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Balmorra x 2?


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The point is its not even an option. The factions are artificially separated. You cannot go to an opposite factions world. Hell even in the PvP area's its hard to PvP because of the small server caps. As I said, very bad game design. I'm sitting here and wondering why they even bother to have PvP servers to be honest.


Exactly. Poor design.

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Because Tatooine and everything that follows allows world PvP.


Let me get all upset here because I can't go to Dromund Kaas as a Republic player and kill lowbies. Or Hutta.


Read the thread. Not my wish though I wouldn't mind even being on the receiving end. It's the risk we take and gladly accept when we roll on a PvP server.


Your first part is correct though. Tatooine and everything that follows allows world PvP. But it doesn't.

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Well I sort of accepted that after I found out in beta. I knew or thought that from Tat up the planet chain we would always be sharing. But I guess I was wrong.


That actually is the case, From Tatooine (actually, Nar Shadaa, though you can't fight, just /wave) on up you ARE sharing.



Here's the problem:


Balmorra comes BEFORE Nar Shadaa on the Empire side. Just like Taris comes BEFORE Nar Shadaa on the Republic side.


Therefore, you never see each other.

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In WoW Tarren Mill, a simple NPC town, evolved into a great battleground area for factions. Why? Because the world was open to both factions. Everyone had a blast there, high and low levels. You will never see that in SWTOR with its current design. On top of that, the capital cities have an exhaustion zone around them to kill any fun even more. Furthermore, why the hell did they even put town guards here? No enemy faction will ever step foot into it.


LOL I wonder the same thing every time I come out in Anchorhead.


Or why as I walk into my hangar for my ship I am flagged for PvP.

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That actually is the case, From Tatooine (actually, Nar Shadaa, though you can't fight, just /wave) on up you ARE sharing.



Here's the problem:


Balmorra comes BEFORE Nar Shadaa on the Empire side. Just like Taris comes BEFORE Nar Shadaa on the Republic side.


Therefore, you never see each other.


I get it. It's wrong. Poor game design as it relates to the story. PvP and faction interaction were an absolute after-thought.

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I was just discussing some thing simaler with a friend of mine, We were wondering why on all these planets we got a big on screen message YOU ARE NOW FLAGGED FOR PVP when we never once even saw anyone from the opposite faction, then i thought maybe they cant even get into these area's and i was a correct.


So what is the point of the place being a pvp flagged planet. :confused:


Also on tattooine/desert place i went "exploring" on my speeder and found the republic cities and drove all around them and around the area's to look for other players i didnt even see one person not one. I couldnt even see any in the city from a distance.


The game has no atmosphere i want to be watching my back when im on a pvp server here bleh its just boring.

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Wrong. It's a good design for those who wanted something different than the mainstream MMO. You do not like it? Then fine...move along and go play something you like. It's not going to change.


Hi my name is Waypoc. Welcome to this thread.


It's a PvP server. Anyone that logs into it doesn't want something different that puts the opposite faction on a completely different shard/instance/server.


You get that right?

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I was just discussing some thing simaler with a friend of mine, We were wondering why on all these planets we got a big on screen message YOU ARE NOW FLAGGED FOR PVP when we never once even saw anyone from the opposite faction, then i thought maybe they cant even get into these area's and i was a correct.


So what is the point of the place being a pvp flagged planet. :confused:


Also on tattooine/desert place i went "exploring" on my speeder and found the republic cities and drove all around them and around the area's to look for other players i didnt even see one person not one. I couldnt even see any in the city from a distance.


The game has no atmosphere i want to be watching my back when im on a pvp server here bleh its just boring.


Exactly. See my other thread here:



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I get it. It's wrong. Poor game design as it relates to the story. PvP and faction interaction were an absolute after-thought.


Justify how it is poor game design. And don't give men anything based on opinion; I want cold, hard facts and methods present in accepted game design theory that indicate a flaw in the way Bioware handled the creation of the leveling experience.


If you want world pvp, there is plenty to be had in places like Tatooine, Hoth, and Voss.

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I get it. It's wrong. Poor game design as it relates to the story. PvP and faction interaction were an absolute after-thought.


Wait wait wait...


You mean to tell me, that PvP was secondary, in a PvE centric MMO!?


NO WAY! :eek:




Seriously though, there's a reason for this, Classes don't even really come into their own groove until level 20 (Hell, you don't even get your first defining tank/heal/dps skill until ~15)

[Which is why I laugh every time I see "Lvl 13 Tank LFG" ... they don't even have their damn taunt yet...]


Why the hell would you ever have fully-open world PvP below that level?


Not only would it be unfair, but people's characters aren't even fully fit into their own roles yet.


Lvls 1-10 = learning the basics levels


Lvls 10-15 = learning the AC Basics


Lvls 15 - 20 = Learning your role.


Lvls 20+ = The training wheels come off.




It's actually a rather good system if you stop and actually think about it for a second rather than ************ that you can't "gank noobs" or whatever it is you're doing...

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Justify how it is poor game design. And don't give men anything based on opinion; I want cold, hard facts and methods present in accepted game design theory that indicate a flaw in the way Bioware handled the creation of the leveling experience.


If you want world pvp, there is plenty to be had in places like Tatooine, Hoth, and Voss.


Are you serious. Read the thread.


Read this thread too:




This game design is perfect for a single player game with multiplayer chat options. Play the game like you would any MMO and the problems become obvious.

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Hi my name is Waypoc. Welcome to this thread.


It's a PvP server. Anyone that logs into it doesn't want something different that puts the opposite faction on a completely different shard/instance/server.


You get that right?


