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WoW vs. TOR: Comparing game launches


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The OP is right swtor launch is way smoother maybe the smoothest mmo launch ever in MMO history compared to WOW. WOW was a disaster i played the beta back then and at launch day endless ques for at least 2-3 hours and a MASSIVE LAGG INSANE not playable at ALL it took Blizzard MONTHS to fix the server Issues MONTHS** get it and ppl complain about SWTOR.


I played back then at the server Burning Legion one of the first EU servers, i played a rogue named LAX in de guild DarkDeeds at alliance side. Back then Ensidia played at the horde side where it all began.


But back to the topic the most ppl that came from wow to swtor never played vanilla wow they have no clue what was going on back then and keep whining about this... It is rlly pathetic if they only new... So kids stop the flame and wait for the early access and remember this is not wow it is better* Just go back to 2004 and hook ya self up with some info and u will shut ya mount and never post those comparison between new mmo's and wow.


CYA in game peeps when i get the access ;)

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I paid $150 for the CE, and I'm going to my brothers paramedics graduation on the 20th and I'm gonna have a blast.


see you whenever...


peace out.


First hating the staggered launch is communism, now it's your brothers graduation.


Guess you're crazy then.

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BioWare did you manage to make 2 epic fail even before playing


- guild program = EPIC FAIL

- early access = EPIC FAIL +1



The blizzard will destroy you.


if you dont like bioware or TOR why are you even here? why do you wast your WoW time to write something stupid like that?

i most say Bioware is not epic fail. blizzard is epic fail as it is now. blizzard was good back in the days when WOTLK and old WoW. cata is all destroyed.

WoW=epic fail and for kids

blizzard= a good money maker company.

winner=bioware becouse they have a story to tell unlike WoW.

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you would figure 7 years later they could put in AA and a UI you could customize....lol


If you take 5 minutes to learn how, Tom's hardware is a good start, I've seen this game run on my friends wal-mart pos PC, and it looks llike crap, on my PC looks like a whole diff game.


so if you have bad gfx, it might just be your PC build and not the game.

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Hey guys lets compare a game that launched in 2004 to one launching in 2011.

Let's compare humans back in the ancient Greece times and in today times: we still have wars, selfish people, murders, diseases... Yep, much in common.

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First hating the staggered launch is communism, now it's your brothers graduation.


Guess you're crazy then.


I think you might have missed the point entirely, or you don't speak english well.

I'm saying that the person I quoted has a sense of entitlement expecting to be invited immediately, juxtapose to my nonchalant attitude towards launch.


I'm excited to start playing, but just because I paid $150 I don't expect to be treated like royalty, and I have other things to do then wait with baited breath to start playing.


get some perspective is my point.

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What the OP is missing is the fact that Wow's subs started at like 300k and barely moved for a month or two, while their server where junk/pbase was being treated like ****. After more and more bugs were resolved subs came in faster and faster. This is matter of record, while i am not saying that is the reason there is a correlation.

This being said wow's launch was awful.


but many games had great launches, rift, CoH, Eq2 , daoc (tho some people say it was bad... i tend to think the game was playable and it was 2001), GW.s


Other games had bad launches , Vg, Mouring, AO, AC2, some say daoc, Dark and light, SWG:NGE, etc.


I feel SWG:NGE is a good one to look at.

The game was functional, But IT WENT AGINST THE CUSTOMER'S WISHES 250K (83%) subs gone in a month.


A good point is that bad launches can and have hurt past mmos. If the product is good it will rebound, but you'll never know what it may have become otherwise.

Edited by Amarath
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- People saying that there was no lag, server crashes for hours and mass QQ at all during wow launch have got to be obvious trolls or have amnesia, brain fade or mistaken identity.

- Blizz's Titan launch I bet will adopt similiar launch to this, especially with the imense marketing potential this system provides, sort of like annual pass ;)

- The 2004 vs 2011 is a valid point, but not point OP is trying to express imo.

- I hope we dont see much more of wow in swtor game or forums... :) its history to many people


I think bw its doing a good launch, the only complaints is the early game access which is natural for people to feel intitled, if they pay they expect, even though many just make up facts to justify their complaining.

Edited by Grodr
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The OP is right swtor launch is way smoother maybe the smoothest mmo launch ever in MMO history compared to WOW. WOW was a disaster i played the beta back then and at launch day endless ques for at least 2-3 hours and a MASSIVE LAGG INSANE not playable at ALL it took Blizzard MONTHS to fix the server Issues MONTHS** get it and ppl complain about SWTOR.


I played back then at the server Burning Legion one of the first EU servers, i played a rogue named LAX in de guild DarkDeeds at alliance side. Back then Ensidia played at the horde side where it all began.


But back to the topic the most ppl that came from wow to swtor never played vanilla wow they have no clue what was going on back then and keep whining about this... It is rlly pathetic if they only new... So kids stop the flame and wait for the early access and remember this is not wow it is better* Just go back to 2004 and hook ya self up with some info and u will shut ya mount and never post those comparison between new mmo's and wow.


CYA in game peeps when i get the access ;)



since 2004 have passed 8 years

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Umm no. I have known over 100 people personally who have played since release (day one). Every single one of them recalls very clearly, as I am stating, the mass amounts of lag, crashes, server instability, loot-lag, whining, etc. It never stopped for months afterward. Queues to get into most decent servers were 1+ hours long (800 or so people usually, sometimes 2000+). And yet everyone kept playing it.


People like to whine about things they love. They will keep playing them like a complete crack addict though - unable to resist. Some of us show restraint when fussing that we didn't get to play here or there while others just endlessly cry like a baby. Also, this games launch has been smoother than any other by miles. And it will continue. See you in game!


I thought exactly like you did, but then decided to take a look back and see if that was nostalgia or not.




