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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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YES. I'm really enjoying the single player aspects of this game. The multiplayer stuff is just icing on the cake for me. I'm planning to try several different classes and both empire and republic story lines, and since I work for a living that will take me several months at least. If there is interesting end game stuff or an expansion comes out I might stay longer.
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Probably not.


The only thing floating this game is Star Wars fanboys and their inability to accept this game as being half-baked to make it out in time for Christmas shopping. It won't die like most other MMOs have, but it's definitely not going to be the next big thing.


Oh, God forbid people actually enjoy the game for it's merits! Unheard of! :rolleyes:

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Yes, however the following need to be fixed, the first being the most important:


EU server maintenance done in EU off peak hours, not the middle of the day!


Customisable UI

High res texture setting

Auction house UI badly badly needs redone asap.


I'd also like Dual talent spec (not AC switching though), even if the second is only usable in PvP. I don't get the people against this for example do you honestly think a tank build is any use in PvP?

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SWTOR is a pretty awesome single player game, MMO not so much. I've had a very entertaining time and I think I'll keep playing to level 50 on at least one toon. I'm not sure if I'm going to sub, but my gut is telling me probably not.


There is just not much opportunity for group activity. Level 1-50 is pretty much solo, each planet has 4-5 group quests where you haphazardly get to group but it's not very organized or social friendly, other than that 99% of your time is spent soloing (or traveling but that's another matter). I'm assuming that level 50 is like every other MMO, where players at max level spend their time actually doing group zones because they need to grind gear/tokens/faction or whatever it is in this MMO, so I'll withhold complete judgement until I can get at least one toon to 50.


Otherwise I don't regret my $60, I buy plenty of single player games for that price that hold my attention for roughly a month, so as an investment I'm not disappointed. As a MMO I am definitely disappointed, instead of evolving the MMO genre to solve the problems of grouping and grinding bioware took the easy way out and really the only thing they did was sugarcoat the kill 10 rats quests. Like I said it was a very enjoyable single player experience, but I have yet to see many signs of an actual MMO which would convince me to part with a monthly sub.

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Yep, I'll be here. 15 dollars a month? I spend more on coffee in a week. I like the game for what it is and trust that bioware, a company i've enjoyed the work of for years, will continue to nurture this game. If I see that they are not, I'll probably stop subscribing down the road.


This one will go on my list off MMO's I go back to even when I do stop for a while though.

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