Hi....I know what you are wanting. You're one looking for a game with open world pvp all over the place and this is'nt the game for you. No matter if your on a pvp server. Once again..move along and play something you like. It is not going to change. I personally think it is fine and am staying because I enjoy the game. Your asking for a major redesign of the game. Not going to happen.

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Wait wait wait...


You mean to tell me, that PvP was secondary, in a PvE centric MMO!?


NO WAY! :eek:


Seriously though, there's a reason for this, Classes don't even really come into their own groove until level 20 (Hell, you don't even get your first defining tank/heal/dps skill until ~15)

[Which is why I laugh after time I see "Lvl 13 Healer LFG"]


Why the hell would you ever have fully-open world PvP below that level?


Not only would it be unfair, but people's characters aren't even fully fit into their own roles yet.


Lvls 1-10 = learning the basics levels


Lvls 10-15 = learning the AC Basics


Lvls 15 - 20 = Learning your role.


Lvls 20+ = The training wheels come off.




It's actually a rather good system if you stop and actually think about it for a second rather then ************ that you can't "gank noobs" or whatever it is you're doing...


First you must be Imperial. Second, I'm not arguing the level system and when PvP should be engaged in. I have issue with the fact that Republic gets to Balmorra around 32-35ish and Imperial gets there at low level. They cannot be there together with that design.


As far as a PvEcentric game, I'm on a PvP server. And this is Star Wars. It's very foundation is Faction V Faction. The second you allow players to play both factions, PvP and story become married and part of the foundation. And for those that don't want PvP, at minimum opposite factions should be running into each other all over the place. Possibly through missions to counter the opposite factions mission results. Whatever.


The fact is; it should have been part of the design.

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First you must be Imperial.


Was it my Guild that gave me away? :rolleyes:


Second, I'm not arguing the level system and when PvP should be engaged in. I have issue with the fact that Republic gets to Balmorra around 32-35ish and Imperial gets there at low level. They cannot be there together with that design.


Then why aren't you complaining about Taris? It's LITERALLY the same thing. Republic gets there around level 16, Empire gets there at 32.


Taris and Balmorra are mirrored planets.

As far as a PvEcentric game, I'm on a PvP server.




And this is Star Wars.




It's very foundation is Faction V Faction. The second you allow players to play both factions, PvP and story become married and part of the foundation. And for those that don't want PvP, at minimum opposite factions should be running into each other all over the place. Possibly through missions to counter the opposite factions mission results. Whatever.


Completely agree, in a PvP Game, Try Darkfall.



The fact is; it should have been part of the design.


It is... after level 20.

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Was it my Guild that gave me away? :rolleyes:


Then why aren't you complaining about Taris? It's LITERALLY the same thing. Republic gets there around level 16, Empire gets there at 32.


Taris and Balmorra are mirrored planets.






Completely agree, in a PvP Game, Try Darkfall.


It is... after level 20.


I did complain about Taris in Beta. But I accepted that they wanted players to be higher level.

I didn't find out about Balmorra until today.

And again Balmorra for Republic is 32+ which goes back to poor game design.


Darkfall is not Star Wars.

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I did complain about Taris in Beta. But I accepted that they wanted players to be higher level.

I didn't find out about Balmorra until today.

And again Balmorra for Republic is 32+ which goes back to poor game design.



And Taris is 32+ for Empire, and yet you "accept they want people to be higher level".




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And Taris is 32+ for Empire, and yet you "accept they want people to be higher level".





Thanks for that bit of information. And it's not the same.

They should have designed it so that Taris was either 32+ for Rep & Imp or vice versa with Balmorra.


You sort of just made my point.

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*facepalm* So you want a game, where you get the same planets in a row on both sides. So we all go from starter world to home world, then planet 3,4,5,6,7,8. With No difference.

Sorry buddy, its not bad game design, you keep calling it that but it is not. hardcore PvP is only a small % of the population. So in fact it is good game design for the target market, people who love star wars and video games (which is a lot of people, even taking out all the hardcore PvPers)


Now I play on a rp-pve server, and run onto a Sith on nar-shaddaa, he surprised me, we battled, he won.

So calm the heck down, if you enjoy world pvp everywhere THIS IS NOT THE GAME FOR YOU.

Sorry had to say that this game is not for everyone.

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*facepalm* So you want a game, where you get the same planets in a row on both sides. So we all go from starter world to home world, then planet 3,4,5,6,7,8. With No difference.

Sorry buddy, its not bad game design, you keep calling it that but it is not. hardcore PvP is only a small % of the population. So in fact it is good game design for the target market, people who love star wars and video games (which is a lot of people, even taking out all the hardcore PvPers)


Now I play on a rp-pve server, and run onto a Sith on nar-shaddaa, he surprised me, we battled, he won.

So calm the heck down, if you enjoy world pvp everywhere THIS IS NOT THE GAME FOR YOU.

Sorry had to say that this game is not for everyone.


No not at all. On Republic side we start on Tat. Let it start from there. And again keep in mind it's a PvP server. It's poor game design or PvP and faction interaction were a complete after-thought, which makes it poor planning.

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It's poor game design or PvP and faction interaction were a complete after-thought, which makes it poor planning.


No its not poor game design, PvP and faction interaction were not the main focus, story was, which does not make poor planing. unique story for both sides > pve > pvp. That is how the game is supposed to be, I knew that before ever playing it. Its not bad design or poor planing like I said only a small % will be upset by this, you are part of the small % and you do have a right to be upset, but don't make the mistake by saying "the game does not have faction PvP on every planet from T, so it is bad design." I have just listed above why it is not, if you have a good reason other then your quote above, I would love to hear it.

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