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Why are people telling me to give this game more time?


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I paid 60 dollars for this video game (a finished product) and found that it was riddled with bugs and stuttering PvP (I play as a 30 sniper and many times my abilities cancel for no reason, causing me to die and evently /ragequit). I get irritated when I get sold something thats not functional. Don't stop reading there please. I know how many of you like to stop reading negative opinions early.


I come on these forums to trying to find a reason why the game was released like this; no devs respond and people just tell me to "give it time"? According to some scholarly gentlemen on these forums, apparently MMOs are always released in a crappy state. Why not complain to the companies so that they stop being released in a crappy state? Wouldn't that make sense for our futures as gamers?


Maybe BioWare/EA does not have any interest in their customers and they made a Star Wars MMO because they knew it would sell even if it was a flop?


Maybe they are releasing a bunch of new content (e.g. http://www.swtor.com/blog/sneak-peek-james-ohlen) just as everyone's free month that came with their SWTOR Christmas present runs out in an attempt to catch a few of them for another month or two?


Maybe they added Starfox style "space combat" for a little extra PR?


I feel like BioWare/EA is doing just enough to slip by and make a profit. Hell, even when getting personal with a BioWare representative (see:

) we still can't get a straight answer. It seems eventually is a popular word around here. What people need to understand is that "eventually" fixing a product is not going to cut it in a competitive market. I'm also reading that there are a number of fixes were stated in beta testing that were not fixed upon release. That is the most disappointing issue for me that leads me to believe BioWare/EA just used the beta as advertising and hoping to get people hooked before release. If bugs aren't fixed in beta, then when are they fixed? In engineering, you know what happens when mistakes are not found in beta stages of development and a product is released? PEOPLE DIE. (See: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35110966/ns/business-autos/t/no-easy-answer-why-toyota-accelerators-stick/)


Ok, well people may not die from this video game. They could waste $60, $80, $150, which is close.... I guess??.. No. Anyways.


So were my expectations too high when I expecting a video game on the shelf to be fully functional? Or should I always just wait a year after the release of an MMO to buy it? I want to know your guys opinions on this. I feel like companies should be held responsible when they rush products out the door like this and the customers are the ones that suffer.




(Also releasing a game without high textures??? I want what ever they were smoking.)

Edited by Skern
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This is an MMO. The publishing companies who make online games (that's EA, not Bioware) have realized that a game like this is easily and frequently patched. They know they can just bring down the servers once a week and throw things on it. This means they have become lazy with the development process and when something is "close" to done near a solid publishing date (early Nov, early Dec, etc) they rush it out knowing they can just bear the brunt of the anger for the first free month and patch in fixes.


Its how the industry works. Its sad, but there it is. Be patient, it'll get better.

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So were my expectations too high when I expecting a video game on the shelf to be fully functional? Or should I always just wait a year after the release of an MMO to buy it?


Yes and Yes. Seriously. There is no magic here. You got what you got. You already have the answer that is right for you. You just feel like venting here. I can understand that. Just face reality. This game has not lived up to your expectations. Cancel your sub and check it out in 6 months to a year. Or look for something that you feel is better for you.


Not trying to be a troll or anything, it just seem to me that you are so unhappy that leaving would be the best thing for you. I hope you find a game that you can really enjoy and is perfect for you.

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Noone is saying you have to give it more time and still pay. Cancel and come back once its been polished more. You are not forced to subscribe. Also just FYI no MMO is ever "finished". If you do not like the game then by all means leave and check back later when they have had time to fix things.
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Give it time. Seriously, it's been two weeks. MMO's are not like single player games that are basically complete when they are released. They are an ever evolving, ever changing game that is a constant work in progress. NO MMO has ever released finished or perfect, not even the beloved WoW. As far as MMO launches go, this game has had one of the smoothest ones to date. It can only get better from here.
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If i were the CEO of the company, and I had came to you and said:


"Joe, this game is 99% DONE. We have a small amount of relatively minor bugs still to squash but it is VERY fun to play, and nearly stable. We estimate that it will take us at least 5 more months of internal testing to get it perfect. Or we could release it now in near perfect condition and use the data from millions of subscribers to help squash these bugs. In the end, we'll be done in half the time and you'll get to play the nearly finished produck 6 months earlier, what would you rather we did"


Do you really expect ANYONE on these or any other forums to believe that you would have told us to wait? When you play an MMO at launch, you know(or should if you aren't retarded) that every MMO in history is released as soon as possible and that they are never quite done. Therefore by buying it week one you are agreeing to deal with these bugs until they are gone. It's that simple now stop whining and go play WoW it's virtually bug free.

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I paid 60 dollars for this video game (a finished product) and found that it was riddled with bugs and stuttering PvP (I play as a 30 sniper and many times my abilities cancel for no reason, causing me to die and evently /ragequit). I get irritated when I get sold something thats not functional.



I play a trooper so perhaps things are different but, i have not experienced any stuttering in PvP. As far as bugs go, the only one that has impacted me enough to bother remembering was one where Elara Dorne is talkin to me through a "holophone" and is almost naked, which i really didnt mind that kind of bug hehehe.

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The most you could "waste" is $60. After that, you know exactly what the game is and it's up to you whether or not to continue playing.


