bane of my mmo life NC gave more accurate maintenance patch times. EA may as well just state 12 hours for everything, then turnaround and say "hey we always get it done earlier than scheduled!"

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For the record!!




WOW had been doing this way for years.. I fail to see why people have to complain to bioware about it..


Link Here..


Bioware does their maintenance at the absolute best single time possible.. It is more cost effective for them to do the maintenance all at once.. Instead of spread out over multiple shifts or days.. It is a better use of resources and a better use of time to do it all at once.. If any of you would check in the servere status page once in awhile.. You would notice..


Almost 5 hours into a typical maintenance time slot on a Monday morning and all servers are either light or standard.. The standards being in Europe.. But that is hardly peak time.. Maintance would be almost over by now.. There is simply nothing to cry about here.. Nothing at all... Yes I am aware maintenance is done on Tuesday.. But feel free to watch the server status page to see when you think the best time would be.. Not the best time for you.. But the best time for all..


Currently 5am PST.. Like most of Europe.. I work during a large portion of maintenance time.. People that help maintain the internet or other forms of connectivity, can and do work odd hours..


Also for the record!!


It's very nice of posts like these that inform us lesser beings of what and why BW have decided to do what they do. The fact is... they're all blowing hot air when what is actually needed here is BW to speak for themselves and actually communicate with their customer base.


WOW has had seperate maintenence times for the US and Europe for years and why do you think that is huh? Blizz never do anything with out the bottom line... subscriptions... in mind. And BW will lose subscriptions over this issue without doubt other games have and I don't see any reason why they are special. I'd have some sympathy with the cost/need argument if all servers were located in the same place... they are not. EU servers are in Ireland. Unless by cost you mean they don't want to pay the Irish team :eek:


Mornings and early afternoon in the EU (normal maintenance times) over the past few *working* days 95% of servers have been listed as Standard while at these times 99% of US servers show Light. Standard is significant number of players. No matter how you waffle it that is not off-peak. In addition there is no leeway for patches we have a 9 - 5 outage... any over run goes straight into prime time for CET which has happened before.

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Thank god I have to pay more to play this game than US players have to.


Otherwise I would not feel so good about being treated as a second class customer.


Thanks Bioware.

You're aware it's your own country's laws and exchange rates that cause products to be more expensive over there, right? Not even that, but the laws and currency rates of Europe actually factor into it! Australia used to be a PAL country, which means many are still connected to their European company counterparts. France buys from America at their exchange rate, and then Australia buys from France at theirs, as an example. You're just not taking game products from America and converting USD into Australian kangadollars. Brush up on the vagaries of international finance.


Additionally: call me when your censors stop requiring games replace blood with rainbows. You'd think a country originally populated by criminals who kill enormous toads and the most venomous animals on the planet with boomerangs wouldn't be so prudish.

Edited by Gorgewall
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But they aren't doing it when the least EU players are online. No matter how you try to spin it, this will always be a fact. The least players are on during the night time hours. That is the best time to do maintenance for EU players, not the daytime.


Actually they are.. That is the big issue here.. Nobody wants to look at the server status page to see for themselves.. Typically speaking at 2am CST, Biowares time.. Europian servers are all LIGHT.. This is of course does not including Fri. and Sat... U.S. Servers are actually more busy at this time.. I know, I look.. So does Bioware.. So should you..


Europian servers don't start picking up again until around 6am - 8am CST.. That is to say when your first servers start to show standard to heavy.. Which is shortly before the 8 hour mark for a maintence that started at 2am CST.. Still not your peak time which doesn't hit in earnest until 10am - 12pm.. CST.. When they are usually done with maintenance..


I have posted this in more than one thread.. People need to look at the server status page and watch the servers.. People want to QQ to Bioware about peak and off peak?? At least know when it is peak and when it isn't.. Most of you don't even know that.. This thread isn't about the peak time or off peak time of Europe.. It is about the peak and off peak time for individuals.. It isn't Biowares fault that some people work an off schedule.. They should not cater to them.. Most europian players by a large margin are at work during maintenance.. Unless it is extended, which is then extended for all.. Most people in Europe won't notice the maintenance at all.. They will come home, eat some dinner, sit down and download a patch.. Alot of people here in the U.S. get kicked off around 12am PST, 2am CST, and 3am EST.. They will wake up to a patch and a download..


What is wrong with that?? You are at work while we sleep.. Works for both nations.. I fail to see how anyone can complain.. It is truly selfish to think Bioware should have to bend to your personal schedule.. They are already doing it at the best time for most of Europe's customers.. If that isn't working for you.. Sorry.. There isn't much Bioware should say or do.. They are not going to piss off the majority to make YOU happy..

Edited by MajikMyst
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You are quoting the US server maintenance times. European servers have had their weekly maintenance on Wednesday mornings (05:00-11:00 CET (aka "Paris time")) since January 31st 2007.




