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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Yes, most fun I've had playing a game in a very long time!!!


I finally got around to reading some of the gripes that people are pulling their hair out about like little 2 year olds throwing a tantrum, and wow.. If those are you're only gripes, I don't think you'll ever find a game that makes you happy, so good riddens.

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Yes, most fun I've had playing a game in a very long time!!!


I finally got around to reading some of the gripes that people are pulling their hair out about like little 2 year olds throwing a tantrum, and wow.. If those are you're only gripes, I don't think you'll ever find a game that makes you happy, so good riddens.


And so do I plan on continuing my SWTOR play experience.

I just enjoy this game too much to quit.

Love no mods, gearscore, addons, LFD, LFR, etc..

I love playing a game for the game, not the I's.

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Yes, yes, yes!!!

I just started my fourth alt and am still having fun. I plan to start one from each class on both sides, play them all until they get their ships, then continue.

Thee is a lot more to this game than the QQ-ers and "rush through the content" folks would have you believe. Is it perfect, not by any means. But as long as it's fun, I'll keep playing.

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it is great single player game with great storyline, but not good MMO.




This would possibly have been a fun co-op for me and my husband to dork around in, but it's not an MMO. The UI ranges from unwieldy to outright obnoxious, there's very little replay value, it's very linear and buggy and communication with players is abysmal. It reminds me a lot of Vanguard. It should say something that my husband, the one who was all a chatter about this game, would rather play Defense Grid than log in to SWTOR already.


We'll probably cancel within the next week.

Edited by Ibna
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No. I'm waiting on Guild Wars 2. Here is some cool info and links on GW2.


Oh wowie!


Another overly-hyped MMORPG full of loaded promises that people will also probably be disappointed about!


Seriously, after GW2 doesn't fulfill your every fantasy, then what will you be saying?


Q: Will you continue to play Guild Wars 2?


Your A: No. I'm waiting on [iNSERT "NEXT BIG THING" HERE]. [Link] is come cool info and links about [NBT].


Also Israel, if you don't like this game, why do you prowl the forums so much?

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Absolutely, this is the most fun I have had playing a game since my Atari 2600.


I agree with some of the posts asking for updated UI options. I just which people knew how to actually put together a constructive thread when talking about what they think is a problem.


There is nothing that needs to be updated that would make me even consider cancelling my sub. I play with r/l friends and the MMO ascpet in this game is just incredible. Being able to join people on their Story Lines is awesome. It is so much fun. We may do operations, but that is the reason we all quit WoW. Raiding sucks, at least with the type of people that raid in WoW. I hear the new LFR tool is a huge success in WoW though. Hopefully something like that will be implemented in TOR


The flashpoints are stunning and fun, cant stress how much my friends and I enjoy running them.


Easily the best launched MMO in history. It is obvious competance like this that shows the developers care and I hope will be delivering new and exciting content in the future.


My wife hates this game. lol.

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well chances are once ive lvld about 3-4 characters to 50 ill prolly end up finding something else to play. by all means its a very great game. i am a fan of starwars and its alot of fun. higher lvls its gets very grindy and way to much running around, but that happens when developers run outa good ideas and are pushed to meet a deadline. all in all ill give this game a 4 out of 5 stars.


it seems to me they just wanted to push a product out without actually finishing it. and its ok cuz i was tired of waiting for it and wanted to play. but they were in to big of a hurry and left out many of the very basic features of modern mmo's. i would rank this game as an excellent single player console game. coulda saved themselves millions of dollars and still made the initial profit, but sustainability just isnt there unless they fire the guy making the decisions and let the creative ppl do their thing.


things like free roam space missions, and even space mission pvp. pod racing against other players with upgradable pods. this game has UBER potential to take mmo's into the next generation forever changing the way we play. it could be a flight sim, it could be a racing game, it could be an rpg. if you want it to be a mmo players either play together or against each other, otherwise its just a pay monthly single player game.

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Aye! The game was already a blast to play. Seeing tangible results from bug fixes in-game makes it even easier to justify paying the monthly sub. For myself, my wife & our friends ... SWTOR is the droid we have been looking for. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Hell ya i'm staying!


Been waiting for a game like this for a long time. The bugs/lag will be fixed, future expansions will be amazing. I have faith!


Plus, Star Wars setting > any other setting for a game imo.



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NO! and again NO!


imho this was the worst scum ever...


somethings that made me think "***?":


1) random closed beta


2) 24GB of client


3) Terrible graphic


4) weird launch


5) awfull guild-alliance deploy sistem


6) old gameplay


7) Loads of bugs and incomplete stuff


8) everything is 100 people istance


9) you cant attack "capitals"


10) inexistent PvP (no rewards killing people, exept daylies)


11) same boring PvE


12) no Endgame


BB you all, cya in GW2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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NO! and again NO!


imho this was the worst scum ever...


somethings that made me think "***?":


1) random closed beta


2) 24GB of client


3) Terrible graphic


4) weird launch


5) awfull guild-alliance deploy sistem


6) old gameplay


7) Loads of bugs and incomplete stuff


8) everything is 100 people istance


9) you cant attack "capitals"


10) inexistent PvP (no rewards killing people, exept daylies)


11) same boring PvE


12) no Endgame


BB you all, cya in GW2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not sure if serious...


Also, strong username.

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NO! and again NO!


imho this was the worst scum ever...


somethings that made me think "***?":


1) random closed beta


2) 24GB of client


3) Terrible graphic


4) weird launch


5) awfull guild-alliance deploy sistem


6) old gameplay


7) Loads of bugs and incomplete stuff


8) everything is 100 people istance


9) you cant attack "capitals"


10) inexistent PvP (no rewards killing people, exept daylies)


11) same boring PvE


12) no Endgame


BB you all, cya in GW2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Anyway, yes I will.

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