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So far, so good! Props, Bioware!


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After 10 hours of straight gaming, I had to log off to head to work. While away from the game, I thought I would take the chance to give Bioware props for a smooth launch so far!


I noticed a lot of negativity on the forums, I'm assuming from people who aren't in yet or have had unique problems. Coming from someone who is in the game on Day 1, however, things have been incredibly smooth!


I lead a guild of over 100 players. I'd say about 50 pre-ordered early enough to get in today at some point. I've had absolutely NO complaints from any of my members so far. We haven't experienced any issues with logging in, getting on the server, and gaming to our hearts' content. I haven't experienced any lag or game breaking bugs.


I've played quite a few MMO Betas and launches, and NONE of them have gone near this well. I don't want to jinx it, since you still have several days left for things to implode, but I'm quite satisfied so far.


With Amazon getting their act together and getting release date delivery fixed, it's looking like clear skies from here on out!


Those of you having a smooth experience who can pry yourself away from the game long enough, let Bioware know how things have gone for you!

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After 10 hours of straight gaming, I had to log off to head to work. While away from the game, I thought I would take the chance to give Bioware props for a smooth launch so far!




Well, I guess now that you aren't playing, welcome to the apparent "Occupy" SWTOR Forums revolution.

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After 10 hours of straight gaming, I had to log off to head to work. While away from the game, I thought I would take the chance to give Bioware props for a smooth launch so far!


I noticed a lot of negativity on the forums, I'm assuming from people who aren't in yet or have had unique problems. Coming from someone who is in the game on Day 1, however, things have been incredibly smooth!


I lead a guild of over 100 players. I'd say about 50 pre-ordered early enough to get in today at some point. I've had absolutely NO complaints from any of my members so far. We haven't experienced any issues with logging in, getting on the server, and gaming to our hearts' content. I haven't experienced any lag or game breaking bugs.


I've played quite a few MMO Betas and launches, and NONE of them have gone near this well. I don't want to jinx it, since you still have several days left for things to implode, but I'm quite satisfied so far.


With Amazon getting their act together and getting release date delivery fixed, it's looking like clear skies from here on out!


Those of you having a smooth experience who can pry yourself away from the game long enough, let Bioware know how things have gone for you!


I swear to God. You people need to stop already.

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Actually no, so far its been a complete disaster, I got up at the ungodly hour of 3 a.m PST and refreshed my browser till 5 a.m. then feeling defeated and sad I went to bed thinking SURELY!!! when I wake up there will be an invite in my box, got up at 4, no invite. I am not upset about the way they are doing things, actually I think its smart, Im just upset about my horrible luck of not getting to be a beta tester, and now this :(

Basically what I am saying is the servers working, or running good so far, are completely not relavent at all to most of the players because we cant even play yet.

Edited by RichLather
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