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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Answer: YES


Love the game and I'm having a blast playing. Already subbed for 3 months, at least until Diablo III comes out... will see how it goes then (my spouse loves Diablo so I might have to pull away from this one to spend time with her)...

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yes, though I have my doubts. Like the game, got friends playing, lolz at the forum battles, but I dinged 50 and I'm hoping for more content. Well content is a bad word, but something cool, galactic war in ilum as an event, guild starships or something that would put the fun into the endgame as the fun was through the leveling phase. Well hopefully they have done something by the time my republic alt is 50.


Also, If you have UNSUBBED already what are you doing here in the forums?


Is SWTOR like your ex-GF that you always call when you are desperate for attention and love? Now I say the thing that you should understand in both cases with swtor and with your GF from 5 years past. MOVE ON GODSAKES.

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While there are many areas in which the game is lacking, Bioware has shown that they have seen most of the problems/shortcomings and are willing to improve upon them. Many players will try to make you believe, "Bioware hates their players and will do nothing to improve the game because EA told them to make it bad and destroy Bioware's reputation because that is their good business model and the consumer be damned we refuse to listen to any of them and watching them bemoan the FAIL that is SWTOR is actually a form of entertainment that is a step above reality TV because they removed all of the happy bits and left us with only the pain and anguish and misery and self loathing that we will gain by playing this horrible half game that will make everyone go back to WoW so they can lawlpwn that big dragon guy that has bronchitis and chant about taking arrows to the groin or wherever that stupid internet meme says we take arrows and by the way I want a power ranger social outfit where is my power ranger social outfit you guys suck I have 12 level 50s and I know all about MMOs because I have played super mario with my brother and he is pretty social and another thing who cares if my boots match my pants." Or at least that is the message I have gotten out of many of these posts. That said, I have been thoroughly drawn into the game, and if the story can be maintained without too much lag between patches/expansions then I can see myself playing for a very long time. I am having a blast.
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I've just unsubbed.


The game is ok for most of the part, but as others have mentioned there's not enough action.


Also, I do love the storytelling, but some of the cutscenes & dialogues are so excessive. I'm enjoying some of it, but every single freaking quest i've got to hammer spacebar out of boredom :(


Maybe it's just not for me, but i want to enjoy it :mad:

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In advance I am sorry for any spelling mistakes and poor grammar.


Unsure, there are a number of things that I find very un-MMO-ish to say it with lack of better words.



  1. The game is incredible linear, I see people say how vast and huge this game is, but it isn't, there is no point in exploring, there isn't an actual world to explore, there all small areas with linear story telling. It feels small, instead of Massive.
  2. There seems to be many things missing that in my opinion should have been in it from the gecko, no macros, no UI modifications, no LFG, no colouring of equipment etc and more things come to mind the longer you play it, when MMO's are roughly 10 years already being 'big' things, you expect things.
  3. (personal) All classes seems to be similar with same kinds of abilities with just a different animation/effect, and I am not just talking about the mirror classes, no I mean the actual classes.
  4. Similar to 1), your playing a single player game, now I knew that it was part of the game but I didn't know it seems to be the entire game! Yes you can group up here and there, but thats about it..
  5. Replay value, I see people saying here that those that quite because there is nothing to do once you hit 50, go play a alt, because it is incredible linear game, there is only one questline that is different, the rest is ALL the, to me that doesnt sound fun, it only has one replay value and that is to roll another faction, and thats it..
  6. Lack of stuff to do at 50, even if you are casual you get to 50 quite easy, which means there should have been more to do then there is now.
  7. The game hasn't even got a expansion yet and most if not all my bars are already filled up with dozens of skills and abilities, its overwhelming, how can you see what's going on on the field when your having skills everywhere, it is overkill atm.



To sum it up;


To me, it is more a Small Single Player Online Role Playing Game, where you only do things with people when you feel like it, your not even guided to do it, you can skip it all, maby something as simple as giving reward of quest shown, so people want to do it!


The Linear based gameplay isnt worthy of being called an MMO.. nor a subscription fee.

At the moment!


I do hope they will improve, but they need to do it quick and good!

Edited by JinShepard
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yes, though I have my doubts. Like the game, got friends playing, lolz at the forum battles, but I dinged 50 and I'm hoping for more content. Well content is a bad word, but something cool, galactic war in ilum as an event, guild starships or something that would put the fun into the endgame as the fun was through the leveling phase. Well hopefully they have done something by the time my republic alt is 50.


