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Why does everyone hate the prequals????


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Ok, how come everyone hates the prequals? Everywhere I go you someone saying the same thing. Heck, if you went to Celebration VI you'd see people outside of the convention center with signs yelling "JOIN THE DARKSIDE, HATE THE PREQUALS, HATE THE PREQUALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Quite honestly I don't see whats wrong with them. I like both the prequals and the original trilogy. I don't think they are corny (ok, maybe a few very small spots), I don't think it was bad acting, and I loved the characters (except Jar Jar)!


So, to get to the point, what is wrong with the prequals?


EDIT: My oppinion has completely changed since the beginning of this thread. But there are many interesting comments here discussing the prequals.

Edited by reaperkeepet
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Ok, how come everyone hates the prequals? Everywhere I go you someone saying the same thing. Heck, if you went to Celebration VI you'd see people outside of the convention center with signs yelling "JOIN THE DARKSIDE, HATE THE PREQUALS, HATE THE PREQUALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Quite honestly I don't see whats wrong with them. I like both the prequals and the original trilogy. I don't think they are corny (ok, maybe a few very small spots), I don't think it was bad acting, and I loved the characters (except Jar Jar)!


So, to get to the point, what is wrong with the prequals?


what's the plot of The Phantom Menace?

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Because they are a travesty to what Lucas originally created. The prequeles created more loopholes and inconsistencies, it's like Lucas forgot what the originals were about. I will list a few of my own pet peeves about the prequels:


Jar-Jar Binks, enough said.


Midichlorians... ***?


Hayden Christiansen (or whatever his name is) as Anakin. Could they have picked a whinier, more annoying actor to play what is supposed to be a very likeable character until his "seduction" to the dark side?


Far to much focus on a love story that was neither romantic nor interesting. We all knew that Anakin and Padme fall in love and have kids, we didn't need the bulk of a movie to show us this.


Not nearly enough Jedi BMF scenes showing how powerful Anakin really was. Too much fluff and filler, not enough actual Jedi stories. Watch The Clone Wars animated series, these are the kinds of stories that should have been in Clone Wars the movie, not an uniteresting love story that was poorly written and acted.


The final end EMO "NOOOOOOOOO" from Vader in Revenge of the Sith is just, well, lame.


Not nearly enough Vader in the last movie, should have seen far more of him. To much wasted time on the "seduction" to the darkside which amounted to little more then a deceptive trick on Palpatines part.


I could go on with more loopholes, but I think you get the idea.

Edited by Lividcalm
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Because they are a travesty to what Lucas originally created. The prequeles created more loopholes and inconsistencies, it's like Lucas forgot what the originals were about. I will list a few of my own pet peeves about the prequels:


Jar-Jar Binks, enough said.


Midichlorians... ***?


Hayden Christiansen (or whatever his name is) as Anakin. Could they have picked a whinier, more annoying actor to play what is supposed to be a very likeable character until his "seduction" to the dark side?


Far to much focus on a love story that was neither romantic nor interesting. We all knew that Anakin and Padme fall in love and have kids, we didn't need the bulk of a movie to show us this.


Not nearly enough Jedi BMF scenes showing how powerful Anakin really was. Too much fluff and filler, not enough actual Jedi stories. Watch The Clone Wars animated series, these are the kinds of stories that should have been in Clone Wars the movie, not an uniteresting love story that was poorly written and acted.


The final end EMO "NOOOOOOOOO" from Vader in Revenge of the Sith is just, well, lame.


Not nearly enough Vader in the last movie, should have seen far more of him. To much wasted time on the "seduction" to the darkside which amounted to little more then a deceptive trick on Palpatines part.


I could go on with more loopholes, but I think you get the idea.


Ah, I can see now. I can see what makes the world a rage. Thanks for the infoon the hate.

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The answer to the topic is simple, "Bandwagon vocal minority nerd rage".


Only on the internet do you find ppl spewing the vitrol and unmitigated hate about the prequals to the point of wanting ppl to die IRL because of them. In reality these same ppl are at each SW celebration every year with an Anakin or Jar Jar costume on.

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I personally liked the movies. Do I think they are perfect and define all that is Star Wars? No. All in all they were at least entertaining. You have points I agree with and some that I don't.


Jar Jar Binks....100% agree but also think that he was only slightly more annoying than was in the originals.


Medichlorians...again 100% agree on this point. The idea of these things is even more annoying than Jar Jar in my opinion.


Hayden Christiansen (or whatever his name is) didn't do all that bad in my opinion. A couple of overacted and strained scenes throughout doesn't really break the movies for me.


The focus on the love story is where you totally loose me. His fall to the dark side was caused by the exact thing that you think shouldn't have been focused on so much. Would the story of him falling to the dark in a desperate attempt to hold onto his love have made as much sense if they had only focused on epic light saber battles and the like?


Not enough Jedi stories? Really? Episodes one two and three had like quadruple the amount of Jedi action then all three of the originals combined.People seem to forget that the original Star Wars wasn't JUST about Jedi. It had a wide variety of characters and stories that people from all walks of life could identify with. If anything the prequels had too much Jedi stuff. Had Lucas included more mundane characters and stories in the prequels I think it would have done even better than it did.


