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Why does everyone hate the prequals????


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I actually didnt mind the prequals, they weren't amazing but they were good despite a few issues..


The all powerful Anakin demonstrates his power by....

Killing a bunch of sand people,

Killing a bunch of kids,

Killing a bunch of defenseless diplomats (oh sorry they had 3 droids.. seriously??)

Killing one Dark Jedi - Really can you call Dooku a sith??

Meanwhile he gets an arm chopped off in a 2 v 1 and gets both legs chopped off in a 1 v 1


Obi-Wan takes out Maul, Grievous, and Anakin, but is taken out rather meekly by Dooku.. Twice..


Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett/Clone Troopers - OK so being a Kiwi doesn't help with this one.. I can't look at this guy without thinking of "Jake the Muss" from Once Were Warriors and What Becomes of the Broken Hearted.


Samuel L Jackson as Mace Windu... Sammy should be banned from playing any character that doesn't say MotherF!@#$% at least half a dozen times.

Also Isn't Mace supposed to be one of the greatest swordsman in the Jedi Order? He looks very wooden to me with Saber in hand..


But hey I can look past all these things and still I like the movies, They could have been much better, but they could have been alot worse as well.

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No idea. I never understood either and I have been a die hard fan for the past 20 years. Two SW tattoos, tons of memorabilia, you name it. I personally like the pre's. ROTJ is still my favorite though :p


You answered your own question here. You've reached that level of fandom where you're oblivious to reason.

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Ok, how come everyone hates the prequals? Everywhere I go you someone saying the same thing. Heck, if you went to Celebration VI you'd see people outside of the convention center with signs yelling "JOIN THE DARKSIDE, HATE THE PREQUALS, HATE THE PREQUALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Quite honestly I don't see whats wrong with them. I like both the prequals and the original trilogy. I don't think they are corny (ok, maybe a few very small spots), I don't think it was bad acting, and I loved the characters (except Jar Jar)!


So, to get to the point, what is wrong with the prequals?


THEY'RE TERRIBLE. In fact, nothing isn't wrong with the prequels. /thread

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Well, I can think of two things that weren't wrong.



Damn straight. Natalie was great in that role, and is far better looking than Leia ever was.


Also, Darth Maul and Mace Windu. More Jedi and more force powers. More interesting worlds and alien races.


It was a great expansion of the universe we know and love, however it fell short of expectations. And...well...Jarjar.

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Damn straight. Natalie was great in that role, and is far better looking than Leia ever was.


Also, Darth Maul and Mace Windu. More Jedi and more force powers. More interesting worlds and alien races.


It was a great expansion of the universe we know and love, however it fell short of expectations. And...well...Jarjar.


I'm sorry...I think you missed the part where I said those two things were the only good to come out of the prequels.


I still prefer metal bikini Leia in soft lighting.

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to be perfectly honest, i don't hate them. granted, they're nothing compared to the original trilogy, what is? but i think they get some unnecessary hate.


yes, hayden christensen, jar jar, all that is bad, i didn't mind the midichlorians, and i liked the duels, but i feel like the prequels are what the people who don't like star wars to begin with use to fuel their hatred. that may just be my paranoid ramblings, but there it is.

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to be perfectly honest, i don't hate them. granted, they're nothing compared to the original trilogy, what is? but i think they get some unnecessary hate.


yes, hayden christensen, jar jar, all that is bad, i didn't mind the midichlorians, and i liked the duels, but i feel like the prequels are what the people who don't like star wars to begin with use to fuel their hatred. that may just be my paranoid ramblings, but there it is.

Yeah, it is just your paranoid ramblings. I like the OT films. I do not like the PT films. Thus, it stands to reason that I can't be said to dislike Star Wars to begin with. I dislike poorly-made films in general. When you learn to use those critical thinking faculties more often, it should be easier for you to see that.

