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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Not wanting to feed the trolls but to clarify there are separate times for USA and EU in Wow


Wednesday morning downtime is a period between 5am and 11am CEST (Paris Time) on a Wednesday morning when Blizzard Entertainment takes down all of the European World of Warcraft realms for weekly maintenance




Tuesday morning downtime is a period between 5am and 11am PST/PDT on a Tuesday morning when Blizzard Entertainment takes down all of the North American and Oceanic World of Warcraft realms for weekly maintenance.



Please check USA and EU wow sites not just the USA

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In either case.. It appears their maintenence is from 3am to 11am Paris time.. How is that any better than 8am to 4pm Paris time?? We are talking about a 5 hour window that isn't in peak time begin with... Who plays from 11am to 4pm??? Most people are at work??


How about you take your own advice and look at the server status page? True enough, before noon, all servers are on LIGHT. However, noon passes and there's a majority of STANDARD, and even some at HEAVY. All that BEFORE 4pm Paris time.


Also, please remember that not every country in Europe is in the GMT time zone.

Edited by Khelien
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How about you take your own advice and look at the server status page? True enough, before noon, all servers are on LIGHT. However, noon passes and there's a majority of STANDARD, and even some at HEAVY. All that BEFORE 4pm Paris time.


Also, please remember that not every country in Europe is in the GMT time zone.


I only go by what the servers say.. In all of Europe there is one server that is heavy populated as of this post..


Tomb of Freedon Nadd


All others are standard.. At prestant time, we are still 1 hour from the end of a typical maintenance..


No.. Europe has not hit peak yet.. Sorry.. Their reason for doing it when they do, is still justified..

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Actually they are.. That is the big issue here.. Nobody wants to look at the server status page to see for themselves.. Typically speaking at 2am CST, Biowares time.. Europian servers are all LIGHT.. This is of course does not including Fri. and Sat... U.S. Servers are actually more busy at this time.. I know, I look.. So does Bioware.. So should you..


Europian servers don't start picking up again until around 6am - 8am CST.. That is to say when your first servers start to show standard to heavy.. Which is shortly before the 8 hour mark for a maintence that started at 2am CST.. Still not your peak time which doesn't hit in earnest until 10am - 12pm.. CST.. When they are usually done with maintenance..


You aren't listening. I will say it again for you so you can digest it fully.


It is NOT the time when the LEAST players from the EU are online. The time when the LEAST players from the EU are online is during the night time.


It may be one of the least populated times AS A WHOLE, but in the EU it is NOT the most convenient time for maintenance. The best time for EU maintenance where it affects the LEAST players is during the night time hours.


What is a fact however is the it is the MOST convenient time for US players.


All of these are indisputable facts.


On a side note, EU servers are standard for large parts of the day, not light as you claim. EU servers are mostly light through the night.

Edited by Mandrax
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Go re read my post again.. There is no link.. The entry is out of date and flagged by Wowwiki..


There is no link there that backs up the info.. Feel free to simply post the contents of the link and paste the link here..


Again.. Blue post only..


I guess it is just to hard to find something like this..


Found it for you..


In either case.. It appears their maintenence is from 3am to 11am Paris time.. How is that any better than 8am to 4pm Paris time?? We are talking about a 5 hour window that isn't in peak time begin with... Who plays from 11am to 4pm??? Most people are at work??

Do you really belive that more people play from 3am- 11am than...11am- 4pm? if thats the case wht do US maintainance at the times they do?

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Do you have any idea what is involved in a server maintenance cycle?? It isn't just bring a server down, update the software and turn it back on.. We humans haven't made computers like that yet..



Erm, yes we have, in the 1970s. Patching and updating is precisely that. Take the server out of service, apply patch, check error logs bring back up, check stability, put back into live. Depending on the side of the patch this can be automated using web-enabled UPS and self installers, or done by a couple of people using network installers.


There is no "crew" necessarily needed at all. Most modern companies have automated systems that push out updates over a network which is picked up by the server on reboot. Whether Bioware has something like that or not isn't known.


Perhaps you should check fact before coming onto this post and ranting, you're just making yourself look stupid...

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I already said I work nights in the IT department.. This is my awake time.. And during the US maintenance time as well.. Am I complaining?? What is there to complain about?? Being a Tuesday.. I am at work like Most of Europe.. So what is the problem??


I am posting here because I can.. Why are you posting here??


You are not asking for seperate maintenance times.. You are asking Bioware to spend a ton more money with no return.. You think the extra crews needed to do the additional maintenance just grow on trees?? All the supervisors, the actual IT crews themselves.. The support crews involved in case there is an issue.. ISP connectivity perhaps?? Perhaps a hardware issue comes up.. Do you have any idea what is involved in a server maintenance cycle?? It isn't just bring a server down, update the software and turn it back on.. We humans haven't made computers like that yet..


This isn't about the U.S. Vs. Europe.. I thought Geography would have told you that.. You Europians have drug us through the mud with your jealous rantings about when maintenance is done for us.. Never once considering that like you, 2am to 10am CST isn't the best for some of us either.. Are we complaining?? But Europe is for some reason??


