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Okay, Okay... So everyone DOES want Looking for Dungeon.


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First of all, Happy New Year, if you're someone who cares about that; which you are probably not, if you are on the forums right now.


Second of all, if you hate the color orange... sorry.


After making my last thread... I stand corrected. Everyone definitely wants a LFD tool.


Because it was impossible to keep up with all you guys... Here are my thoughts.

The problem is that 6 months - 1 year down the road all of the low level flashpoints will be dead and new players will have even more difficulty finding a group then people are having now.

I'm talking about the now. It would be perfectly fine to implement the LFD for those flashpoints when that time comes. That doesn't mean you have to implement it for every flashpoint in the game... ecspecially the brand new content. You could cycle LFD into each individual flashpoint as they get older and more useless.


I'll say no to cross server LFD. That really does send a games community into the *******, but a LFD restricted to your server would be amazing
@ OP. No. I don't have much else to say to you except, "same server LFG". Go ahead and explain the flaws of that. Good luck.

I would compromise for this... Possibly go as far as saying I would want that. I think a lot of my issues with the system stemmed from the cross server part.


LFG tool will be added eventually it's inevitable, indisputable sorry.

Why would i want to sit in the Imperial Fleet spamming for hours on end rather than just queuing up? I'll never understand this logic, and the whole "it destroys community" is so laughably false it's not funny.

Not that I completely disagree with the fact that its annoying. But "hours on end" ?! ... It is not that hard to find groups for current content. Not that I'm 50 yet, but I've found a group for a flashpoint within 10-15 minutes every time I've tried, except once. And that one time, I found something else to do. I'm sure it's harder as you get toward max level right now, just because everyone doesn't level at the same speed.


WoW sort of had a basis cause the walk was part of the "fun" for some. However in TOR all FP are in 1 area and you mine as well introduce a LFD since you don't have to go anywhere and you are pretty much stuck in 1 useless place anyways looking for a group as it is.

I think because they are all together, it makes it easier to find a group. But a LFD would still let you port in from any corner of any planet... So your correlation between standing in the fleet and LFD don't really make sense to me.


I guess the big picture is... Not everyone wants "this or that" feature to be added. Dare I say, I like the lack of features.

But the vast majority do. And it will be put in at some point, already confirmed. But it should have been in at the beginning, I've had the most problems finding groups in this MMO then any other, and have had to skip a lot of the FPs because of it.


Which goes back to the main point of my post. Not necessarily that a lot of people don't want LFD specifically... But there are a thousand suggestions going through the forums that I don't feel like represent the majority. A lot of them point to making everything easier and more convenient = better; I don't necessarily think thats better.

The reason I choose LFD as my main point was because I thought I'd get a bigger response out of it.


Then don't use it and let others who want to use it do.

So simple.

It's not that simple. I can always choose to not use a feature... and many times I do. But the feature being in the game for others to use can still affect me in other ways. Yes, I used LFD in WoW. Yes, when I could, I ran with friends and guildies; it builds the friendship / teamwork, and you know what you can get out of your group.


I originally didn't want it in this game either but for some reason I'm playing on a Full server and there is hardly anyone looking for Flashpoints, let alone heroic quests. I welcome it.

I think there are a few big reasons for that..

1. People are enjoying / getting less bored with quests than usual.

2. Gear you receive while questing is just as good as gear in flashpoints.

3. Flashpoints aren't in each zone, they are in one location. As you level, a lot of people don't stop by the space station very often. If you were in a zone and asked who wanted to run a flashpoint (located in that zone), I bet you would get a lot of response.


There isn't 100% agreement on LFD? Well thank you for this riveting new information.

I know right!

What about a server only LFD with a perfered players list / avoid players list?

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After making my last thread... I stand corrected. Everyone definitely wants a LFD tool.




False. Definitely false.



That said if they do add one I'm ok so long as it is in server ONLY. If they implement cross server I'm done. It killed the wow community, I won't watch it happen here.

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I DEFINITELY don't want one if it's cross-server. I am absolutely, 100% opposed to it.


If it's server-specific I'm fine with it.....but I definitely don't want something that auto-magically teleports everyone to the flashpoint.

Edited by belialle
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I'm not posting here to say you're wrong, I believe that you put time in to this post, I believe some points are more valid than others, However I'm simply posting here to say, I don't want one, thus proving your "Everyone wants one" theory is worded poorly. I believe it is desired by a lot of people yes and I believe it's not a truly "bad" system. But I worry that it will lead the way other games have done, mentioning no names of course, but I don't want to be stood in a city for all eternity while I just wait for different queues to pop and teleport me here and there.


