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Mass Empire Republic imbalance


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Yea. That was actually rather imbalanced in their marketing. They should do one with a better imagine of the Jedi, or in fact, all the Republic classes as a whole.


By the way, even if the Jedi and Trooper did mildly well, they could not even kill the Sith... (no he did not die under the rocks)


They did some pretty awesome stuff with the smug and trooper though. No so much on the Jedi side.

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thats because in star wars it has always been Jedi's getting manhandled. Bearly making it through in the end.


Rebels, because they are the underdog, expected to be crushed by the imperials, but are not as easily taken down completely.


But, you're not really rebels. You're this huge, long-established Republic. We're the Empire. Snatching up worlds that are distressed over the democratic gridlock and weakness of your Senate. Channeling all that anger and fear over the establishment right down that establishment's throat.


I'd say we deserve the 'rebel' tag far more than you.

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The cowboy Smug does look awesome!


But that is all for the Repulic side and I doubt Mr cowboy boost - let alone maintaining - any followers since.


Leave it to a sith to bring a glowbat to a grenade fight...


Seriously though the non Force users are IMO the coolest classes. I don't know much about BH and it doesn't really appeal to me but the other three are wicked.

Edited by AirekOnar
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funny my experience in wow was on the contrary. I didn't play all the way through burning crusade (when they started doing clustered PVP) but all through vanilla etc. alliance outnumbered horde, but horde were better.


this sentiment seemed to be mirrored on several servers i played on and most of my friends agreed on this fact as well. I always believed it was because horde was more appealing to that 18-27 year old male kind of bracket, that were more liable to be competent/competatively driven gamers.


I suppose once the game went massive popular, it could have changed and alliance eventually became the underdog, but again...


this all seems interesting that others had different experiences than me.

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Let say something nice about the Repulic though:


The zones are generally more pleasing to look at on the Republic side. Unless you are living in the Caribbean under the clear blue sky and wrapped around by the paradise climate and want something totally opposite to look at, those Empire zones look rather depressing after a while.


One can only obey those Sith Lords for so long before you go bonker. Yes, there are choices but most of the time you are bound by the dialogue to obey them. Yes, you are bad to the bone on the Empire side, but there is someone always worse than you and saddles over you. You are not so evil when there is another squeezing your balls.


At least, it is not so soul destorying on the Republic side.

Edited by The_Old_One
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Although I have noticed that the Dark Side for the Empire and the Light Side for the Republic seem stupid comic supervillainy/'Ouch falling off the turnip truck sure did hurt'. Meanwhile the decisions opposite to the faction's general views seem quite reasonable.


"Let's make the slaves suffer longer, who cares that it'll prolong the uprising."

"Better stop to have a long drawn-out conversation consoling the widow, considering those rebels could fire the super-bomb at any point and kill us all"

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simple math


kids and ppl with lady parts tend to flock to the good side


well adults and ppl that are borderline sociopaths tend to flock to the bad side


This is true. We Republic types tend heavily toward axe murdering and mannequin collections.

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Playing WOW as Ally I never wanted to go Horde just because of the way horde behaved in bg's. They couldnt take losing. Having seen them throw tantrums when losing and the nasty hate of Ally.


I played rift as Defiant and found the community much better. Their was friendly trash talk between factions and I would of rolled Guardian alts if ToR wasnt coming.


I hope the community will be more like Rift were a player is judged on how good they are not which faction they have picked. And at the end of the day remember we are all gamers. Its better to have friendly rivials then have the kind of hate WOW ended up with.


I hope we can have Fan days were members of each faction dont attack the other faction like horde fans did to Ally. Sure roll play but spitting on people, pushing them over and trying to make them feel like they dont belong is stupid.

Edited by TicTicTic
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If the dynamic plays out like it does in other MMOs, the hardcore PVPers will eventually switch over to the underdog. When you are the underdog side and you want to PVP, its always easy to find a fight somewhere. When you are part of the zerg, its a lot harder to find targets.


This dynamic will come into play even moreso in the warfronts (minus huttball). Republic will have insta-queues for warzones while Empire will have long queues. In a short time, since Republic players will get to play in more warzones, they will get more experience faster as well as acquiring PVP rewards faster.


This is exactly and precisely why I am rolling Republic. I love Sith, but I am a pretty good PvPer and love to be the underdog. So I'm going Republic. Also, the underdogs always develop better PvP skills and tactics and eventually win.


In WoW I played horde on 2 realms, both started as underdogs. 1 realm is about balanced half and half, but the other, we didnt just win, we literally exterminated all allies. Server went from about 75% Alliance to 95% Horde. You cant even find a single ally anymore if you fly around for half a day.


I am going to the outnumbered side for the love of PvP. I gank. I stalk. I corpse camp. I lead groups. I win outnumbered battles. I have killed many players of opposite factions dead smack in middle of their own capital cities. And I'm looking forward to the weak arse excuses for Sith.

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