Something other than Wowwiki please.. That is about as credible as wikipedia, which very few colleges allow..


I also notice that your report also doesn't quote anything for it's own source.. Sorry.. Wowwiki is unnacceptable..


I gave you a blue post.. How about you give me one..


Thanks.. ;)


This article or section contains information that is out-of-date.

■ Please replace the old information with up to date information.

■ This may include rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise, and wikifying.

■Reason: Bad link.


Out of date eh?? Nice.. I wouldn have left that one alone.. :D

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For heavens sake. There is a link in the article to the original post. Hard for you to click that?


Go re read my post again.. There is no link.. The entry is out of date and flagged by Wowwiki..


There is no link there that backs up the info.. Feel free to simply post the contents of the link and paste the link here..


Again.. Blue post only..


I guess it is just to hard to find something like this..


Found it for you..


In either case.. It appears their maintenence is from 3am to 11am Paris time.. How is that any better than 8am to 4pm Paris time?? We are talking about a 5 hour window that isn't in peak time begin with... Who plays from 11am to 4pm??? Most people are at work??

Edited by MajikMyst
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I wonder what would happen if US had these maintenance times ... most likely all those maintenance defenders would start crying all over the place.


I don't c why US-players are even in this thread everything they say is biased because they aren't effected in anyway.

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The early hours of the morning are the time of least demand, that's why this is done in the US - need link for this startling revelation that a lot of people sleep at night?


Try something first hand - buy a trumpet or drum set, anything loud will do. Start playing it at 2am and see what happens.


It's the time of least demand - early hours - for all regions.


Separate maintenance times, it's not rocket science.

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I wonder what would happen if US had these maintenance times ... most likely all those maintenance defenders would start crying all over the place.


I don't c why US-players are even in this thread everything they say is biased because they aren't effected in anyway.


Why on earth would we have three?? Who has three?? The people that are QQ in this thread are most likely not effected as well.. We all can make dumb assumptions can't well..


Can anyone just respond to the logic of the issue?? When the servers are or aren't showing peak play?? Or do they have to make stupid digs at others because they have nothing else to add??


Seriously?? Who here actually wants to address the issue as to when it would be the best time for all of Europe and not just for them?? Anyone?? :rolleyes:

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In either case.. It appears their maintenence is from 3am to 11am Paris time.. How is that any better than 8am to 4pm Paris time?? We are talking about a 5 hour window that isn't in peak time begin with... Who plays from 11am to 4pm??? Most people are at work??

Err.... because there are more timezones in Europe in addition to GMT and CET, maybe? SWTOR servers are down here to 18 unless they mess up the maintenance again. WoW serves are up at 13 unless they mess up, and if they do, they still have several hours to get their act together before me and thousands like me are home from work.


You didn't realise there live people in Europe outside Ireland, did you? :) No worries, neither did BioWare.

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Maybe BW does not have people in the company that WANT to be up so late when the EU players want their maintenance? maybe they do not want to shell out more cash to the employees that do not mind staying up so late to do maintenance? who knows but them.


I did not read all freaking 90+ pages but i understand where the EU players are coming from but honestly its 1 day and sometimes not even down for the whole 8 hours...seriously their HAS to be something else to do other then play star wars....watch a movie? go outside? be with your wife/kids and or gf or bf?


yes i am on the american servers but honestly i would not care if the maintenance times were changed because i have other games i could play on my PC or PS3...


You guys just need to chill out and relax its a game if you can't play the game for a few hours so what? not the end of the world maybe BW is busy trying to fix most of the bugs in the game and balance out the classes for us so we have a more enjoyable product WHEN WE ARE PLAYING. You have to remember maintenance is just 1 day you still have 6 more days to enjoy the product when you are playing.


Again i sympathize with you EU players but you guys are making it like its the end of the world which you shouldn't its a game its for you to enjoy yourself not stress over!

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I am in the UK, so Yes, 8am - 4pm would impact me, if I was not working...


...during that time. Fixed that for you. From the way you write I can see you are very content with your ordinary...sorry I mean full and varied... life.


Please try to broaden your horizon just a tiny little bit though and realize not everyone is leading the template life you chose, 9-5 pencil pushing might allow you to not be affected by the maintencane window but not everyone is playing during the same hours.


Hell, many people are not even working at all. There are school or university students, unemployed and disabled, retirees and stay-at-home-moms and everything in between.


There is no way around the fact that by far the least european players will be affected during the (european) night time. And there is no reason to not offer a separate maintenance for Europeans other than cutting costs, I think that is what is really annoying people.


If this was an indie MMO being worked on by a tiny staff I would have all the sympathy in the world. Bring on the 24 hour downtimes.