Also, If you have UNSUBBED already what are you doing here in the forums?


Is SWTOR like your ex-GF that you always call when you are desperate for attention and love? Now I say the thing that you should understand in both cases with swtor and with your GF from 5 years past. MOVE ON GODSAKES.


I've unsubbed but i've got 20 days of play time left, which i intend to use and i'm hoping that the game will get me interested.


FYI i'm only level 24 (Republic side). It's the levelling experience that i'm not enjoying too much, and when you read/hear about these complaints about a lackluster end-game, i'm struggling to find motivation.

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I'm not even going to bother quoting anyone because for the most part 99% of the people crying about crap need to SHUT UP and go back to whatever MMO you think launched without one hitch.


You're going to quit because of no LFG system? How lazy can you be to find a group? I find it amusing that most of the posts I read crying about this are the same people saying it's not a real mmo? Really? So you want an LFG system to basically make it even less involved with other players? Good grief.


Seriously you people need to take a xanax and chill out. If you think every MMO releases with no problems you will NEVER be happy. Yes there is some performance issues but the game isn't unplayable(saw that post as well quite a bit). If you really looked at the specs and said "Oh hai I'm above the minimum" I don't know what to say because anyone who thinks being just above the minimum is kidding themselves. I myself am having FPS issues on a brand new PC during pvp. Does it make the game unplayable? No because I'm not god awfully terrible like 99% of the star wars "pvpers."


Get a grip kids.

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Really some people shout Fail because of minor issues, most of these things and changes will come, and those that moan about "end game" have no understanding, level 50 is not "end Game" it is the start, it is where once most people have reached it and the community starts to build up then the MMO starts to evolve.



Understand this is the best time to be in an MMO at the begining,


1. build up resources, some will become rare in the future.

2. Use the game test out the mechanics, i.e. work out what happens if you add 10 points of power

3. Work out where different resource farms are.


just generally build up your knowledge and if you do find bugs report them and yes critisise the game, but be constructive.


WOW wasnt built in a day. it had lag, it had bugs, it had a crap AH, it had no LFG, it had texture issue, god once it had a bug that caused all lowbies to die from a dot that was contageous and they had to shutdown the servers.

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The lack of LFG system will definitly make me cancel my subscription.


Thats probably the single most shallowest reason for quitting a game. I reckon there is more behind it than that, maybe you just expect to be given a group and all the loot from the group without any effort.



On the way out hand you light sabre to reception.

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I'm at that point where I make way too much money to worry about $15/month, however there is still the idea of principle behind all this.


Why should I pay a company to continue to work on a game just to get it to a "release standard?" I pay for a finished product, not one that was rushed for xmas. All MMO's are rough at launch, fair enough, but that excuse only goes so far; the abundant lack of basic features in this game is far and away from just "MMO launch;" it's just lazy design!


The launch? Smooth as silk! I've been around for plenty of MMO launches, and there's no denying that the Swtor launch was nothing short of wonderful, truly, but that doesn't forgive the sheer behemoth lack of features that we've come to expect from a 2011 launch.


I don't mean to insult anyone here, but I'm fairly convinced that anyone who actually continues to pay after 60 days is only paying because they're HOPING that the game becomes good, or that they WISH the game was as good as they want it to be. Is there a perfect game to take Swtors place? NO! There never will be, but it doesn't mean we have to settle for this incredibly underwhelming MMO design philosophy. I just think that the only people that will continue to pay after a few months are the ones who are doing so because of social pressure (big guilds, group of friends, etc) the big fans in denial (meaning the individuals that will settle for less because it makes them feel good because they think they're "right" that the game is good as-is) or those who simply are so bored with WoW, Rift, Aion, LotR, etc that they don't even care anymore, as long as they have a MMO to come home to.


Life is too good to waste time on a game that isn't finished AND pay money for the "privilege" to waste time on it. I've ALWAYS said the game has massive potential, and I still believe it does, but I'm not about to start paying Biowares electricity bill while they figure out how to make it happen.


For those that read the whole post, thank you; but to reward Bioware for under-developing a game they labeled as a "MMO" is not only degrading but simply wrong on several levels. Again, to those that read, thank you for hearing out the very SHORT version of my argument.


Happy gaming!