I'll ask the questing again.. When is the best 8 hour time slot, single best, for all of Europe.. Come up with that and then you will have something worth discussing..


Currently it is not cost effective for them to worry about their maintenance time slots.. The one they are using is the best for the majority.. That is all that needs to be said..


Perhaps in a year or so when many of the bugs are fixed and additional features added.. Like Guild banks, all the legacy stuff, and countless other things that are more important.. They might sit down and do some more study into maintenance times.. Until then.. I wouldn't count on it..


I will never get used to human being stupidity

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I only go by what the servers say.. In all of Europe there is one server that is heavy populated as of this post..


Tomb of Freedon Nadd


All others are standard.. At prestant time, we are still 1 hour from the end of a typical maintenance..


No.. Europe has not hit peak yet.. Sorry.. Their reason for doing it when they do, is still justified..


None of that matters one jot.


What matters is that there are LESS players between 3am and 9am than there are between 8am and 4pm.


There are better times for EU maintenance.


Your problem is that you are trying to put spin on the issue and are completely ignoring the fact that there is a better time to carry out EU maintenance to inconvenience the smallest amount of EU players. The current schedule does NOT inconvenience the smallest number of players. Maintenance through the night would do this.


I don't care about the population as a whole, I only care about EU players, because it's the EU players that are the most affected.

Edited by Mandrax
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Please can people stop trolling, if you are happy with the maintenance time, GREAT


If you live in EU and would like to have a different time for OUR Downtime, then please post




You can not change ignorance or trolls, ignore both and hope they go away




BW takes the EURO in and has alot of subs outside the USA


IF rift can offer 2 down times I am sure BW can too, Rift is alot smaller company and does not have the experience of cash backing BW had on this




PS: BW claimed over 1mill subs..that is alot considering cheapest game was 52 euros I believe (not sure usa price but Euro is worth alot more than dollar)


Even if let's say it was 45 dollars x 1 mill, Ya get separate times I think you can squeeze that out.


With canceled subs you will have less to use for future things,

Edited by Kaarina
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No.. Europe has not hit peak yet.. Sorry.. Their reason for doing it when they do, is still justified..


Yeaaaaah, so let me get this straight: it is more justified to do maintenance when all servers show STANDARD, than when they show LIGHT?


Logic would like to have a word with you.

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Do you really belive that more people play from 3am- 11am than...11am- 4pm? if thats the case wht do US maintainance at the times they do?


You all missing the ball here..


Bioware can do maintance once a week!! Only once!! Doing it more than once costs additional money they currently they have no income for.. Bioware has not recieved any subscription dollars yet.. They are also up to their necks in trying to fix bugs and add more content to keep us happy..


So there it is.. You all have one time slot.. This time slot must also include the U.S.


So how bout it people?? Care to gather up all the information and make the call??


No looking at this from a customer stand point.. You have a budget that you must stay within.. An expense report to file to your boss.. And any justification for any extra money spent..


Well.. Write your justification... Enjoy..

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You all missing the ball here..


Bioware can do maintance once a week!! Only once!! Doing it more than once costs additional money they currently they have no income for.. Bioware has not recieved any subscription dollars yet.. They are also up to their necks in trying to fix bugs and add more content to keep us happy..


So there it is.. You all have one time slot.. This time slot must also include the U.S.


So how bout it people?? Care to gather up all the information and make the call??


No looking at this from a customer stand point.. You have a budget that you must stay within.. An expense report to file to your boss.. And any justification for any extra money spent..


Well.. Write your justification... Enjoy..


And where did you get this information...source?

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Mythic (BW's partner) also completely ignored the EU player base when they destroyed the last major licence they got their hands on, far worse than just downtime schedule.


Broken content EU , fixed US side as one example.


Dont expect BW to change until subs start vanishing and even then its doubtful, remember mmo companies are run by people who have no idea

Edited by BossJawa
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Please can people stop trolling, if you are happy with the maintenance time, GREAT


If you live in EU and would like to have a different time for OUR Downtime, then please post




You can not change ignorance or trolls, ignore both and hope they go away




BW takes the EURO in and has alot of subs outside the USA


IF rift can offer 2 down times I am sure BW can too, Rift is alot smaller company and does not have the experience of cash backing BW had on this




PS: BW claimed over 1mill subs..that is alot considering cheapest game was 52 euros I believe (not sure usa price but Euro is worth alot more than dollar)


Even if let's say it was 45 dollars x 1 mill, Ya get separate times I think you can squeeze that out.


With canceled subs you will have less to use for future things,


To me you seem like the one who is trolling, because i have no issues with EU maintenance time, and i know more than twenty people, friends who are also from EU and are playing this game, who also think the same.


Newsflash: Not everyone has the time to play 15 hours a day from the moment they wake up in the morning, normal people have obligations, work, school, things they need to attend to instead of just opening their eyes, making coffee and logging in.

