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Any thread that pumps up one server over others is going to end up filled with flaming, to be honest.


Its weird because in game i havent run into 1 jerk, drama lama or troll, even in general chat. everyone has been great on republic side so far, very mature and helpful.

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While true, instigation is not the answer.


While I don't disagree, Nyan's question was valid, whether it was a veiled insult or not I have no idea, and I can't speak for someone else.


The rest of the flaming was a direct result of the reaction to said question, based on the assumption that it was an insult.

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Toward the OP: Anchorhead is shaping up to be a great, balanced server as it is, but I'm always looking for good challenges. Steamrolling nubs is never fun. Now it's too early to tell who's gonna provide that challenge (some hardcore pvpers may have never set foot in a warzone, nor will they till they hit 50) but we can only hope it develops well.



Addressing the thread:

Look I have a lot of respect for SOA in general, both the guys I played with, and the people I played against both provided some entertaining beta experiences. This exact reason is why I chose not to roll imperial on Helm. I'm pretty over this beta drama. I know what kind of skill is on Helm due to the beta launch, and it doesn't really interest me any more. While you might have been fun to play against and I learned a lot from our matchups, the attached drama afterwards wasn't worth it for me. Could I deal with it? Sure. But why intentionally subject yourself to that. Regardless of Nyghoma's skill or ego level, he does not mention you guys AT ALL in this thread. There was no reason for you to come in here and derail him or his request. Knowing how he talks, he was more making fun of himself with the obviously overblown ego to get a challenging response. It sounded pretty innocent to me.


This thread isn't about you, though, it's about rolling on Anchorhead as a republic guild. Why do you even care? Do you want more republic players on your server? Just let it go. Wish you well on Helm.

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While I don't disagree, Nyan's question was valid, whether it was a veiled insult or not I have no idea, and I can't speak for someone else.


The rest of the flaming was a direct result of the reaction to said question, based on the assumption that it was an insult.



Airial don't even try to play innocent. You know the volatile history between Nyan, you, and I. You guys knew exactly were it would go. And how it would end. You're the single biggest troll on the SWTOR forums to date. Now your apprentice Nyan is catching up to your rep.


I actually feel bad for some of the decent ppl in SoA.

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So far Anchorhead does appear to be a good server for PvP. I can't speak to OW since I'm not yet to Tat and beyond, but Warzone queues take a few minutes at most by late morning, and today I often spent only seconds waiting. Not bad for daytime play. They seem to be pretty well balanced as I generally find myself on the winning team about 50% of the time, and its usually a proper Imp vs Pub fight. If warzones are any indication I'm really looking forward to OW PvP on Anchorhead. :D
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Airial don't even try to play innocent. You know the volatile history between Nyan, you, and I. You guys knew exactly were it would go. And how it would end. You're the single biggest troll on the SWTOR forums to date. Now your apprentice Nyan is catching up to your rep.


I actually feel bad for some of the decent ppl in SoA.



As I feel bad for the people playing a team based game with you, but that's besides the point.


I didn't even post in this thread till you took swipes at my guild and friends. Have I trolled you before, yes, heavily, and I would do it again because it makes me laugh how you react, but I pretty much refrained from trolling anyone else.


Anyways, this wasn't some per-meditated drama post, its not like Nyan discussed it with anyone prior to posting, and asked if people wondered if it was a good question worth posting, he was simply curious and posted about it... so no, I didn't know where the thread would go, I didn't even know the thread was here until after you had started insulting our guild in it and Nyan showed me it.


We all have our opinions of one another, but quite frankly no one outside of it, especially all of the Sw:Tor playing world reading these forums, cares. You brought the insults, they just got responded to.





On another note:


Lina, I enjoyed playing against you as well, I guess I never really understood the drama, but it's in the past. I guess text is easily misread, as I never felt like I was insulting you, but was told by many others that you always felt insulted by my comments. Best of luck to you on AH.

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Toward the OP: Anchorhead is shaping up to be a great, balanced server as it is, but I'm always looking for good challenges. Steamrolling nubs is never fun. Now it's too early to tell who's gonna provide that challenge (some hardcore pvpers may have never set foot in a warzone, nor will they till they hit 50) but we can only hope it develops well.



Addressing the thread:

Look I have a lot of respect for SOA in general, both the guys I played with, and the people I played against both provided some entertaining beta experiences. This exact reason is why I chose not to roll imperial on Helm. I'm pretty over this beta drama. I know what kind of skill is on Helm due to the beta launch, and it doesn't really interest me any more. While you might have been fun to play against and I learned a lot from our matchups, the attached drama afterwards wasn't worth it for me. Could I deal with it? Sure. But why intentionally subject yourself to that. Regardless of Nyghoma's skill or ego level, he does not mention you guys AT ALL in this thread. There was no reason for you to come in here and derail him or his request. Knowing how he talks, he was more making fun of himself with the obviously overblown ego to get a challenging response. It sounded pretty innocent to me.


This thread isn't about you, though, it's about rolling on Anchorhead as a republic guild. Why do you even care? Do you want more republic players on your server? Just let it go. Wish you well on Helm.


I've tried, Lina... though not as eloquently as you, admittedly. I took a nap instead. Hopefully the next 14 hours go back fast, and my invite in is my inbox so this thread can fade from memory.

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Matchless has rolled republic here. Looking forward to pursuing fights against the competitive teams as well as setting up organized engagements in open world.


And we are looking forward to melting republic's faces.

Chiseler reportling live from behind his keyboard.:eek:

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