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Force Pull - Must Need Ability Please


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As a melee class, Force Push has it's uses and through clever use of game mechanics is quite fun. However, adding a Force Pull ability would both benefit greatly in PvE and PvP content by allowing us to bring that elusive ranged towards us without the need for us to leap, position correctly, push him back to an area we want to be in, etc.


Please make it so.

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umm, guardians dont need a force pull, your saber throw is 30m... use it to pull..


Because Saber Throw will magically cause a Ranged class to run up to you instead of shoot you at range?


Because Saber Throw will magically pull a mob that may get affected by another patrolling mob causing more heartache than it is worth?


Saber throw is great versus NPC melee classes, but doesn't solve the issue of ranged. Take this PvE scenario if you will:


5 mobs in a "pack". I use that term loosely because the area is sort of open and the mobs are tied to each other agro-wise. 1 silver ranged class in the center, 4 random melee/ranged on the outside. Outside of usable Sweep/Cyclone range. Currently, you can AE taunt but you still have to do damage on each to keep threat over Doc otherwise he would just heal himself and not you.

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if they give force pull to you, i will ask an off-gcd force push with 3sec cd.




Where is this off-gcd force push you speak of with a 3 sec cooldown? There is the on-gcd force push with a 1 min cooldown that, while fun, is usually the exact opposite of what a tank wants to do to a mob.


Pretty sure Force Pull was once a JK ability in beta, but it was removed because knights were too strong, a lot of damage was taken away also, leaving them in the sorry state they are right now. *shields for incoming crap about how some guy in PvP is two shotting level 20s with no gear when he has pocket heals and T2 pvp gear*

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