But this is EA...they have all the resources they need to give us a respectful maintenance window. They just choose not to.


Go on, admit it, you were so hoping I was going to say USA weren't you....:rolleyes:


Your self-complacent attitude was deceptive.


There are not many reasons to oppose separate European maintenance windows unless people intentionally want to be a douche.

Edited by mufutiz
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The early hours of the morning are the time of least demand, that's why this is done in the US - need link for this startling revelation that a lot of people sleep at night?.


Wrong.. Ours starts at Midnight for the west coast.. That is still very much peak time for us.. We get cut short for the people in Europe so they can make sure they are done before you get home for work..


And all you people is come here and QQ and whine about it!!


They chose this time because it is one time they can do all servers with little to know impact on either of us.. But then I guess europians were to busy looking at their own schedule that they forget the rest of the world..


Need a link for you being wrong?? People have to work during the day..

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Err.... because there are more timezones in Europe in addition to GMT and CET, maybe? SWTOR servers are down here to 18 unless they mess up the maintenance again. WoW serves are up at 13 unless they mess up, and if they do, they still have several hours to get their act together before me and thousands like me are home from work.


You didn't realise there live people in Europe outside Ireland, did you? :) No worries, neither did BioWare.


I am sure they did.. But since your so smart?? How many maintenance schedules you think they need to update the servers and the game??


3?? 4?? 5?? Should they just be doing maintenance all week?? Seriously?? How many maintenance shedules do you Europians need??


You all just need to get real here.. You all haven't even paid a dime in subscription fees, and you all are complaining about the game being patched while you are at work..


I was talking in Paris time in my other post.. You do know that Paris isn't in Ireland don't you??

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Wrong.. Ours starts at Midnight for the west coast.. That is still very much peak time for us.. We get cut short for the people in Europe so they can make sure they are done before you get home for work..


And all you people is come here and QQ and whine about it!!


They chose this time because it is one time they can do all servers with little to know impact on either of us.. But then I guess europians were to busy looking at their own schedule that they forget the rest of the world..


Need a link for you being wrong?? People have to work during the day..



ok I'll swap times with you then


And why are US players posting on here???


We are asking for separate maintenance times.

That only means a change to the EU times, NOT AFFECTING THE US AT ALL.

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ok I'll swap times with you then


And why are US players posting on here???


We are asking for separate maintenance times.

That only means a change to the EU times, NOT AFFECTING THE US AT ALL.


When do you work?? Let's see where the real issue is??


I already said I work nights in the IT department.. This is my awake time.. And during the US maintenance time as well.. Am I complaining?? What is there to complain about?? Being a Tuesday.. I am at work like Most of Europe.. So what is the problem??


I am posting here because I can.. Why are you posting here??


You are not asking for seperate maintenance times.. You are asking Bioware to spend a ton more money with no return.. You think the extra crews needed to do the additional maintenance just grow on trees?? All the supervisors, the actual IT crews themselves.. The support crews involved in case there is an issue.. ISP connectivity perhaps?? Perhaps a hardware issue comes up.. Do you have any idea what is involved in a server maintenance cycle?? It isn't just bring a server down, update the software and turn it back on.. We humans haven't made computers like that yet..


This isn't about the U.S. Vs. Europe.. I thought Geography would have told you that.. You Europians have drug us through the mud with your jealous rantings about when maintenance is done for us.. Never once considering that like you, 2am to 10am CST isn't the best for some of us either.. Are we complaining?? But Europe is for some reason??


I'll ask the questing again.. When is the best 8 hour time slot, single best, for all of Europe.. Come up with that and then you will have something worth discussing..


Currently it is not cost effective for them to worry about their maintenance time slots.. The one they are using is the best for the majority.. That is all that needs to be said..


Perhaps in a year or so when many of the bugs are fixed and additional features added.. Like Guild banks, all the legacy stuff, and countless other things that are more important.. They might sit down and do some more study into maintenance times.. Until then.. I wouldn't count on it..

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When do you work?? Let's see where the real issue is??


I already said I work nights in the IT department.. This is my awake time.. And during the US maintenance time as well.. Am I complaining?? What is there to complain about?? Being a Tuesday.. I am at work like Most of Europe.. So what is the problem??


I'll ask again: Why are US players posting on here? This is about separate maintenance times for the EU


Nothing to do with the US.

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I am sure they did.. But since your so smart?? How many maintenance schedules you think they need to update the servers and the game??

One per region, like all the other MMOs do. One for America, one for Europe, one for Oceania (once the game is released there), etc.


With separate maintenance times the American downtime could be pushed forwards, say 3AM

to 9AM West Coast time. Thus I don't see how you of all people wouldn't want separate maintenance times. It wouldn't just improve the service for European customers, but also for you people living on West Coast USA/Canada who prefer/can play past midnight.

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