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Where are the majority of top SWG pvp guilds going to play on?. Have any of you guys picked a server yet?. I don't want to roll on a crap server so if anyone knows the server of choice with the highest potential let me know. I would love to play with you all.


Edit: It doesn't really matter if it's EU or US based, although I am in the US but will sacrifice it to play with old schoolers or new schoolers as well.

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Why would you guys willingly pick a server with no competition (since you weren't deployed),

and then come on the forums and ask for competition after almost every major guild is already settled down on another server? :confused: That certainly doesn't really sound like something ALL the best PvPers from Darth Malak/Beta would do, wouldn't they go to a server that already has established competition?! :p


I've really enjoyed the competition we've had so far on Helm of Graush; it's quite nice to see some big names on the other side. It's a welcome change from having to switch factions to fight our own guild in beta because there was no competition.



There is competition on our server, we are just greedy and want more. Our decision, as a guild in whole, (along with Lina's and Microwave's guild), to move to Anchorhead is a complicated one, based one a few major factors. Helm, and Fatman were our other choices.


We predicted The Fatman was going to draw alot of Imps and kiddies. So we decided against it.


Helm was a close 2nd. But folks in the guild thought it was too inbred, predictable, and felt we wouldn't grow as pvpers since we didn't see any real rebel competition. Let's be honest, outside of your 4man huttball team, no one else in RJ (SoA) was good enough. We weren't going to hit Helm just for the chance to get in a good huttball match. Your alliance didn't excite us either. (Nothing personal RJ**)


I've played against Condemned in Rift on Deepstrike. They were nothing more than a zerg guild. I've played with and against Epeen's members for almost 8 years now. Other than Cyrk and Lires, that guild isn't remotely competitive.


It would have been cool to hang with LotD and Ebonlore, since we have a bit of history. The guys from Grief and xXx are a blast too (friends from Gorath), but again we are looking for stiff rebel competition, not hang out buddies.


Anchorhead seemed like the best choice post launch, due to the recognizable name and its position at the top of the server list. Our current posting habits are to foster and maintain a steady flow of rebel competition.


It may end up that the rebels suck on Anchorhead, who knows. But after the community sees all the crying about Brutality, I'm sure it will get the competition's attention soon enough.


Quite honestly, why would SoA care what we do?

Edited by Nyghoma
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We'll send any on-the-fence Imperial guilds SoA's way, you guys send any on-the-fence Republic guilds our way. It's a win-win! You can never have too much competition. I haven't gotten my email yet, but even I strongly support a thread like this calling for stiffer Republic competition... that's never a bad thing!


I can also say that I would not have joined Brutality or rolled with them if they had purposefully chosen a server with no competition.

Edited by crackyhoss
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I have been planning on rolling on anchorhead for a long time, WoW/swg/ragnarok/CoH vet, still can't decide on faction though, it was gonna be empire, but sometimes i just feel like playing on the least populated side.. i would just do the dark path, lol.
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The Reps on Anchorhead are terrible (that is to say at least 99.99%).


  • I have seen Gunslingers run into a melee fray and drop shield.
  • Troopers do nothing more than spam their grenade and back pedal as they get demolished.
  • Sages run in and melee.
  • Scoundrels and Shadow Counc. spam CCs as openers (blowing all CC cds and do no damage).
  • I've watched groups of Reps focus on 1 Juggernaut while the Operative with 3 hp caps 4 feet behind them.


I could go on, but out of 20+ warzones, I've only seen Reps win 3, and it was close. The rest of the time it was like Mike Tyson vs. Stephen Hawking. It's not even close. I've been a part of at least 8 Huttballs that were scored 6 to 0, and Imps stopped scoring and just started farming kills.


It was apparent in Beta, and it's apparent at launch. Something about the Republic draws noobs. Now, I'm not saying that all Rep players are noobs, just that there is something about THAT FACTION that REALLY attracts noobs, and it seems to be the case on a MULTITUDE of servers.