Edited by RagnarokJC
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Episode I


Overall an "ok" movie, if a little bit confusing at times. The addition of JarJar Binks - in fact, most of the Gungan Population - was a travesty. Other than being cannon-fodder for the Trade Federation later on in the movie, they played no *real* role, with the very minor role of being "Symbiotic" with the Naboo people.


The introduction of the more flamboyant and dynamic lightsaber dueling, though, is a massive plus. Twisty-twirly techniques make for stellar viewing, and when they're done with such finesse and grace, they can believe that these guys are Jedi to pull it off and make it seem like they can tell their opponent's next strike.


Jake Lloyd, bless him, did a good job of playing little Anakin. I rather liked the pod-race. I thought visiting Mos Espa rather than Mos Eisley was a little wierd, but hey I can deal with it. Midichlorians are a big no-no - what's in a person's bloodstream shouldn't dictate their force sensitivity; it comes from within one's own belief, as demonstrated by Yoda in Episode V.


Episode II


Casting Hayden Christiansen as Anakin was a massive oversight on Lucas' part. They couldn't have found a more wooden, uninteresting, lesser-known "actor" if they'd tried. However I will say that he plays a far better "Dark" Jedi than he does a Light-side one. I'll come onto this in more detail in Ep 3's section.


I liked the idea that the Death Star wasn't entirely Imperial by design, and was in fact partly Geonosian - and I rather liked the Geonosians as a race, but who doesn't like seeing bugs get splattered? The battle between the Jedi and the Trade Federation/Geonosians was great, and had the dual role of explaining how Boba Fett was "born", along with the militant and action-driven nature of the Jedi, rather than a bunch of old men sitting in a room discussing stuff.


Count Dooku... Oh boy. Christopher Lee was a great choice to play a Sith lord, but giving the character a name that sounds so much like "Duck". All I could think of was Count Ducklula from British TV (Google it!). And the lightsaber fight with Yoda was just not called for at all - I can understand that the little guy is skilled with a lightsaber, but they could have done it with some grace and explained it away off-screen rather than have him bounce around like some coffee-fuelled Pokemon. You can see in Christopher Lee's face as he says "We will have to settle this with lightsabers" - He *really* doesn't think it's a good idea.


The love scenes... A massive bone of contention with me. I understand that they are important in showing us what happened to Anakin, and why he fell to the Dark side, and the utmost intensity of his love for Padme... but did it have to be quite so gushy, mushy, and soppy? Really? Natalie Portman is a great actress, just look at Black Swan. But Hayden acts the part more like a petulent child rather than a Jedi padawan, albeit one who is not supposed to love. Too much frosting, not enough cake!!


Episode III


Regardless of the "nooooooo" business at the very end of the movie, I feel this episode was the strongest of the prequels. The ship infiltration at the beginning was a good insight into a Jedi's role in a battle, and the brotherhood that Obi-Wan and Anakin show on screen is very well acted, even by Hayden in most parts. The CGI is first-rate and it's all very believably done.


The forming of the Republic's army, and the knowledge that it will one day be the Imperial Army is a great addition. Its roots in Episode II were nicely laid out, and the culmination of this was great to see at the end of the movie - the soldier's loyalty to their so-called Republic rather than the "light side".


The love story continues, but this time there is much more cake as opposed to frosting; Anakin's internal struggle with Love and the Jedi Code, his mixed emotions toward the news of the twins, and his bipolar handling of Padme towards the end of the movie shows exactly how a fledgling Sith would feel in the face of this adversity: a kind of "Either she will love me, or she will love nobody" mentality.


Speaking of which, the scene where Anakin and Obi-Wan face off is one of my favourites from ANY of the Star Wars films, and I could honestly watch it all day long. It's well choreographed, acted and written. It's exactly how I had imagined the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin (minus Hayden, of course), and the "high Ground" climax was well done, showing Anakin's lust for power, his inner need for victory at any cost. The only thing that got me thinking "hmm, really?" is when Obi-Wan says "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." - didn't he just deal in an absolute? Anyways.


