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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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How do they live?


I mean, when I enter my car, I don't fret about there not being a timer til the next time I get into an accident.

That is why is called an accident, if you had a timer it would be more like destiny.

When I go to an interview, I don't fret about there not being a timer til they call back and let me know whether or not I got the job.

You didnt pay to get that interview did you??

When I open a can of coke, I don't fret about there not being a timer til the carbonation runs out.

Do you really want to know when the carbonation runs out?

I mean seriously, there's a lot of **** out in the world that you don't have enough information about, yet most people aren't in a nervous wreck 24/7.

Agreed, but for things people really really care about ie, vacation details, interest rates on loans, mileage on used vehicles, cost of tuition etc etc generally you would ask for more info, and be given said info before further action on your part is taken.

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there is a tweet, however the guy he tweeted this to purchased dec 5


^ click here


With that said, how could Origin advertise, on their site, I could have "up to 5 days advanced play"? When, in fact, the most I could ever get, if I ordered from Origin, is up to 4 days of advanced play.


Also, the question that needs to be asked is; if I ordered in December, and I did, did I EVER have the chance to have up to 5 days. If I never had a chance in hell, then it was false advertising.

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Some of us had issues with our pre-order codes and didn't get them entered until late November or early December. I ordered for his account back in early August and due to issues with codes, I get the shaft.


Aye alot of ppl have been talking about not getting there codes and there are ppl that had to save up for getting the game

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Game launched today don't be delusional. The gold release is 20 Dec., those are 2 very different things. I knew there would be a stagger, but I fully thought it would be a 24 hour stagger with invites every 2 hours, so that they could get everyone in the first day and allow them to play for a good solid 4 days. BioWare has not earned any trust by pulling these stunts and continuing to cover it up.


Sorry to pick on this one post, but really I was just reading through this thread and this was the last post full of idiocy that I can stand to read without making a comment.


Since day one of preorder BioWare has clearly stated that we may get up to 5 days of early access depending upon when you preordered the game. Now I personally wanting to play this game asap did my preorder the night it was available, so I could get into the early launch. Let me just point out that I do not take time to investigate all the ins and outs of these types of things, so putting it bluntly the way BioWare intended to roll out the early access was as clear as day. Now, many people chose to wait, and are mad that they were told they would have to pretty much wait in line to play the game based upon when they preordered and cannot grasp that it is their fault.


No no they say it is BioWares, its a cover up (really a cover up?) its not fair, and I am going back to WoW. Do you people, even grasp how stupid and ignorant you look? If not let me explain two points, one of which I and several other posters have already stated, but as people have a problem reading I will restate it. BIOWARE FROM THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE PREORDER PROGRAM HAS STATED THAT EARLY ACCESS IS BASED UPON WHEN YOU PREORDERED. Now for the second reason, they added two days to early access, so in reality (where the OP and several others seem to avoid) if you don't have access yet you still have one day before you should even consider getting upset.


Just to comment about the 24 hour stagger to get everyone in on day one, your suggestion basically is there should have been 12 invites done today with nearly 40k of people per invite. I am guessing that would cause some major issues with lag etc.. And I bet the same people would be here complaining that oh I have lag why even invite me if the game is unplayable blah blah blah.

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this thread has gone from 24 pages ( when i started reading) to 51 pages when i got to the end lol. some intense debates let me cool it a bit with a relaxing game of associations.







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I was only chared 79.99 from amazon


exactly people are complaining about paying more for pre-order, 79.99 +tax is what I am paying, the $5 that origin was charging us was just for reserving our copy, deducted from the overall cost later on, the deduction from our account was just to make sure the account we are ordering the game was from a valid account, or like gamestop they ask for a portion up front for pre-order.

many people complain that they paid a pre-order and are upset they aren't a mcdonals customer. Please stop whing this isn't mcdonals, this isn't fast food, and this is something beneficial that you may get, and/or are not obligated to get.

Just to state, I am also still waiting but I am still anticipated in getting in the game, but I am not going to complain about when I get my early access, overall we still get a advantage over the game day purchases, try getting that out of just about any other game!

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this game is played 24/7. According to bioware it is also monitored during the early days 24/7. Why are they not giving early access in waves 24/7. Im sitting here waiting and 12 hours nobody new gets early access this is starting to suck big time.


i was thinking about the same

its like "now we go home so you just have fun waiting 12 houres or more till next wave"

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this thread has gone from 24 pages ( when i started reading) to 51 pages when i got to the end lol. some intense debates let me cool it a bit with a relaxing game of associations.







The Iron Giant! =D

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I preordered in eraly december after plazing the Beta. Now I will most likely onlz be able to play a bit more then a day before normal access.

Itäs rather unfair to paz the same sum as people who have been playing 5 dazs more then me. I know I ought to have ordered earlier but that wouldnät change the fact, that most people from december orders will have payed a lot more - im debating with mzself if a 1,5 day eraly access is reallz worth that much money.

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Gets on my nerves when people fail to understand what "Up to 5 days" means. It doesn't mean you WILL get 5 days, it means its anything between 1-5 days. You could get an hour early access and still they would be true to their word.


So quit making threads like this, which are completely irrelevant

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Zitat von Draconax

When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


his *********** burger is not lvl 50 after 3 days and does not need to search for a raid

btw the first ones are hitting lvl 40 already


thats what will happen:


late pre-orders will come in, with 80% of the people being lvl 50

they search for a raid but cant find one because they are not geared well


gg no re

Edited by schisch
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his *********** burger is not lvl 50 after 3 days and does not need to search for a raid

btw the first ones are hitting lvl 40 already


thats what will happen:


late pre-orders will come in, with 80% of the people being lvl 50

they search for a raid but cant find one because they are not geared well


gg no re


Those lv40s are using a bugged system. You can join a warzone, which will close soon after due to lack of players, causing you to get victory points and getting one level an hour in the process

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I bought the CE back in...i think febuary..but redemed code on Nov 2nd.got my invite about 430 est and been playing for near 11 hrs.( up to lvl11)


So based on that I think most ppl will have their invites within 24 hrs


Doubtful. They weren't on sale back in February

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