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Why does merciless slash cost so much (5 focus)...?


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I know talented it is reduced to 4, but you must have 5 to use. Why is this ability so high? This attack should really have only cost 4, max. This would make it cost 3 with the one refunded. Building 5 is a little ridiculous. Edited by NJoyTheSilence
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between zealous strike and talented force leap you should never have much trouble with focus as a Watchman. I never find myself having difficulty getting the focus to use it when its up. The 5 cost exists to ensure there's a ramp up time(along with the MS buff from using it)
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You look at the cost and realize it is 5 focus. But then you also realize that it will have a 13.5 CD, then a 12, then a 9. The first time it CD's seems like forever. With that much time, building 5 focus, while doing some other things is not a problem at all. I was worried about the cost too, but its not like you will be spamming the move like Slash or anything.
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It hits like a truck. Focus isn't an issue with Watchman Spec, you'll have more than you can use and have focus dump it from time to time.


The thing is, if you want to min/max, you will never have any spare focus at all, since you will use Slash properly. Although the damage difference between that and our Focus gain really is small, its still abit of a difference.


Just have to make sure to always have enough for Merciless Slash, but considering the cooldown on it, even with 3 stacks up, there is never any issue with having enough focus for it.

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