Therefore it's more common for majority of people to play in the late afternoon, evening, late night etc.


And i could understand your frustration if the maintenance took place every single day, but once a week and you cause this much drama?


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And where did you get this information...source?


Source for what?? How a large company operates??


Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond Wa. 98052


There is my source.. Please call before you arrive so I can have the receptionist buzz you in..


Otherwise the rest is common sense.. You need a source for that?

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You all missing the ball here..



Hate to break it to you, but so are you. Please ****.

It would be a totally different tune if your country was the one suffering from this.


Yes, i work in a full time job. 7 days work, 14 days off. So its not a huge impact for me personally, but i wholeheartedly disagree with EA/BW's practice in this regard. There are people suffering way more from this then me, and i honestly wish to take their side in this case.

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i won't quote everything as it's just lots of stuff. But i'm curious. How would you fix the very same problem that will arise once oceanians servers start? Their maintainance would probably be during peak times. Should they "deal with it" too?


Also, BW did got money from subs. It's included in the 50€ or so everyone paid for the game. I might be wrong but i don't remember any MMORPG that sold for 50€ when new and then asked for an immediate subscription fee to even start playing.


Oh and please..it's Europeans, every time you write Europians i die a little inside :(

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Agree, my free time is during the day right when the mainenance occurs, its really irritating not to be able to play. Please change it.


You will feel much better about it once you realize that people who have loads of free time during the day with no obligations and nothing better to do except to play the game are a vast minority.

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People in the EU should be very careful about speaking for all Europeans when they say they want maintenance schedules switched to the NA times.


On the West coast we get maintenance starting at midnight. I generally don't get on to game until about 10-10:30 pm every other evening or so and often play to about 2am, which means the maintenance cuts into my schedule.


I also like most people work like a sucker during the weekdays and would love if maintenance was done between 10am-4pm on a Tuesday because I am at work during that time. I would imagine most Europeans are also working during the daytime and would be rather annoyed if maintenance started at midnight because it would cut into their play time like mine.


I didn't start a thread complaining about them cutting into my playtime because I realize that we are all on different schedules and different timezones and there is always going to be someone losing out on playtime as a result of maintenance. Please consider the other Europeans that are probably in the majority and would prefer daytime maintenance.


I know it's hard to ask people to consider others, but there you have it.

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People in the EU should be very careful about speaking for all Europeans when they say they want maintenance schedules switched to the NA times.


On the West coast we get maintenance starting at midnight. I generally don't get on to game until about 10-10:30 pm every other evening or so and often play to about 2am, which means the maintenance cuts into my schedule.


I also like most people work like a sucker during the weekdays and would love if maintenance was done between 10am-4pm on a Tuesday because I am at work during that time. I would imagine most Europeans are also working during the daytime and would be rather annoyed if maintenance started at midnight because it would cut into their play time like mine.


I didn't start a thread complaining about them cutting into my playtime because I realize that we are all on different schedules and different timezones and there is always going to be someone losing out on playtime as a result of maintenance. Please consider the other Europeans that are probably in the majority and would prefer daytime maintenance.


I know it's hard to ask people to consider others, but there you have it.



So you loose 2 hours of play time?


I loose 8 and if done longer than 8 hours I loose more.


Glad you are happy with yours and I can only hope EU will be given a separate one at sometime, maybe more subs will be renewed then

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You all missing the ball here..


Bioware can do maintance once a week!! Only once!! Doing it more than once costs additional money they currently they have no income for.. Bioware has not recieved any subscription dollars yet.. They are also up to their necks in trying to fix bugs and add more content to keep us happy..


gotta spend money to make money, right?


It's not like Bioware is some small indie team just barely making due....


the biggest publisher in the western world stands behind them..


The simple truth of the matter is: Other MMOs have separate european maintenance windows, most notably World of Warcraft, the main competitor of this game.

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I'd rather have maintenance starting at midnight than morning. Given full flexibility it's just healthier to sleep during night.


Not many does have flexibility, neither do I and it happens prime is most often my work time, thus either I can play morning or during night time. I prefer morning than night.

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So you loose 2 hours of play time?


I loose 8 and if done longer than 8 hours I loose more.


Glad you are happy with yours and I can only hope EU will be given a separate one at sometime, maybe more subs will be renewed then


Yes I lose about 1/3 of the amount of playtime that you do. However there's a good chance that three times as many people or more work during the day and play during the evening as well.


That's really not the point though. The point is that as much as it may inconvenience you to be unable to play it is guaranteed to inconvenience others for them to switch the maintenance schedule around.


Is Tuesday the only day you get to play? If you really can play 6-8 hours during the day on Tuesday you can probably play during other weekdays and maybe you just need to deal with the fact that maintenance happens and moving it to any other time will still inconvenience people. Odds are you still get plenty of time to play the game by the sounds of it and if Tuesday during the day is for some reason your only time to play then maybe you need to cancel your sub or re-arrange your schedule.

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