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    Kyoto, Japan
  1. Same. I took a 6 month break myself. I wanted to wait till they got a Group Finder up and going. That really makes a difference. The nice thing about MMOs is that they improve (usually) over time. Although the game is still kinda buggy, it's a lot of fun to play especially if you don't take it too seriously.
  2. No combat logs. No parsing of any kind. Thanks.
  3. I have 4 republic toons rolled. They are split between 2 servers. They are a 22 Sage, a 20 Vanguard, a 21 Jedi Shadow and a 35 Scoundrel. I'm having a blast on all 4 toons but I've enjoyed the scoundrel's story arc the best with the Jedi one being a close second. I'm saving the Empire side for Spring!
  4. Count me in for the duration. It ain't perfect but it's far from broken. Plus it's a ton of fun. Hey, that's why it's a G A M E.
  5. What`s the upside for me! You`re dumb, ugly AND dead! I`m dieing here. Don`t let me die!
  6. Have to agree with the OP. These are Geezer Speeders. They`re like for really old people who might fall off or something. The speeders in SWG rocked. They were fast! And in first person, even better! That`s about the only thing SWG did right.
  7. It takes more time to travel across Anchorhead than it does to travel across the galaxy. That`s one gripe I have...the universe feels too small. It should feel far...like EVE. You wouldn`t be seeing peeps hitting lvl 50 in 3 days then, would ya if they had to watch stars streaming past for 2 hours to get to Coruscant from Typhon. I mean, come on, there should be sense of space travel.
  8. They go up when they're good and ready. Not a second before. Server crashes suck, especially for a new release.
  9. Played all Republic so far...three toons to over level 20. Will start Empire in the Spring. Cancel? Perish the thought. This MMO is one of a kind.
  10. Well said. Another reason why this MMO is gonna last. It's different in the right kinda way.
  11. You're probably right that I'm in the minority but SWG was not a "small game". In fact, MMOs seem to be reducing in size, more or less, since the early 2000s. I think as time goes on an LFG tool will be needed, but not at the beginning for sure.
  12. Yeah, one of the things that I really like about this game is that return to Old School. No LFG tools, no macros, no auto-attack. Lots of walking and running and exploring. Bumping into people and making new friends in guild and out. WTG Bioware for making a game that has that flair. I know you'll probably cave to the minority that demands macros for raiding/botting/goldspamming, auto attack for more botting, LFG for kids, parsing for the psychotic, etc. but in the meantime, two thumbs up. I haven't seen a bot yet, or an auto-spammer...the usual hallmarks of MMO success nowadays. Maybe the lack of options and choices in UI and functionality is not necessarily a bad thing. Is there reasoning in Bioware thinking here?
  13. I'm a smuggler and I'm having a hard time getting either dark or light...some scum deserves to die, others don't. Like that little puke rodian we saved on Ord Mantel for the Republic. The pirate guy... He deserved to get smoked,,,just for trash talking to his rescuer. On the other hand,,, They did a super job design this part of the game, that for sure. Lotta fun and very replayable.
  14. Yep, pretty smooth. I was lucky and was able to log in as one of the first on the server. There was no one around! I thought 'geez, didn't anyone buy this game?'. Well, looks like a few million just might have. Been a great ride too, for the past week. Not without the odd hiccup but generally speaking, a wonderful release. Well done Bioware, LA, and EA.
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