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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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You're not being punished, the system is rewarding individuals fairly. Unfortunately, you missed out on the major fun time, but you'll still get in before release.


How is it fair? Like the guy above killing the McDonald's analogy, we are paying equal money for an unequal service. If you get a Burger from McDonalds, the time you get it doesn't matter; as long as it is the same Burger. MMO access, on the other hand, is time sensitive. A more appropriate analogy would be buying a ticket for a movie. Imagine if cinemas assigned tickets chronologically, and the earlier you buy a ticket, the more of the movie you get to watch? People who bought tickets in December miss the first 15 minutes of the movie, resulting in missing key plot elements and character descriptions.

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You do realize that 5-days early access doesn't start until tomorrow right?


You do realise that the issue is less about how many days early access are given, and more about the equality with which they are given, right?


It would have been better for them to give NO early access than tiered early access, from a balance point of the game. As it stands, the people who got in on day 1 have a ridiculously significant advantage over those who get in late.

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How is it fair? Like the guy above killing the McDonald's analogy, we are paying equal money for an unequal service. If you get a Burger from McDonalds, the time you get it doesn't matter; as long as it is the same Burger. MMO access, on the other hand, is time sensitive. A more appropriate analogy would be buying a ticket for a movie. Imagine if cinemas assigned tickets chronologically, and the earlier you buy a ticket, the more of the movie you get to watch? People who bought tickets in December miss the first 15 minutes of the movie, resulting in missing key plot elements and character descriptions.


Wow, that's the first INTELLIGENT analogy I've heard in 2 days. Way to go.

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Gets on my nerves when people fail to understand what "Up to 5 days" means. It doesn't mean you WILL get 5 days, it means its anything between 1-5 days. You could get an hour early access and still they would be true to their word.


So quit making threads like this, which are completely irrelevant


But that's so good for business. I mean let's give a million people 5 minute pre access. That's legal but is it smart? NO..


Again rigid thinkers just cannot see outside the box..


If one person is playing and one is not and both have early access someone is gonna be happy and someone pissed. That's the truth..


humans as a species like fair but they also like power. Most white knights are in game aleady and fanboiing it up while trolls like myself have been denied to the point it's UP to and MAY..Bankers terms..

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How is it fair? Like the guy above killing the McDonald's analogy, we are paying equal money for an unequal service. If you get a Burger from McDonalds, the time you get it doesn't matter; as long as it is the same Burger. MMO access, on the other hand, is time sensitive. A more appropriate analogy would be buying a ticket for a movie. Imagine if cinemas assigned tickets chronologically, and the earlier you buy a ticket, the more of the movie you get to watch? People who bought tickets in December miss the first 15 minutes of the movie, resulting in missing key plot elements and character descriptions.

Thats a crap analogy rofl, both the Maccy D's & the Cinema one especially.

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Im just a lil PO'd that I pre-order October 4th (have the receipt to prove it), but I got screwed by BioWare not supplying Gamestop with enough early access codes and only got my code yesterday. So BioWare's system is flawed. Deserving people will do without.


My game experience has already started out negative, but all will be forgiven if I am able to play by 1:00 AM, or Thursday morning at the very latest.

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Im just a lil PO'd that I pre-order October 4th (have the receipt to prove it), but I got screwed by BioWare not supplying Gamestop with enough early access codes and only got my code yesterday. So BioWare's system is flawed. Deserving people will do without.


My game experience has already started out negative, but all will be forgiven if I am able to play by 1:00 AM, or Thursday morning at the very latest.


this post right here is exactly why it isnt fair

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Thats a crap analogy rofl, both the Maccy D's & the Cinema one especially.


No, it is appropriate. It is not perfect. How about this?



Player A and player B both buy a video game, for the same price. The game will be played competitively, and is time sensitive. Because player A payed first, he gets a 5 day headstart on player B, effectively nullifying any chance that player B can realistically compete given an approximately even skill level between the two.