The final emo "NOOOOOOOO!" at the end was a tad bit over done but not totally lame. If you think about it like you have never seen the originals yet it is a very nice bit of foreshadowing. What was it emo Luke did when he was told who his father was? Thats right....the same overacted "NOOOOOO!"

Edited by Zilrota
Edited to removed inappropriate comment. Very old post
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Playing this game has actually made me enjoy them a whole lot more. Having them on while playing makes a real nice background.


Little kids can make a movie hard to watch especially if they have a strong role to play. We love Vader but we did not love that little kid. I loved Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom but I could not stand that little shortstop kid, didn't like him in Goonies either.


The heavy green screen use is what made me lose the most interest. It just became too much. But, I enjoyed it in 300, so go figure.

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I got no idea i love the prequals.


I geus is the same as hating a move just because one actor plays it.

Even if it is the best movie on the planet haters are gonne hate it purly because of the actor.


jar jar wasnt bad sure he is stupid but that what made him lovely.


While i agree that falling to the dark side because of love has bin overdone till hell freeze's over.

I dont really think he fell because of love he fell because he was tricked.

It is that same if someone hold your loved one hostage and threated to kill him/her/it unless you do whatever he says.

Now unless you are like me and kill the kidnapper,

You do what he says.


Now my favorite charater is qui gon gin because of his father figheur nature.

What i did miss in the prequals was the humanity part.

In the originals a rebel trooper felt human. in the prequal all non plot charaters felt a number.

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Personally i don't like the prequels as much because they had (at least on me) little impact, sure there were some big scenes and set pieces but they didn't make me get a feeling of a grand climactic arc like the originals, and while the romance is the explanation for an anakin's fall its poorly executed and strips away any momentum the plot tried to build up.
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After experiencing the original trilogy, I had such an idealized "mad villain" image for Anakin/Vader in my mind. Something like, he was good and all that, but also power-hungry, that his hunger for power corrupted him and turned him into Vader.


Then along come the prequels, which tell me that Anakin fell to the Dark Side because...he was having DREAMS that his wife MIGHT die, and so killed whomever Sidious/Palpatine told him to (including one of his Jedi Masters, no less) so that he MIGHT be able to save his wife.


This kind of insta-transformed my view of Vader, from "powerful villain and master of awesomeness" to "whiny little boy in love, with mother issues".


The above, combined with everything that's been mentioned already (Midichlorians, ridiculously childish Episode 1, bad acting from almost everyone, silly plot holes, too much CGI effects etc), kinda ruined that magic feeling I had in mind.

Edited by KaL_InvictuS
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The main reason I dislike the prequels is the quality of the acting. Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman give really awful performances across the board and the dialogue between them is some of the worst I've ever had the displeasure of hearing in a movie. It's like Lucas just didn't give a rats *** and the thought of Ed Wood always comes into my head.


ACTION! *Awful acting ensues...* CUT! That was perfect! Next scene!


Oh, and... Not enough Maul. :mad:

Edited by MasterDarkstar
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I saw the first Star Wars in theaters back in the late 70's and have been a tool for Star Wars ever since. My expectations for the prequels weren't incredibly high. I just hoped for some good movies to revisit the universe I loved when I was a kid, and that's what I got.


Here's the thing that surprised me about the public's reaction. I saw the midnight show of all three prequels when they were released. In Episode 1, the audience LOVED it. When the scroll started, the crowd applauded, and they maintained that throughout the film. They cheered the Jedi when they were slicing through battle droids. They LOVED it when Qui Gon started cutting through the door. There were several comments about the beauty when they were swimming to meet Boss Nass. There were gasps when Qui Gon met his fate, and cheers when Maul met his.


Those people left the theater completely high with how much they loved that movie.


Then, a week later, those same people were arguing with me that it was awful.


Now, I understand how sometimes you can think about something more and change your opinion on it, but I've never seen it so dramatic and so fast.


The same thing happened with Episode 2. I just find it very odd.

Edited by Vecke
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the originals were about a small group of people conquering evil, or a small group of terrorists toppling a legitimate governing force.


the new ones are about a whiny brat surround by CG, oh yeah and the ruining of Darth Vader.

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the originals were about a small group of people conquering evil, or a small group of terrorists toppling a legitimate governing force.


the new ones are about a whiny brat surround by CG, oh yeah and the ruining of Darth Vader.


"But I was going into Toche station and pick up some power converters!"


"Looks like I'm going nowhere!"


"What a piece of junk!"


"I thought you said this thing was fast!"

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"But I was going into Toche station and pick up some power converters!"


"Looks like I'm going nowhere!"


"What a piece of junk!"


"I thought you said this thing was fast!"


That's only the first movie, Hayden Christianson gets more whiny as the movies progress.

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That's only the first movie, Hayden Christianson gets more whiny as the movies progress.


"Stop that! That's my dinner!"


"I'm stuck in this slimy mudhole!"


"I don't know why I can't see Yoda now!"


"I don't know what I'm doing here!"


"I am ready! Ben, tell him I'm ready!"


"That's not true! That's impossible!"



I guess I'm being a little snarky here. My apologies. :) I'm just pointing out that - in my very humble opinion - in the whiny brat war, Luke wins, hands down.

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Darth Maul did come back and he took on vader.The only way vader was able to beat him was stabbing himself in the stomach and killing maul for good again.Which after hearing bout this means that vader was not as powerful as palpatine made it out to be.
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