I wouldn't mind seeing a better designed system to assist in finding groups, but a Looking for Dungeon system like in that other popular MMO that everyone desires so much... No, please No.


Disclaimer: I am aware that some people will disagree with me, that is your opinion you are welcome to it, just as I am to mine, I shall now go and hide underwater from the flames.

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Ya , I agree with ya.


I have one person on my side !




Read the thread. You have more than one person on your side. I would imagine that a lot of us have said all we have to say on the topic in other threads, so we don't really bother participating in new ones that get posted.

Edited by belialle
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I find it REALLY REALLY funny that when I made a thread called "Not everyone wants LFD"... I got 95% replies saying they want it.


When I make a thread called "Okay, everyone wants it"... I get mostly replies saying they don't want it.


Now I just have to find the one guy who answered both ways... LOL.

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I don't want lookinf for flashpoint automated system. I'd rather there was a system similar to that of DnD where you can list both groups and individuals, along with open spots in groups. still have to make an effort to find a group, but its still easier, as you can browse based on flashpoint/quest you are looking for and see if anyone needs your class/spec, then whisper. or wait until someone whispers you.


that said. while I will not like it, I have just enough tolerance for automated same/server only system. not something I would prefer, obviously but its tolerable. the moment it goes cross server? I'll finish up the stories I'm still playing through and unsub (or if I'm feeling annoyed enough, unsub even before that.) there are other games to play and I already have plenty on my steam list that I haven't given much love to. there are other MMO's. yes, its my deal breaker.


edited. you are getting contrary replies because, well, yeah, not the same people are replying.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I think because they are all together, it makes it easier to find a group. But a LFD would still let you port in from any corner of any planet... So your correlation between standing in the fleet and LFD don't really make sense to me.


because you would already be there to shout for a group(almost the same place you would be if you got ported in). nothing would really change except the fact that you can go and level or do dailies or open world pvp while waiting for a group.


I find it REALLY REALLY funny that when I made a thread called "Not everyone wants LFD"... I got 95% replies saying they want it.


When I make a thread called "Okay, everyone wants it"... I get mostly replies saying they don't want it.


Now I just have to find the one guy who answered both ways... LOL.


this happens in almost every topic people talk the most about what they disagree with.

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Well no not really, and yes.


LFD is ok as LONG as it ONLY does the following:



Acts entirely like Dungeons and Dragons Online LFD in which you have a list of dungeons you want to run, and once you queue your name appears SERVER ONLY.


For those dungeons.


When you get selected and join a group, you can still be kicked by the group leader if you dont fit the level requirements, class requirements, he doesnt like you, etc.


Other than that, you still have to manually travel to the dungeon and walk into it.


The only thing the LFD does is make it easier to group together on your server, if you were looking to be an anonymous ninja looting douchebag and port instantly to dungeons nonstop, then WoW is -----> that way

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Simple solution. Bioware ends up adding LFD. With LFD out, you can chose to use or not use it. Simple.


Flawed logic. You're ignoring the MMO aspect of this game. You're ignoring how a feature you may never use may drastically affect the game for you.


Please stop saying this 'catch-all' as if it's actually a valid point. It's not.





Personally, as long as it's NOT cross-server, I wouldn't mind an LFD tool. Cross-server LFD would be quite game ruining though.

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Simple solution. Bioware ends up adding LFD. With LFD out, you can chose to use or not use it. Simple.


No it really isn't. Cross server functions have far reaching consequences FAR beyond simply deciding to use or not to use something.


Not to mention unless you are a tank or whatever the least played roll is you really won't be able to simply decide "I DONT WANNA USE IT!" unless you have a guild that does runs constantly.

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I never understand why people think they just post something in a forum and then that's what happens in a game. You don't work for Bioware. And, seriously, if you don't want to use a LFD tool, then don't use it. It is NOT fun spamming LFG for a group; this is a game, it's meant to be fun. And sure, make it the whole damn community, this "oh, only on my server" BS is just that, BS elitism I think i know what's best for teh entire MMO world stoopid mentality. I'm just sick of seeing this lame discussion persisting, just give the gamers what they want to enjoy the game.
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First of all, Happy New Year, if you're someone who cares about that; which you are probably not, if you are on the forums right now.