As for me, I'm absolutely loving the game. It's well worth the price of a sub for me, so I'll be continuing.


I do respect the fact that you disagree. Honestly, if I didn't like it, maybe you should consider cutting your losses and choose not to pay to continue.


That's really where you stand. It stinks that you paid 60 bucks for a game you don't like, but at this point, you don't have to spend another dime if you don't want to.


The good news is that now that you've purchased the game, you don't have to buy it again later if you change your mind. You can just wait until it is the game you hope it becomes. Then you can play it and get your money's worth. If it's not good enough for you now, cancel. Come back when it is good enough.

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Because the death of an MMO goes in stages






People making up excuses are just trying to cover for Bioware. It really is pretty sad. The free market is supposed to work like this:


-People don't like a product

-Stop buying

-Company sees the feedback, sales, and acts on it to make a better product


The gaming word works like this


-People don't like a product


-Nothing changes

-MMO dies

Edited by Blackwater
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Because the death of an MMO goes in stages






People making up excuses are just trying to cover for Bioware. It really is pretty sad. The free market is supposed to work like this:


-People don't like a product

-Stop buying

-Company sees the feedback, sales, and acts on it to make a better product


The gaming word works like this


-People don't like a product


-Nothing changes

-MMO dies



i lol'd

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How bout you all use that excuse with the 360.Wait for it...Wait for it.......Thought so yeah same logic here people microsoft sold us systems that constantly break but yet people still buy it and nobody say's anything but ya don't like this game and right away pitch forks are coming out and everything else.MMO's=Constantly being patched and constantly evolving if ya don't like the mmo scene then bye.Go play cod or something i will be here till the end of this game.
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i understand the idea of giving a game more time. I don't understand the idea that you have to stay subscribed to a game while you give it more time.


The logic!!!!

It buuuuurns!!!!


btw, welcome to my sig.

Edited by Arkimor
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Because the death of an MMO goes in stages






People making up excuses are just trying to cover for Bioware. It really is pretty sad. The free market is supposed to work like this:


-People don't like a product

-Stop buying

-Company sees the feedback, sales, and acts on it to make a better product


The gaming word works like this


-People don't like a product


-Nothing changes

-MMO dies


Gonna have to disagree. That is way over simplified and not really correct anyway. The gaming world works like any other business. It's to make money. Now, they either want to swing for the fences or they are content to move slow and steady. When all is said and done, as long as they are in the black, then things are ok.


Look at SWG. Some fool decided that they HAD to compete directly with WoW. So they changed the entire game around right in the middle of it.


-People liked the product


-Everything changed

-MMO died

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Maybe BioWare/EA does not have any interest in their customers and they made a Star Wars MMO because they knew it would sell even if it was a flop?



Have you seen EA with Mythic Entertainment to make Warhammer Online? Jesus Christ the bugs were so bad if you jumped over a fence or rock you got stuck in it. Those bugs were not fixed since release I believe. Ultimately nobody plays it anymore, I would hope that's not a revelation.

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Because the death of an MMO goes in stages


People making up excuses are just trying to cover for Bioware. It really is pretty sad. The free market is supposed to work like this:


-People don't like a product

-Stop buying

-Company sees the feedback, sales, and acts on it to make a better product


The gaming word works like this


-People don't like a product


-Nothing changes

-MMO dies


Isn't your second example exactly how you say it should be from your first example, just with forum arguing filtered in?


To suggest the "GET OUT TROLL" reaction is the reason an MMO fails is a bit of a jump. Every forum I've ever been on - ever - has had the exact same thing. I could go to any game forum... any one... and post I love a game. I'll have a dozen people calling me a fanboy and telling me the game sucks. If I post - in that same forum - that a game stinks, I'll get a dozen people calling me a troll and telling me to quit.


If that happens on every single forum, whether the game is a massive success or a massive failure, I'd say the one has very little to do with the other.


Bottom line, if you don't like a game, you have two choices. Stay with the game, keep paying, and continue to give feedback on the hope it gets fixed. Quit the game and only come back if it gets fixed.


Forum bickering is going to happen no matter what. It's the nature of the beast. I personally saw that it was like that on SWG, STO, AoC, EQ, EQ2, WoW, DDO, DCUO, and LOTRO. And I'm very certain it'll happen on every MMO to come out in the future.

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Every game released these days has bugs it is just the way of the world that many new releases need to be patched on launch and continued to be patched as time goes on.


Please also note that i bought the collectors edition of this game so my view on this matter is more important than the OP's because i spent more money.

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Have you seen EA with Mythic Entertainment to make Warhammer Online? Jesus Christ the bugs were so bad if you jumped over a fence or rock you got stuck in it. Those bugs were not fixed since release I believe. Ultimately nobody plays it anymore, I would hope that's not a revelation.


Wait...we talking about TOR or Warhammer?! I want macros just so I can macro /stuck...I confuseded. :confused:

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They say they have a fix for the cover abilities canceling bug in the next update, which will probably be this Tuesday.


Anyone who expects an MMO to launch without some annoying bugs is simply deluding themselves.


It's nigh impossible to do that. No company to date has accomplished and no company ever will. It's the state of the MMO. At least with MMOs they can and usually will fix the bugs they can because you're paying a monthly fee.


Can't always say the same about broken Single Player games.

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