The forums don't look that bad on the second day of release.


:/ There seems to be a bug with the waybackmachine and when I copy paste it, it goes to an april 2005 link.


http://www.waybackmachine.org and go to the forums on 11.24.2004 to look at the forums from that day.

Edited by Trustedlol
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Fail OP. Even if wow suffered a poor launch, a SERIOUSLY large chunk of the player base ISNT from the launch era. Most of its players are bandwagon, non-traditional MMO fans. So, in essence, they DID turn off a large number of die-hard gamers. I know quite a few people that refused to play the game for many of its poor qualities. That being said, it appealed to the non-gamers that dont know any better. They win, but for the wrong reasons.
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Uh there wasn't that much of complaints when WoW was released nor' in beta.


Actually you are completely wrong. And I would be willing to guess you weren't playing wow at release. WoW was a joke of a release. You could barely log on and play for the first few weeks and if you could get on, it was so laggy regardless of pop, you couldn't do anything.

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Uh there wasn't that much of complaints when WoW was released nor' in beta.


Ummm yes there was. There was mass instability, queues, you name it. WoW was expecting a fraction of player base that it got on launch. EQ2 was expecting the playerbase that WoW actually got but got far less.


Then there were people complaining about the weekly restarts, claiming that it was the final straw and that they were quitting WoW.


Trust me, WoW had the biggest whiners at release and after every change they made.

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I've said it before, but again deserves a reiteration...


Bioware is going into this with a great plan in mind and is being executed as we speak. You may not notice it, you may be blinded with rage because you aren't playing. For those of us that are playing...the game is running solid. I have had no crashes, had no problems with groups, and no technical problems. Much of this I have experienced tenfold over the last 6+ months in CBT.


Pre-Guild Launch and Early Game Access. Both of these launching ideas combined almost dissolve any problems that happened in past MMOs. Pre-Guild Launch ensures solid player distribution, while EGA allows IT/Techs to respond to growing server populations.


As far as past MMOs go, this has by far been the smoothest one I have ever been a part of. SWG had THREE DAYS of blackout after Release. I rolled on Illidan for WoW's release and it was only slightly better... Instead of a complete blackout, you simply couldn't log into the server and play regardless. Illidong had well over a four hour queue. Falling through the world constantly, resurrection bugs, looting bugs, and gathering bugs were ALL game breaking and ALL present at Release. We told them during the CBT that the game was NOT ready and needed another 4-5 months at the least. Despite our "QQing" Blizzard ignored us and released it anyway. They still went on to be the most successful MMO in history.


Just be patient, let the anger and rage simmer. I look forward to seeing you all in game!

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"Uh there wasn't that much of complaints when WoW was released nor' in beta."


Hahahahah are you serious? Dude the forums and in game were non-stop whining about the constant lag-fests, server crashes, downtime, and bugs. I actually played back then, I'd know. And yes, that stuff continued for MONTHS afterward. You didn't play back then if you don't remember that - it was endless whining. One of the worst launches in history.


I remember the incessant whining in the Forums around launch. Hell people are still whining in those forums to this day.


To be fair. Blizzard had NO idea how popular their game was going to be. They figured that they might get somewhere near the population of EQ at it's height. They got many times more subscribers than that. Also remember this was in the days before Blizzard was the powerhouse it is today. So they were really stuck, I don't think they could afford to open new servers right away. Of course that started to change in January after the team's christmas Vacations.


Most of the people who are whining the loudest here are the ones that haven't gotten their invites yet. They will quiet down once they get into the game.


I think that this staged roll out is the smartest thing they could do. This way they have been able to gauge interest in the game and Open more servers to meet their increasing demand.


Remember, technically the game launches on the 20th. This is basically a preview semi beta period. People are playing free for this week. That will change on the 20th when the game hits stores and people start to buy it and log in for the first time.


So far so good. Minimal lag and only a few servers needing queues. Not bad Bioware!

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^ this i think what people fail to realise is that it shouldn't even be fathomable or acceptable the way paying customers have been treated not in this day and age


Dude you aren't paying yet. This is preview time. Release day is on the 20th. That's the day that billing starts. So realize that you are getting what you are paying for. Anything else is a gift from Bioware

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I played back then, and had a beta account. I don't remember any of that...

I remember a little complaining here and there. But nothing of this magnitude


dude it was beyond screwed. All the servers crashed after 4 hours of play and were down for more than 8 hours, some servers were out for a day and half forcing players to move to new servers, they had thousands of people waiting in line at stores where product sold out, the beginning instances were still bugged especially deadmines, MC was completely unplayable and remained that way for 3 months post-launch. we were still doing endgame testing weeks after the launch. People were pissed beyond measure when the accounts they played during the first hours couldn't be played for nearly half a day. I still have a mage on Archimonde that's level 11 from the first couple hours of launch.


Wow was completely not ready. They just hid it really well. Most of the newbie zones were playable but there were still tons of bugs in the instances. Many of the high level zones werent even populated with NPCs and walled off. You just didnt see it.


Blizz was scrambling like mad during the wow launch. The same situation happened in BC as well. Everyone dreaded patch days in the first year of WoW. I remember getting like a month and half of free time because of the problems.

Edited by ChastenRuin
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Uh there wasn't that much of complaints when WoW was released nor' in beta.


Hell yeah their was. Loot lag was terribad. Having to relog every 2 minutes to be able to move again. Server crashes. It was god aweful but the people stuck to it due to the alternative...EQII. Now the alternative is daily quest and rehashed raids versus new and interesting. I will take Tor and it's minor issues.

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I played back then, and had a beta account. I don't remember any of that...

I remember a little complaining here and there. But nothing of this magnitude


You must have been on a different server than me. I quit wow after the first month and didnt come back till BC.

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