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WoW vs. TOR: Comparing game launches


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Typical, quote the like 1-2 guys who agree and ignore the guy posting screenshots and the people disagreeing with you.


Naw, I just hope my memory is good lol. I didn't ignore your post or your comments. And Im still on the fence on whether it was good or not.

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This is by far the smoothest MMO release I have ever seen. I was in Aions, Warhammers, WoW and Age of Conans releases. They have all had server issues, bug issues and even game breaking issues. It's not uncommon, especially with the amount of technical feedback and programming required to even launch a server, let alone an entire game.


World of Warcraft's launch was bad. It wasn't good like everyone seems to believe it was. I rolled on Silvermoon, and with a lovely 4 hour long queue time, I nearly gave up on the damn game then. Not to mention quest bugs, flight point bugs, looting bugs, mining bugs, crashes, server crashes, experience bugs, items disappearing, invisible players and even combat bugs where the enemy would engage you, then proceed to disengage and then get stuck.


MMO's aren't easy to manage. No game is easy to manage. But people will go along thinking that everything should be silky smooth and ready to go just for them. They forget about previous games and their bugs, because they eventually get over the bugs, and enjoy the game. People like hatred. Human nature feeds off it.


Just remember the next time you go to complain, World of Warcaft, the fabled MMO of all time, had a looting bug that caused you to get stuck in the looting position, and would sometimes persist even after logging off and logging back on. It took Blizzard months to fix the bug. It was still in the game when Burning Crusade was launched. That is what WoW was like for the first initial months of release. We all thought it was going to burn and crash. But it didn't. And yet people complained, just like they are today. Go figure.

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Good, so my memory is good lol


Clearly it is not. There was massive lag on ALL realms wow launch month. Everyone had it and also read Blizzard gave lots of days free. Look at your account payment history.

Edited by Romiz
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Naw, I just hope my memory is good lol. I didn't ignore your post or your comments. And Im still on the fence on whether it was good or not.


That is the thing. You are relying on what you want to remember. I am relying on facts. I read those forums ENDLESSLY while I waited in an 800 person queue every night, played through 1000+ MS lag, watched my server crash 3-4 times a night, etc. This was all normal for months following WoW's release. The only way I can conclude that you are not lying is if you started late, never read the forums, and played on the lowest pop server or a reroll server or something. Otherwise there is no way you wouldn't remember all of this, it was unplayable.

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Guys, there was like a 4 day period where the servers were down the first month. It was sooooo bad. It's funny how in hindsight everyone can make WoW's launch a bed of roses. Read these exact same posts when AoC, Aion and Rift came out about how much greater WoW's launch was.

WoW was decent when compared to the other launches of the era (EQ, EQ2). Compared to today, WoW was a horrendous start. The difference is Blizzard did not expect 250,000 people to join on day 1. No MMO had ever seen those numbers.


Bioware has a good idea of the number of peopl eentering on day 1. They know how many people pre-ordered and have pretty good data about the ratio of pre-orders to day 1 subscribers. Given the information available in 2011, they better pull off a better launch than WoW in 2004.

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Wow was a terrible launch. I remember everyone demanding to be refunded for their lost days of play. I don't remember if Blizzard ever reimbursed anyone. At least we don't have to pay for missing any of the early access days. Edited by Malcyn
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WoW from Day 1....and it was terrible. Servers down all the time.



What has changed in addition to the gaming market and technology, is the fact that consumers are spoiled rotten.


You wanna talk about Facts?


Fact: This game isnt even released yet. Release is 12/20/11. What people are getting now is a BONUS. Not guaranteed. Not paid for. It is extra.


Fact: This extra you are getting....is even MORE extra than what was originally said, which was 5 days. This is more early access than any other game I can recall.


Fact: People are so spoiled and entitled, they are still complaining.



So stop comparing this to whatever else. This game is its own entity. It is being released in a new age and new day to a new spoiled, entitled consumer.


If the servers and game play sucks on 12/20/11....then complain all you want. Until then, enjoy your icing......

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The major difference between WoW's launch and TOR, is simply that when WoW launched there wasn't a well entrenched alternative. Sure there was EQ, Lineage and maybe DAoC or Guild Wars (I don't remember the launch dates on the last 2 and am too lazy to wiki it). But they weren't good games, so they couldn't compete. TOR faces a large array of entrenched games, not the least of which is WoW, and so they MUST do well and keep people happy or people will return to playing whatever game they came from.
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Uh there wasn't that much of complaints when WoW was released nor' in beta.


