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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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I'm sick of these people on here ************ to the people ************. Here is the deal. This EGA system has going is ********. To only let in 4 waves a day, and seeing the zones almost empty makes me sick.... Go ahead and say, they aren't. Fact is right now. A few thousand people are only playing. They stress tested the servers for 3 weeks. They knew what kind of numbers pre ordered. Just because someone had the money back in July VS someone else is wrong. Everyone should have started at the same time. Do you really want to be ganked in a lowbie zone by a high level over and over? Dont say it wont happen, it will. Maybe not to you but to others it will. Every server should have been open, and ready to go. In the end BW should have just stuck with 5 days of EGA, and let everyone in. For those of you in game and playing, awesome. But dont ***** at other people because they can't play and paided the same as you did. ( I know some people got the DCE and the CE, I got the CE so whatever. its all the same)
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I'm with VanniSilvante. This needs to stop. The whining is kind of getting annoying. I ordered on June 21st. I entered my codes on June 21st. Two of three of the codes got invited to early access on the 13th. Mine did not. I don't get to play; I just get to watch others play. For some reason there was a problem with my code. I had to reenter it on December 13 after I found out about the problem. That is a slap in the face, but I'm a big boy and I can take it. When the time comes and I get access, then I'm going to enjoy it. I work hard for the money that I spend on such things and I think that I deserve to have a good time. If that day happens to be the 20th, then I'll be happy with access on the 20th, because as long as I am paying my monthly payment, I get to play for a long, long time.
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I'm sick of these people on here ************ to the people ************. Here is the deal. This EGA system has going is ********. To only let in 4 waves a day, and seeing the zones almost empty makes me sick.... Go ahead and say, they aren't. Fact is right now. A few thousand people are only playing. They stress tested the servers for 3 weeks. They knew what kind of numbers pre ordered. Just because someone had the money back in July VS someone else is wrong. Everyone should have started at the same time. Do you really want to be ganked in a lowbie zone by a high level over and over? Dont say it wont happen, it will. Maybe not to you but to others it will. Every server should have been open, and ready to go. In the end BW should have just stuck with 5 days of EGA, and let everyone in. For those of you in game and playing, awesome. But dont ***** at other people because they can't play and paided the same as you did. ( I know some people got the DCE and the CE, I got the CE so whatever. its all the same)


Stuck with the 5 days of EGA? That was never their plan, they never conveyed that as their plan, and it really is not a great plan considering the numbers. I am glad that they have done it this way (getting in tomorrow, Nov 9 preorder) and hope any major launch with 1million + preorders does the same. Talking to friends servers are running great, zones arent over flooded, and life is good.


Quit your belly aching.

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868



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You did not pay $5 extra dollars for early access. The game costs $59.99, you were charged $5 dollars on the day you pre-ordered and the remainder of the cost $54.99 will be charged to you on the 20th of December.


Actually I paid the full 74.99, plus the additional 5 for early access. coming to a total of 79.99 for game + early access code. Then I spent 5 hours downloading and installing to find out I have to wait till possibly the 19th to actually get access. Well planned strategy to rake in money on Bioware's part.


Sadly myself along with about 13 of my friends that pre-ordered this game were rather annoyed after finding out the "early access" was first come first serve and that we may end up waiting till the 19th.


I've bought/played 5 different mmo's that did pre-launch openings for those that pre-ordered the games, and funny enough, none of them treated their customers in this manner allowing some access while denying others. Poor marketing scheme that left a bad impression of the game already and I haven't even gotten to log in since I beta tested over a month ago.

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Also when your advertising 5 day early access on the front page of the site, you expect to receive 5 days early.

UP TO 5 DAYS does not mean 5 days, it means you get UP TO 5 days


I'm a paying customer, you're damn right I'm entitled. We are all entitled for what we pay for.

So, how much did you pay for Early Access? Go on, post a receipt, stating you paid for early access. You can't do so, because you did not.

You paid for a game, get over your entitlement issues. You're NOT entitled to anything.


No, i payed 59.99 for the game and 5 for the preorder charge, my total was 66 and some change after tax.

That's your fault. You paid more for the game than anyone else, but you did NOT pay for early access, or for the extras of pre-orders. Companies do this all the time, prices vary from company to company.

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868




No idea where you are getting your numbers but they sold close to a million RETAIL preorders just in the US. That does not account for Digital orders through Origin or EU orders.


Don't bow yet.

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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.


/agree they told us about this over and over, but yet some people act like it is breaking news, I ordered in Dec, I never expeted to get 5 days since it said UP TO 5 days I figured a day or two if I was lucky, after the 20th I don't have to worry about anymore of this stuff at all, except for maybe a que to get on the server.. This is a game i plan to play for along time, I tend to stay in mmo's i like for years not months or weeks so a couple of extra days makes no difference to me..:) I will catch up with my friends once I get in../shrug

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According to my math they have given just under 500,000 of all pre-orders EGA already. Approximately 100,000 were given EGA on day 1 and approximately 400,000 received EGA on day 2. This means just under half of all pre-orders have already been given EGA.




