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[Discussion] Is there too much freedom to leave a warzone?


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I'd like to take a brief moment away from your regularly scheduled PVP forum QQ to bring you a topic I haven't seen talked about much: The ability to freely leave a warzone and requeue without penalty.


I just recently realized you even could do this. And I don't much like it. I know there are a LOT of people who will simply leave if they are facing a premade. I may start doing the same, simply because pug vs premade is not fun unless they are exceptionally uncoordinated/aren't on vent.


Some things you might start seeing because of this at level 50:


1) Did the start of the match go poorly? Ie, they two capped at start, got an early bomb plant, scored right away. Expect to see people just mass leave, wait a few minutes, then re-queue. It's often worth more of their time to do this than sit out a long drawn out loss.


2) Do you have several low levels in with you? Expect to see 50's just leave and wait a minute then re-queue.


3) Does the other time have a lot of healers and nobody is dieing? Expect people to leave, wait a minute, then re-queue.


I try to PVP by a certain honorable code of trying to the last when I'm in a warzone, even if I hate every second of fighting a losing battle. But I know based on my over a decade of MMO experience, that a large portion of MMO players do not hold themselves to such a standard and this system will be abused.


How many of you might just leave an obvious loss early for a chance at an easy win? At that point the other team kind of just automatically wins when people start leaving because it takes time for new players to join, load up, and then get through the respawn shield.

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I stay till the end. Period. If we can't make objectives happen then the name of the game just became deathmatch. And I'll be damned if I won't enjoy some of that. On more than one occasion I've still pulled out 7+ medals in a game where the rest of my team was on every spot on the bottom of the bracket, while I was in top 3.


I mean I am against people just leaving and requeueing, especially when you have games like huttball where they can leave and come back to the same game but on the winning side.

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Yes, we all know some people do have excellent teamwork ethics when it comes to warzones. But I think most of us that play like that also understand how many people have no compunctions about taking the path of least resistance (Hello warzone AFKers!) to get their gear/rewards/whatever it is they want.
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Agreed and /signed.


Especially since this screws over people in line for WZ. You know when you've been Queued forever, only to jump into a Hutball WZ with 10 seconds left and the opposing team up by 5.


I love it when that happens to me; free XP :cool:

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No.We leave when the team we are on sucks or has no idea on what the hell they are doing.Some people are serious when it comes to the warzones and no there isn't that much freedom because the rewards leaving are 0.Losing reward is minimum and winning is way too much.So freedom is deemed less than you think.Its not nice to carry a group of people you don't know to win because its impossible.Ive seen people do the most stupid stuff regarding warzones and yes i left because of it.Oh.... i don't care either i'll still do that and always will do that and if i can't leave,i'll log out.. no biggy.
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I jsut left one. I was our only 50 and half the team was under 25. One guy was 44.


I counted 6/8 50s on the opposing faction before I left.


I just wait until I get in one with some solid people from my server that I've come to recognize. Why would I stay? Because it is more honorable to get farmed than to leave to fight another day?



Getting farmed for no reason is an idiots way to feel good about himself IMO.

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pretty simple if you quit a warzone go afk in a warzone, or anything of the sort you should not be able to queue for an extended period of time at least 15min.




Its completely screwed right now. there is no point staying if its versus a premade, or if its mostly level 50s on the other side, or whatever....



IF they fix it so its balanced, then yes I'll agree.


But forcing people to stay in WZs they dont enjoy just to get rolfstomped is a sure way to make them lose interest and unsub.


Fix pvp, then people wont leave. Treat the cause not the symptoms.

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Its completely screwed right now. there is no point staying if its versus a premade, or if its mostly level 50s on the other side, or whatever....



IF they fix it so its balanced, then yes I'll agree.


But forcing people to stay in WZs they dont enjoy just to get rolfstomped is a sure way to make them lose interest and unsub.


Fix pvp, then people wont leave. Treat the cause not the symptoms.




team work and coordination are OP! NERF TEAMWORK!



oh wait....

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team work and coordination are OP! NERF TEAMWORK!



oh wait....


If you ever lose as a premade on voice chat against a pug, your premade sucks. That's the point. Everyone knows it. Most people would rather just drop. Heck if enough people do it, premades may not be able to even finish a game because nobody wants to deal with the hassle.


That's where it COULD go if the problem isn't addressed in one way or another.

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I leave every huttball match as soon as I pop in.


Earlier today I was in a match with 7 other people under level 30. The other team had 4 50's and the lowest of the other 4 was 35. I stayed because I was running out of time and I had that freshly minted complete one warzone quest(the win one warzone one too, but it wasn't winnable and I had to goto work after this) after completion the quest didn't even advance. Definitely should have just left that one.


Balance is horrendously broken. Pop quiz: who would win in a fight one level 50 with pvp gear or 8 bolstered level 20s?

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