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maybe, but not if they keep going the way they are atm.


removing the gathering nodes from the free for all pvp area on tatooine, great, so whats the point of going there?


no nodes in the ilum faction pvp area, whats the point of going there except for the dailys to help 5 times, and why doesnt defending get you enything?...

Edited by Fentz
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Probably not. Two major reasons- all the other stuff I can wait on.


1. Ability delay/unresponsiveness- huge thread on this. Has been an issue since beta. You don;t notice it so much leveling except for locks on occassion. Can't play long term with this. More and more people will notice it down the road.


2. No proper dungeon finder. I want this to counter the heavy sharding and to feel like I'm in an MMO. The world feels dead because of it right now. There is no 'community' and a lack of a proper LFG tool is discouraging people from grouping. With the heavy sharding it's more of a burden.

Edited by Crogga
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I'm at that point where I make way too much money to worry about $15/month, however there is still the idea of principle behind all this.


Why should I pay a company to continue to work on a game just to get it to a "release standard?" I pay for a finished product, not one that was rushed for xmas. All MMO's are rough at launch, fair enough, but that excuse only goes so far; the abundant lack of basic features in this game is far and away from just "MMO launch;" it's just lazy design!


The launch? Smooth as silk! I've been around for plenty of MMO launches, and there's no denying that the Swtor launch was nothing short of wonderful, truly, but that doesn't forgive the sheer behemoth lack of features that we've come to expect from a 2011 launch.


I don't mean to insult anyone here, but I'm fairly convinced that anyone who actually continues to pay after 60 days is only paying because they're HOPING that the game becomes good, or that they WISH the game was as good as they want it to be. Is there a perfect game to take Swtors place? NO! There never will be, but it doesn't mean we have to settle for this incredibly underwhelming MMO design philosophy. I just think that the only people that will continue to pay after a few months are the ones who are doing so because of social pressure (big guilds, group of friends, etc) the big fans in denial (meaning the individuals that will settle for less because it makes them feel good because they think they're "right" that the game is good as-is) or those who simply are so bored with WoW, Rift, Aion, LotR, etc that they don't even care anymore, as long as they have a MMO to come home to.


Life is too good to waste time on a game that isn't finished AND pay money for the "privilege" to waste time on it. I've ALWAYS said the game has massive potential, and I still believe it does, but I'm not about to start paying Biowares electricity bill while they figure out how to make it happen.


For those that read the whole post, thank you; but to reward Bioware for under-developing a game they labeled as a "MMO" is not only degrading but simply wrong on several levels. Again, to those that read, thank you for hearing out the very SHORT version of my argument.


Happy gaming!


Annnd you didn't cite one example of what is "underdeveloped." Name one "feature" that existed in... WoW at launch and wasn't implemented. I think people forget how raw Wow was during pre-BC. Why is it that people are under the impression that they should login to an MMO and EVERYTHING gets handed to them?? Same people who ruined other MMO's imo.


I don't understand why people feel the need for an LFG system: Play with your guild, be social, be good etc. LFG system is for a few types of people and I'm just being real:


1. The idiots who just troll gen chat daily that no one wants to group with

2. The angry mmo player who goes nuts in vent over something little

3. The bad player because he does not want to get better and would rather get carried to gear

4. The lazy player who although may be good, half asses it on trash etc.


Although I agree the shard issue I have never liked. I think if they cut down the number of shards, and worked on the engine you would see no need for an LFG system, make it feel more like an "mmo" persay and be golden.

Edited by KWGOOD
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Thats probably the single most shallowest reason for quitting a game. I reckon there is more behind it than that, maybe you just expect to be given a group and all the loot from the group without any effort.



On the way out hand you light sabre to reception.


Well once you hit 50, there's only pvp, dailes and flashpoints (or ops) to do.


Right now, there's just not enough people doing flashpoints to be able to do them very often. Spamming for others @ fleet for 30mins kind of makes me not want to play this game at all.


Dailies get boring.


And PVP is in such horrible shape, it's hard to call it a feature.


So yeah, like most of my friends, I've already canceled.

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I might take a break till they put in a flashpoint finder and UI mods. Shouting in general chat for a party is archaic. There is nothing social about shouting for 3 hours to find a group while people start yelling at you to stop looking for a group. Then when you finally find a group still not saying anything the entire flashpoint except thanks at the end.


In fact contrary to James Ohlens idea that shouting in general for a group increases community i would say that shouting in general makes me dislike more and more of the community.

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