EGA - Day 1 Estimated Invite Total = 119,260


07/21/11 - 07/23/11 = 19,324

07/24/11 - 07/30/11 = 99,936




EGA - Day 2 Estimated Invite Total = 344,253


07/31/11 - 08/06/11 = 84,671

08/07/11 - 08/13/11 = 60,993

08/14/11 - 08/20/11 = 36,726

08/21/11 - 08/27/11 = 32,680

08/28/11 - 09/03/11 = 25,452

09/04/11 - 09/10/11 = 26,355

09/11/11 - 09/17/11 = 16,778

09/18/11 - 09/24/11 = 23,221

09/25/11 - 10/01/11 = 37,377



Given that the numbers are not exact I would put the estimate of current EGA players at 463,513. The fact that almost quadruple the amount of players from yesterday were given EGA today makes me almost positive that all pre-order customers will be in by Friday at the latest.



EGA - TBA (to be announced) = 475,845


10/02/11 - 10/08/11 = 54,709

10/09/11 - 10/15/11 = 30,283

10/16/11 - 10/22/11 = 57,573

10/23/11 - 10/29/11 = 48,732

10/30/11 - 11/05/11 = 43,779

11/06/11 - 11/12/11 = 54,543

11/13/11 - 11/19/11 = 72,708

11/20/11 - 11/26/11 = 74,916

11/27/11 - 12/03/11 = 15,734

12/04/11 - 12/10/11 = 22,868



And your numbers are coming from where?! as of yesterday Orders from July were not all playing. So where you getting your numbers?

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And your numbers are coming from where?! as of yesterday Orders from July were not all playing. So where you getting your numbers?


This post here (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=156470) informs us that, "Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November."


The numbers look like they're from VGCharts.

Edited by Patrucio
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I pre-ordered in july but didnt recieve code until last week because gamestop apparently ran out of codes and had to go through customer support and wait for 3 weeks to get code by email.Im not going to get ega until 2 days before, i find that unfair


I feel your hatred. gamestop pulled some Shhhhhh with this one, they will make a significant number of people mad enough to not come back. I know i for one will neither forgive nor forget this. ce me3 cancelled skyrim and mw3 ordered online, only reason i didnt cancel my ce was by the time i figured out what a joke gamestop was ce were all but impossible to find.

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Actually when they sell it to you as part of your preorder it's sure as hell is a right.


They sold you ***Up to 5 days. you are guaranteed to get early access, nthere is ABSOLUTELY NO TIME FRAME GUARANTEED other than that you will get EGA, and If I were Bioware and had to keep putting up with all the QQ on the forums, I'd just make a post stating anyone else who QQ's about EGA will not get an invite until 5 minutes before the end of it.

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What I have to laugh at is the fact that "some queing is to be expected" but they won't just go ahead and let the rest in?


Make no sense. If you are going to have Q"s anyway, why hold out?


Kind of goes against the whole idea of staggered entry in my opinion.


Personally, I am starting to think they are trying to reward those who pre-ordred on day one.


Also, those numbers in the waves aren't very close. I have talked to a Bioware employee, and he has said that close to 80% of the pre-order people are invited already, from the world-wide combine.

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What I have to laugh at is the fact that "some queing is to be expected" but they won't just go ahead and let the rest in?


Make no sense. If you are going to have Q"s anyway, why hold out?


Kind of goes against the whole idea of staggered entry in my opinion.


Personally, I am starting to think they are trying to reward those who pre-ordred on day one.


Also, those numbers in the waves aren't very close. I have talked to a Bioware employee, and he has said that close to 80% of the pre-order people are invited already, from the world-wide combine.


So not all those people are on the same quest...

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


Actually, more times than often, if your food takes a shorter time to make or is already made, you will get it before that person.


Bad example.

Edited by Tiaa
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Hey guys,


It's come to my attention in a recent tweet by Mr. Stephen Reid, that those who pre-ordered in December or maybe even November are atm. looking at getting to early access one day before the launch. Now, personally, it wouldn't make or break my world whether I'd get to play in early access at all. But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access, but then when the early access actually starts, they only let in a minimal amount of players (livestreams I've watched only show 5-20 people in a zone at a time!) and then throw this new tweet at our face, that those who got the pre-order in late will probably only get one day! It's pretty much a slap in the face. And that is my problem with it. It's insulting your customer base. These people who pre-ordered late paid just as much money as those who pre-ordered earlier. Yet, their welcome to the game is Stephen Reid slapping them in the face and laughing at them. Ha-ha-ha, should have pre-ordered earlier, suckers!


While I partially acknowledge why you decided to do this, I question your methods. Is it really worth it to give everyone who pre-ordered late a very negative gaming experience right off the bat? First impressions are everything in MMO's. If you only get in 6 days later than others who pre-ordered, that's by a mile worse than having long queues for a couple of days. I understand your policy on server balancing and I am extremely happy you're taking it so seriously, but perhaps you need to take another look at the numbers and let more people in, earlier. Fact is that even the starting zones are empty. There is no denying that. Since there's really no reason to not let more people in, why not do it? If everyone were to get that five days for example, I bet the majority would come out extremely satisfied. Yet, if you push it further, it will create an outcry. People will get a very negative impression. That's just how it is, no matter how unjust it might sound.


If anyone from BioWare ever reads this, I would like to request clarification on why are you not letting more people in even though the zones are mostly empty? If there was a good reason behind it, perhaps people would be more understanding of the situation. You've been great with informing your playerbase to this point, keep up the good work :)


Hey guys, It has come to my attention that the OP can't really read because that is not at all what Stephen Reid has said. In fact Reid posted on the forums at the end of the waves for today that tomorrow would possibly see everyone in game that registered by the middle of November.


Besides, how is giving you something free slapping you in the face? I bet you would complain that your free lunch was cold and demand a refund!

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