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Where are the majority of top SWG pvp guilds going to play on?. Have any of you guys picked a server yet?. I don't want to roll on a crap server so if anyone knows the server of choice with the highest potential let me know. I would love to play with you all.


Edit: It doesn't really matter if it's EU or US based, although I am in the US but will sacrifice it to play with old schoolers or new schoolers as well.


All of the major Bloodfin PvP'rs are on Fatman.

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The Reps on Anchorhead are terrible (that is to say at least 99.99%).


  • I have seen Gunslingers run into a melee fray and drop shield.
  • Troopers do nothing more than spam their grenade and back pedal as they get demolished.
  • Sages run in and melee.
  • Scoundrels and Shadow Counc. spam CCs as openers (blowing all CC cds and do no damage).
  • I've watched groups of Reps focus on 1 Juggernaut while the Operative with 3 hp caps 4 feet behind them.


I could go on, but out of 20+ warzones, I've only seen Reps win 3, and it was close. The rest of the time it was like Mike Tyson vs. Stephen Hawking. It's not even close. I've been a part of at least 8 Huttballs that were scored 6 to 0, and Imps stopped scoring and just started farming kills.


It was apparent in Beta, and it's apparent at launch. Something about the Republic draws noobs. Now, I'm not saying that all Rep players are noobs, just that there is something about THAT FACTION that REALLY attracts noobs, and it seems to be the case on a MULTITUDE of servers.


level 20s pvping on launch day, serious business. watch out republic

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Because I make a personal comment on how silly it is to claim your server is the best (even though you have to come to the forums to try to make it less terrible), and that your PvPers were the best from DM/Beta (even though they were "one build wonders"), does not mean that SoA as a whole cares at all.


What competition? I couldn't even find the name of one Republic guild on Anchorhead after scouring Darth Hater; let alone one I've heard of.


I was more amused than disappointed that you guys picked a bare-bone server, to be honest.


"Not good enough", honestly? Do you really think you are in a position to judge performance, based on your history of poor team play in the beta? Trying to get you to communicate and actually play was like dragging feet. You should have seen our reaction when we saw that old recruitment post you had - when you outlined everything that you were avoiding in potential recruits such as not going to the right node to defend, etc. We were like, "So he can't be in is own guild?". I'm not trying to say we are better or anything, because it's pretty silly to make claims in regards to a testing period that's over and done with.


You can toot your own horn as much as you want; the fact is beta is over and it's all irrelevant. We have plenty of solid players that weren't in testing, as does many other guilds.


If going to an empty server, waiting a day for every guild to already settle in, and then posting dominance and asking for competition makes you feel awesome; more power to you!


gettin all up in his grillmix

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Glad the PvP is fun. I do find it humorous that you can declare a best PvP server when only 10% of preorders are in and it's day 1 haha.


you must be new here, that's what we do on pvp servers, we wave our ***** around in the air and proclaim victory :p

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I was more amused than disappointed that you guys picked a bare-bone server, to be honest.


I dunno what the hell the beef is between you two, nor do I care or want to get in the middle of it, but saying stupid stuff like this is insulting to everyone else in the guild. We decided on a server as a group, based on assumptions that have yet to be proven incorrect. This idea that we purposefully chose a bare-bone server is ridiculous. It's freakin barely day 2 of early access, why would you start jumping to conclusions about the server we chose on the one hand, and on the other chide us for jumping to conclusions about how good we are at pvp? It's pretty logical to assume that people that were good at pvp during the beta are going to be good at pvp come launch.

Edited by crackyhoss
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I dunno what the hell the beef is between you two, nor do I care or want to get in the middle of it, but saying stupid stuff like this is insulting to everyone else in the guild. We decided on a server as a group, based on assumptions that have yet to be proven incorrect. This idea that we purposefully chose a bare-bone server is ridiculous. It's freakin barely day 2 of early access, why would you start jumping to conclusions about the server we chose on the one hand, and on the other chide us for jumping to conclusions about how good we are at pvp? It's pretty logical to assume that people that were good at pvp during the beta are going to be good at pvp come launch.


pod race duel. gogogo

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