Is that a simple enough analogy for you to understand?

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I have made some observations in this thread about what we should be getting, with quotes from materials still up from Bioware.




Basically. The only people that should get less than the minimum of 3 days EGA, are people who pre-order when there's 3 days or less of EGA left as it'd be impossible to DL the client, install, and play the full 3 days. If for example, you pre-ordered Dec 5th, and you get less than 3 days, BioWare has once again lied and proved that they do not care about consumers.

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Stop whining and grow up. The launch is going smoothly, it is the launch of a new MMO they get to run it as they see fit. I have seen better and I have seen worse, fact is we are in day 2 we know what they are doing and a radical change in plans isn't very likely. I have no idea why this even matters or why a long winded letter was needed. I do feel a need to support a dev. that has been working hard to please millions of people with an iconic game that may very well show the first real change to a genre that is dieing. So support them, say thank you, and give constructive criticism. Not slap them with "I want to play first"
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How is it fair?

Because, believe it or not, you're not the only one in the world, and people DO actually expect common courtesy. in this case, it's a very simple analogy that applies EVERYWHERE:

First in, first out

Last in, last out


Like the guy above killing the McDonald's analogy, we are paying equal money for an unequal service. .

bzz, wrong answer, thanks for playing

You're not 'paying' anything, whatsoever, for pre-order. You pay nada, zilch, nunca, NOTHING

You're paying for a game that doesn't actually LAUNCH until the 20th of the month (next Tuesday). At THIS time, if you're not in the game, by all means, try that "we're not being treated fairly" crap.


If you paid a 'deposit' on a pre-order, that's not paying for the pre-order, that's placing a deposit on a copy of a game. That guarantees you nothing at all.


If you're paying full price before the game is in your hands (ie: shipped), well, then you need to have your head examined


If you're not paying for the order till it's shipped, then you're smart enough to figure the whole thing out.


NOBODY's paying for a pre-order, or the benefits associated with it. You're paying for a game, not the pre-order.

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You do realise that the issue is less about how many days early access are given, and more about the equality with which they are given, right?


It would have been better for them to give NO early access than tiered early access, from a balance point of the game. As it stands, the people who got in on day 1 have a ridiculously significant advantage over those who get in late.


so the person who doesn't have a job and can play 24/7 doesn't have an advantage over someone that can only play 2 hours a night? Should we have a time limit placed on players that will only allow them to play x hours a day to make it fair to everyone else?


I'll most likely get in on Friday if not the last wave tomorrow, do I feel anyone has an advantage over me? heck no Why? because I've been a gamer for quite a few years and skilled at it. So should there be a handicap put in place for the non-skilled n00b?



Are you getting my point?


staggered access will have no bearing on this game, a month from now and there won't be any post about said advantage, in fact it will be forgotten by then, because of how smooth game play is gonna be.

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Stop whining and grow up. The launch is going smoothly, it is the launch of a new MMO they get to run it as they see fit. I have seen better and I have seen worse, fact is we are in day 2 we know what they are doing and a radical change in plans isn't very likely. I have no idea why this even matters or why a long winded letter was needed. I do feel a need to support a dev. that has been working hard to please millions of people with an iconic game that may very well show the first real change to a genre that is dieing. So support them, say thank you, and give constructive criticism. Not slap them with "I want to play first"

lol says the guy who pre ordered in july

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Im just a lil PO'd that I pre-order October 4th (have the receipt to prove it), but I got screwed by BioWare not supplying Gamestop with enough early access codes and only got my code yesterday. So BioWare's system is flawed. Deserving people will do without.


My game experience has already started out negative, but all will be forgiven if I am able to play by 1:00 AM, or Thursday morning at the very latest.

It's not Bioware that handle the handing out of the codes mate :p the Developers develop the game, publishers generally deal with marketing. If anything its your shop that you should be mad about mate

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It's not Bioware that handle the handing out of the codes mate :p the Developers develop the game, publishers generally deal with marketing. If anything its your shop that you should be mad about mate



The local game shop should have told you

we don't have any more codes



How is this Bioware's fault?