My biggest plus for the movies has to be the casting of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi. His likeness to Sir Alec Guinness, along with his keen enthusiasm to portray the character faithfully is absolutely spot-on. When you consider that Obi-Wan only appeared in about quarter of the first film and then once or twice as a ghost in the original trilogy; to expand upon this little-known character and keep him believeable, faithful and interesting to a newer generation, as well as cynical "veterans" can't have been easy. So, big thumbs up from me for Ewan!


Bloody hell. It's taken me 30 minutes to write this little lot and now I think I need a cup of tea and a lie down.








Make it stop, make it stop.... .__.

Edited by Hebrind
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I think the Prequel Trilogy just tried to hard to be "cool" or "serious", when the Original Trilogy, while still grounded in reality, just had a more light-hearted feel. Anakin was genuinely creepy in Episodes 2 and 3, when he should've been depicted as strong and kind. He was always destined to become a tragic character, but I thought they delved into that aspect too much, to a point Episodes 2 and 3 weren't very "fun".


I will defend Episode 1, however. Even though there was too much focus on "JEDI ARE SO AMAZING!!1!", and I thought they made Anakin way too young (not to mention the name "Anny"... ugh), it really felt much closer to the originals than anybody really gives it credit for.


Also, you can't deny just how amazing the Lightsaber-battles of the Prequels are. Those are just really, really, REALLY well done. Realistic? Maybe not. Fun as hell to watch? Abso-friggen-lutely!

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I think the Prequel Trilogy just tried to hard to be "cool" or "serious", when the Original Trilogy, while still grounded in reality, just had a more light-hearted feel. Anakin was genuinely creepy in Episodes 2 and 3, when he should've been depicted as strong and kind. He was always destined to become a tragic character, but I thought they delved into that aspect too much, to a point Episodes 2 and 3 weren't very "fun".


I will defend Episode 1, however. Even though there was too much focus on "JEDI ARE SO AMAZING!!1!", and I thought they made Anakin way too young (not to mention the name "Anny"... ugh), it really felt much closer to the originals than anybody really gives it credit for.


Also, you can't deny just how amazing the Lightsaber-battles of the Prequels are. Those are just really, really, REALLY well done. Realistic? Maybe not. Fun as hell to watch? Abso-friggen-lutely!

The OT had a "more light-hearted feel" than the PT films? Episode I "felt much closer to the originals than anybody really gives it credit for."? Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but I'm wondering now if yours is based on actually having *seen* these films?

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The OT had a "more light-hearted feel" than the PT films? Episode I "felt much closer to the originals than anybody really gives it credit for."? Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but I'm wondering now if yours is based on actually having *seen* these films?


Hey man, roasted corpses, murder and doomsday weapons killing billions of people is lighthearted fun if you're EVIL. =D =D =D

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Best Star Wars Movie = Empire Strikes Back


Fantastic story, brilliantly composed, great, great stuff.


Lucas didn't write it. He just produced it.


When he came back to writing we were rewarded with teddy bears killing battle-hardened stormtroopers...really...really? George Lucas has never been a great writer. He sparked on a fantastic idea, and it grew without much help from him. The EU is filled with authors far more talented than George (Zahn, Stackpole, Allston...) ever was.


The prequels (c'mon guys, there's no "a" in that word) were a travesty. They were George Lucas' way of being an obnoxious five-year-old, throwing a tantrum because everyone else is playing with his toys, and doing a better job at it.


- Myk

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After reading pages 1 and 2, I just skipped ahead to say, regardless of the actors and annoying characters, I loved the setting, environments, and the technology... Actually, what bothers me because it ignores all logic, is that in episode 3, they had such sleek designs and holographic control screens, and at the end of 3, it was back to the giant play school baby toy controls. I know why they had to do this, but from a logical pov, that just killed me. I know it's a Sci-fi movie, but atleast try to make sense!!! :/
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Redlettermedia, as referred to earlier, is nailed on for me.


I think the prequels are horrible.


Now, you could write page up and page down about it. But I'll try to, for me, sum it up.