Seriously? I remember WoW having problems with lag, bugs, and server crashes when I started a full month after launch. My entire MC raid once fell though the world and got stuck. No one could die, hearth, or even log out until the server finally crashed, and this was several months after the game released.

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WoW was decent when compared to the other launches of the era (EQ, EQ2). Compared to today, WoW was a horrendous start. The difference is Blizzard did not expect 250,000 people to join on day 1. No MMO had ever seen those numbers.


Bioware has a good idea of the number of peopl eentering on day 1. They know how many people pre-ordered and have pretty good data about the ratio of pre-orders to day 1 subscribers. Given the information available in 2011, they better pull off a better launch than WoW in 2004.

That isn't a queue. They have told us time and time again, we will get minimum 2 days early access. They never said you will get all 7 days. They stated it is being done in waves to prevent mass server crashes. If they let the flood gates open, there would be more complaining because you self entitled brats can't have it any other way but yours.

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A game launch is a game launch no matter what year. If you think a launch gets easier you are sadly mistaken.


And the OP is correct is comparing WOW to TOR in this case.


I honestly expect Blizzard upcoming MMO will also have launch issues. Just maybe not to the poor level of wow's.


What planet are you on !!!! Of course something released today should be smoother. Back in 2004 we still had dial up and far less powerful systems. The technological advancements of broadband and graphics engines / processors should mean servers can cope better. All this talk of staggered access is a smokescreen. They have given 2 "extra" days because they know there servers will more than likely fail on 20th and it gives them 2 more days of free stress testing.

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They waited for 1-2 hours, some of these people will probably be waiting for 3-4 days.


We will see.


Wait what??? LOL! Dude, the waiting 1-2 hours was EVERY NIGHT for months on end. I personally did that, and I know personally know 100+ other people who did this as well.


The 3-4 days people are "waiting" (I am too, yet I don't whine about it, funny) is FREE game time BEFORE anyone else WITHOUT lag. Unbelievable how bad people fail at logic sometimes.


This game's launch is the best so far BECAUSE they are staggering it this way. Just listen to SReid's posts, they already had as many get in today as with most other MMO's. Wait until the numbers for this game (probably 4-5 million worldwide) are released and you will see why they did it this way. It is even a better launch than Rift, and Rift was a small, small game compared to this. Then, compare this to the "biggest and best" MMO ever launched and TOR is just crushing it in stability and professionalism in handling it.

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Just remember the next time you go to complain, World of Warcaft, the fabled MMO of all time, had a looting bug that caused you to get stuck in the looting position, and would sometimes persist even after logging off and logging back on. It took Blizzard months to fix the bug. It was still in the game when Burning Crusade was launched. That is what WoW was like for the first initial months of release. We all thought it was going to burn and crash. But it didn't. And yet people complained, just like they are today. Go figure.


Kind of an aside but the looting bug was prevalent in Cataclysm too. I know it led to 2 early server crashes on Nordrassil.

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I still remember the endless posts whining, crying, and threatening to quit for MONTHS while Blizzard's servers failed miserably at and after launch of WoW. I recall thousands, nay millions of threads saying that this would "REALLY COST BLIZZARD BIGTIME" since people were so frustrated. I recall reading posts saying Blizzard's image was "SCARRED" permanently, etc. I remember people being SO righteously angry about how badly Blizzard was treating them - but yet they still sat in queue for 1-2 hours every night waiting to play. The QQ on those forums crushed any amount of QQ here...


Do you remember the queue dance?


Good times, I tell you!

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Wow was a terrible launch. I remember everyone demanding to be refunded for their lost days of play. I don't remember if Blizzard ever reimbursed anyone. At least we don't have to pay for missing any of the early access days.


They gave out a lot of free time. I still have it listed under my account payment history from 04 and early 05.


Comparing WoW to TOR launches would really only be apt if TOR ends up having some astronomical number that blows away our conception of the MMO market at launch.

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Wait what??? LOL! Dude, the waiting 1-2 hours was EVERY NIGHT for months on end. I personally did that, and I know personally know 100+ other people who did this as well.


The 3-4 days people are "waiting" (I am too, yet I don't whine about it, funny) is FREE game time BEFORE anyone else WITHOUT lag.


I know that, I was one of them, but AFTER those 1-2 hours you waited EACH DAY to play, how many hours did you get in each day? Thats my point.

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