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If you are worried about how much more money the guy who started before you will have or you want to be top dog on the server, etc


The answer is simple, play on a NEW server, dont play on one thats full with people already.


If you CHOOSE to play with people who started first then its your choice (including your guild/friends/whatever) its your own fault for not preordering the same time as them (duh ?)

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so the person who doesn't have a job and can play 24/7 doesn't have an advantage over someone that can only play 2 hours a night? Should we have a time limit placed on players that will only allow them to play x hours a day to make it fair to everyone else?


I'll most likely get in on Friday if not the last wave tomorrow, do I feel anyone has an advantage over me? heck no Why? because I've been a gamer for quite a few years and skilled at it. So should there be a handicap put in place for the non-skilled n00b?



Are you getting my point?


staggered access will have no bearing on this game, a month from now and there won't be any post about said advantage, in fact it will be forgotten by then, because of how smooth game play is gonna be.


how about this example. Player A preorders the same day as Player B but player B's retail ran out of preorder codes(cough gamestop) and have to wait a month for the next batch of codes. now Player A gets more days even though player B pre ordered the same day. and that sounds fair to you?

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I'll most likely get in on Friday if not the last wave tomorrow, do I feel anyone has an advantage over me? heck no Why? because I've been a gamer for quite a few years and skilled at it. So should there be a handicap put in place for the non-skilled n00b?



Are you getting my point?


staggered access will have no bearing on this game, a month from now and there won't be any post about said advantage, in fact it will be forgotten by then, because of how smooth game play is gonna be.

Exactly, this isnt like BF3 where newcomers get shot down in jets before they can get flares :D


They get a few levels on you, what else? are you spending 100% of your time with these people? I dont think theyre going to steal your spot in a group every time you get in one.


If I get in on Friday & I can quest and explore without being bumper to bumper with hundreds of other players, that's ideal, that & the fact that I got 4 days of early access

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Because, believe it or not, you're not the only one in the world, and people DO actually expect common courtesy. in this case, it's a very simple analogy that applies EVERYWHERE:

First in, first out

Last in, last out

This implies that there has to be a first in, or a last in. Every other MMO launch to date suggests otherwise. This is a choice that Bioware made, and it is a bad choice (except for people who either are already in, or don't care about playing competitively).


bzz, wrong answer, thanks for playing

You're not 'paying' anything, whatsoever, for pre-order. You pay nada, zilch, nunca, NOTHING

You're paying for a game that doesn't actually LAUNCH until the 20th of the month (next Tuesday). At THIS time, if you're not in the game, by all means, try that "we're not being treated fairly" crap.


If you paid a 'deposit' on a pre-order, that's not paying for the pre-order, that's placing a deposit on a copy of a game. That guarantees you nothing at all.


If you're paying full price before the game is in your hands (ie: shipped), well, then you need to have your head examined


If you're not paying for the order till it's shipped, then you're smart enough to figure the whole thing out.


NOBODY's paying for a pre-order, or the benefits associated with it. You're paying for a game, not the pre-order.



Bzzt, congratulations, you argued with semantics, and can now safely be ignored. "Early access" means nothing if the actions taken during the period will affect the game over the long term. People with "early access" now have effective monopoly over the market place in the game for a significant period to come.


Stop trying to argue like a weekend lawyer.

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Exactly, this isnt like BF3 where newcomers get shot down in jets before they can get flares :D


They get a few levels on you, what else? are you spending 100% of your time with these people? I dont think theyre going to steal your spot in a group every time you get in one.


If I get in on Friday & I can quest and explore without being bumper to bumper with hundreds of other players, that's ideal, that & the fact that I got 4 days of early access


Easy, roll on a new server, DONT roll on an existing server

and if you have friends thats already in, its your fault you didnt preorder when they did

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