They are infested with plot-holes. There are so many 'stupid' decisions made by characters and entities that someone really, really should have stopped Lucas.


I totally agree with this... plotholes and no one disagreeing with Lucas. I like the prequels. Could they have been better? YES! Maybe because Macullum, the producer, was a Lucas "yes man". No one had the balls to say ummm NO... look at what you wrote for the original trilogy. Leia having memories of her mother, for example... in ROTS Padme dies when they are born. How could she have memories? I also agree that Lucas should not have directed it. Let a better director take the reigns. Look at Empire... THEE BEST MOVIE IN THE COLLECTION! Look at Raiders of the Lost Ark... Spielberg directed and Lucas wrote. That's just my 2 cents. Had there been other minds involved and no one saying "whatever George wants..." they could have been better.

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The OT had a "more light-hearted feel" than the PT films? Episode I "felt much closer to the originals than anybody really gives it credit for."? Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but I'm wondering now if yours is based on actually having *seen* these films?


What I mean is, in Episode IV, you're really hit with this awe-inspiring sense of adventure and discovery. The movie -- to me, anyways -- was never really about the Rebels versus the Empire; it was about seeing all these crazy aliens and amazing robots, steeped in a world that felt like it was truly alive.


Phantom Menace may have failed in terms of Story -- and oh boy, did it fail -- but I don't think you can dismiss that it also added something to the universe. You got more of a feel for who the Jedi were, with Qui-gon and Obi-wan being everything I could've possibly hoped in a Jedi. And, even though it was a little too "clean" for my tastes, seeing the technology of the Prequel Trilogy was a lot of fun, as the Droids felt more fearsome, and some of the locations were just gorgeous.


And seriously, who here didn't get just a *bit* of envy in pod-racing segment?


Like I said, to me, while the Story of the Original Trilogy will always be timeless, and the Prequel Trilogy generally does a horrible job handling its own story, I think a lot of the "magic" of Star Wars is just that feeling of there being this huge universe, that's dangerous but also you'd kind of like to *live* there. That, to me, is where Phantom Menace succeeded, while the others didn't so as much for me.

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Horrible acting (especially Anakin) is my biggest issue.


Another very big problem is how every single Jedi and Sith is nothing but a huge ****up. Constantly.


Anakins loss to herpderp higher ground is ridiculous, we all know it. Darth Maul only dies from a brain freeze, since he's just standing around waiting to get hit. As does every jedi accompanying Mace Windu to arrest Palpatine. Dooku gets all the opportunity he needs to kill both Anakin (sure, that might've been intentional), Obi-Wan and even Yoda but decides not to.


Oh, and he only gets the opportunity to kill Yoda because the stupid little green dwarf made an enormous screwup himself. Just like he makes an enormous screwup when Palpatine is HOLDING HIS HANDS OUT TOWARDS HIM foran telling him he will "experience the full power of the dark side" but his force lightning somehow still manages to take the grand master of the jedi order by surprise.

Not that it mattered, since Palpatine turns to the derp side of the force and just wats for Yoda to attack him without trying to defend himself.


And have you seen any of Dookus fights? They're always evenly matched until either combatant decides to stop and look at the clouds for a few minutes, while the other one makes a clumsy attack or force push. Ugh.

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Episode I







Make it stop, make it stop.... .__.


Trashing the best music in the Hexalogy. Wow. Duel of Fates and Battle of Heroes are probably the most used pieces of music in SWTOR, and for good reason. They are *********** epic.

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Trashing the best music in the Hexalogy. Wow. Duel of Fates and Battle of Heroes are probably the most used pieces of music in SWTOR, and for good reason. They are *********** epic.


Best no, but epic for duels, yeah.


But as I said before, we have more (in number) memorable themes in the OT, than in the prequels. It's like John Williams ran off some steam too.


In the prequels, apart from DotF, BotH, Across the Stars (that was the name of the romance song right?), Droid army, there aren't many themes I keep in mind, unlike the OT's.

Edited by GhostRiderLSOV
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