Second of all, if you hate the color orange... sorry.


After making my last thread... I stand corrected. Everyone definitely wants a LFD tool.


Because it was impossible to keep up with all you guys... Here are my thoughts.


I'm talking about the now. It would be perfectly fine to implement the LFD for those flashpoints when that time comes. That doesn't mean you have to implement it for every flashpoint in the game... ecspecially the brand new content. You could cycle LFD into each individual flashpoint as they get older and more useless.



I would compromise for this... Possibly go as far as saying I would want that. I think a lot of my issues with the system stemmed from the cross server part.



Not that I completely disagree with the fact that its annoying. But "hours on end" ?! ... It is not that hard to find groups for current content. Not that I'm 50 yet, but I've found a group for a flashpoint within 10-15 minutes every time I've tried, except once. And that one time, I found something else to do. I'm sure it's harder as you get toward max level right now, just because everyone doesn't level at the same speed.



I think because they are all together, it makes it easier to find a group. But a LFD would still let you port in from any corner of any planet... So your correlation between standing in the fleet and LFD don't really make sense to me.





Which goes back to the main point of my post. Not necessarily that a lot of people don't want LFD specifically... But there are a thousand suggestions going through the forums that I don't feel like represent the majority. A lot of them point to making everything easier and more convenient = better; I don't necessarily think thats better.

The reason I choose LFD as my main point was because I thought I'd get a bigger response out of it.



It's not that simple. I can always choose to not use a feature... and many times I do. But the feature being in the game for others to use can still affect me in other ways. Yes, I used LFD in WoW. Yes, when I could, I ran with friends and guildies; it builds the friendship / teamwork, and you know what you can get out of your group.



I think there are a few big reasons for that..

1. People are enjoying / getting less bored with quests than usual.

2. Gear you receive while questing is just as good as gear in flashpoints.

3. Flashpoints aren't in each zone, they are in one location. As you level, a lot of people don't stop by the space station very often. If you were in a zone and asked who wanted to run a flashpoint (located in that zone), I bet you would get a lot of response.



I know right!

What about a server only LFD with a perfered players list / avoid players list?


No. we DON'T all want LFD.


I don't care about it but on the whole I'd rather see development devoted to things more useful to me.

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LFD should be a mid, even low priority addition if that currently.


However -


Cross server LFD does not destroy a community, in all reality it can help save a server and is generally a last resort option for when there is a lack of influx of new players to find groups for the lower out of date type stuff. It helps when the subscription base is falling and server merges are imminent, so we don't need this ASAP as it would be wasted resources even 3 months down the line.


Same server LFD - It helps everyone, from high level players looking for their next hardmode fix to the lowest of the low looking for that first black talon adventure. It is a massive convenience, and a timesaver all around. Why stand around for 5 hours looking for precise people in your level range. As it stands now, it really doesn't feel like people bother with the flashpoints while leveling up because it's so much wasted time to even try to get a group together. If one person is on another planet and can't warp back to fleet due to cooldowns you are looking at 15+ minutes for them to get there as well. Detrimental.


The only thing we absolutely do not need is looking for raid. That is the point where the system can fall on itself and can also dictate difficulty of encounters of said raids in the future if it is implemented.

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LFD should be a mid, even low priority addition if that currently.


However -


Cross server LFD does not destroy a community, in all reality it can help save a server and is generally a last resort option for when there is a lack of influx of new players to find groups for the lower out of date type stuff. It helps when the subscription base is falling and server merges are imminent, so we don't need this ASAP as it would be wasted resources even 3 months down the line.


Same server LFD - It helps everyone, from high level players looking for their next hardmode fix to the lowest of the low looking for that first black talon adventure. It is a massive convenience, and a timesaver all around. Why stand around for 5 hours looking for precise people in your level range. As it stands now, it really doesn't feel like people bother with the flashpoints while leveling up because it's so much wasted time to even try to get a group together. If one person is on another planet and can't warp back to fleet due to cooldowns you are looking at 15+ minutes for them to get there as well. Detrimental.


The only thing we absolutely do not need is looking for raid. That is the point where the system can fall on itself and can also dictate difficulty of encounters of said raids in the future if it is implemented.



You are listening to all the BS they are feeding you and not paying attention to the real results. Cross Server LFD is NOT wanted by ANY PLAYERBASE AT ALL


The Reaction has been entirely negative.


To combat this is to combat your paying customers.

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