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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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This is faulty reasoning. Nothing ever has to be innovative to be successful and most attempts at innovation crash and burn.


Wrong. You have to have key things that innovate off your competitors else your users won,t know why to choose you over the former more developed product.


When was the last time you went to a zone and yelled "camp check?" cause you wanted to get some xp. It's probably been years since you've done that, and that's because of innovations. Quest as progression was an innovation with wow, and we take it for granted today, but sooner or later someone is going to break from this convention with an innovation as well, because quest systems are getting a bit old and tired.



You are right though that most attempts crash and burn however...

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I just played for an hour on Tattoine and saw 1 person. Its not 'flatout wrong'.


I wonder what server you play on? There are hardly ever queues on my server (vornskr) and if there are it's less than 10 minutes. I was on Tattooine last night and soon after I logged in was invited into a group to do a few heroic quests, during which time we ran into numerous others who were doing the same quests. Then once I was solo again I ran into 3 people I had to wait after to complete quests and then in general someone asked for help with a storyline quest so I went and helped her... I was only on for maybe 3 hours total.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine is that this game is awesome and I'm having a blast and I can't wait to see what is implemented in the future.

Edited by Eysaathe
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It was a failure because they changed the game completely and remodeled it to be just like World of Warcraft. The game was a huge hit until they screwed it up and completely revamped the game more than four times in its time of launch. It wouldn't of been a failure if they had kept the game like it was when it launched.


This, which is exactly what worries me about all the people here complaining about how SWTOR isn't like WoW. I'm so hoping that this game doesn't turn into another SWG. SoE listened to the vocal minority trolling their board and destroyed the game as a result, from what I saw.


Also, you can't have both an open sandbox and a deep over-arching story. Pick one. Stories are linear, sandboxes are not.

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Before this game came out nobody gave a **** about story or quest lore when they were in an MMO (only the hardcore fans or people who enjoy the story telling aspect), I'd say 80-90% of people who play mmos never read the quest text or care why they need to kill 10 boars or what ever else the quest calls for.



At last someone said it. Noone cares too much about a great story; not to the extend that the story becomes the heart of the game to the detriment of freedom and other MMO features.


What freedom? In SWTOR I simply HAVE to level 1-10 at a specific mini-planet full of mini-paths and prohibited from going anywhere else to level. Heck I cannot even stray from those predetermined paths. Then I HAVE to level 10-16 on Coruscant. No choice. At 16-20 I simply have to visit Taris. No choice. At 20-24 I must go to Nar Shaddaa.


And those are not really planets. They are like zones. And yes they are quite well made, I will not say beautiful because Far Cry, Crysis and Just Cause 2 is beauttiful to look at. But they are all chopped up. In the meantime Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa are simply a series of long corridors.


They have gone to lengths to SPOIL any kind of immersion. I cannot simply land my ship on a planet, watch the dust cloud and jump off while my robot is swithing engines off. I cannot land my ship somewhere say on top of another player. Instead I have to endure loading screens and running through corridors on my own hangar. Madness! Madness!


MMO to me means playing in a huge world with hundreds or thousands of other players at the same time. Not being confined to an INSTANCED area with 200 people tops running around the same planet you are. hamster in a cage is a perfect explanation of what this game feels like. There is no real freedom in this game. Everyone plays along a set path. Sure you can veer off and do something else for awhile, but either way you have to do your main storyline. The same storyline everyone else in the game gets which makes the whole CREATE YOUR OWN STORY! ********. That's why story and questing isn't the main focus of most MMO's. Functionality and things to do are. that is what this game lacks.


Well they can only provide so many main story lines and so many variations. But to be called an MMO, they should provide at least, at the very very least, 2 zones to level in, at any level.


Nar Shaddaa is a great example of a great delusion this game plays. You have this grand city that would make any starwars fan giddy in the hopes of exploring this amazing moon, but exploration doesn't exist in this game. All those lights and buildings you see are nothing more than a backdrop. You cannot go there or do anything interesting. Hell there are casinos everywhere on Nar Shaddaa, heres a cool simple idea... How about making some of those slot machines and card tables useable? Small simple things help add depth to a world where there is none. Bioware doesn't understand the basics of how to make an MMO world come alive. And that's pretty sad.


Why did you leave out Coruscant? It is just as crap as Nar Shaddaa. To "repair" the damage, they should have just one city-planet (due to resource restrictions) and it should be huge, fully navigatable, multiple levels, you should be able to go by foot wherever you can go by taxi, no loading screens or transitions anywhere, and the only props should be at the edges of the map where fair enough, the map has to end somewhere. Then they should allow the NPCs to be clickable and some of them to interact a little bit.



This game isn't an MMO, its Kotor3 with co-op online play.


.. for which you have to pay a monthly subscription.

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Just my opinion...


SWTOR Design Flaw #1:


WORLD vs Game; they chose game.


Neither are the answer for a Star Wars MMORPG. A Star Wars MMORPG cannot be a themepark, or a sandbox, but should be a hybrid.


It's not just an adventure people want to have - they actually have done pretty damn well with that aspect... but it's all for nothing if the place really feels like a game, and not a 'place'.


Star Wars is more to Star Wars fans than entertainment, it's a home we'd love to have.


Take the CONCEPTS of SWG, and the CONCEPTS of TOR, let them make a baby and there you would have 'STAR WARS ONLINE', the definitive MMORPG for the fans.


Again, just my opinion of how it should have been.

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