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10 Good
  1. Its rediculous. There simply is no excuse for this. Its very dissappointing. You got my money though RIGHT? Just checking.
  2. They did some pretty awesome stuff with the smug and trooper though. No so much on the Jedi side.
  3. Ill be going the way of the Jedi. From my xp. in past mmos I have found smaller servers to be more fun and closer knit communities.
  4. Was it that good? I wasn't fortunate enough to hear it. I played Smug, trooper, IA and Consular.
  5. If anyone missed work on the off chance they might get in needs to be fired. Fired, and someone who currently lives off of our gov't can have their job.
  6. I am so stoked about this game guys.raaaaaaaaaaaawr its gonna be fun.
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