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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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This time next week...all the fuss will be over! :)


By this time next week all of those people that got in on the first day of EA will be back here complaining there is nothing to do because they will have power leveled all the way through to 50 without enjoying the game...;)



I for one look forward to enjoying the story, this is the first mmo that actually brings you through a story like a normal game.

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Hey guys,


they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access


BioWare never said everyone would get 5 days Early Access. When they announced they were changing it to 7 days of Early Access they said that basically everyone would get two extra days of Early Access.


Now, what that means to me is that everyone who pre-ordered should be invited by Saturday afternoon...everyone. That would give people who pre-ordered on 12/12/2011 three days early access.


However, at the rate they are inviting people atm I do not see all pre-orders getting into the game this weekend.


So, once again, BioWare says one thing and does another. Never thought I would miss Blizzard.

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Hey guys,


Now, personally, it wouldn't make or break my world whether I'd get to play in early access at all. But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access, but then when the early access actually starts, they only let in a minimal amount of players (livestreams I've watched only show 5-20 people in a zone at a time!) and then throw this new tweet at our face, that those who got the pre-order in late will probably only get one day! :)


They never said you would get AT LEAST 5 DAYS. They said you would get UP TO 5 DAYS. Big difference there.

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These OP's keep ignoring the actual arguments and truth that many people are stating and its really making it difficult to take your complaints seriously.


First off, the game releases on the 20th. you are complaining about FREE GAME TIME


Secondly, you did not pay 5 dollars extra for the Pre-order, the 5 dollars was a deposit that will be subtracted from your final bull when the game releases


Thirdly, they staggered the releases to promote a secure and consistent launch


FINAL POINT: If Bioware let everyone in then people would be pissed off because the servers were laggy, full and crashing. Either way it is going to be difficult to get into the game than it is now.


I am fine waiting for my turn, because I didn't pre-order right away and I was fully aware when I pre-ordered that I would receive up to 5 days of FREE game time but that it was dependent on when I ordered.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but Blizzard said a HELL of a lot of things early on that they didn't follow through on.


And no, they NEVER said you WOULD get in. So they aren't saying something and doing another.


If they sent people e-mails telling them what day/time they'd get in, people would not be this upset.


The lack of information is what is making people anxious and upset.

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If they sent people e-mails telling them what day/time they'd get in, people would not be this upset.


The lack of information is what is making people anxious and upset.


Imagine how pissed you would be if they sent you an email stating you would get in on the 15th and you made plans for the 14th ... they then manage to get you in on the 14th and you go ballistic because they lied to you and now you cannot play till the 15th or feel the wrath of the wife!

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If they sent people e-mails telling them what day/time they'd get in, people would not be this upset.


The lack of information is what is making people anxious and upset.


If they sent out e-mails telling people what day/time they'd get in and something happened to where they couldn't deliver on that then everyone would be even more mad and actually have a right to be mad.

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The lack of information is what is making people anxious and upset.


How do they live?


I mean, when I enter my car, I don't fret about there not being a timer til the next time I get into an accident.


When I go to an interview, I don't fret about there not being a timer til they call back and let me know whether or not I got the job.


When I open a can of coke, I don't fret about there not being a timer til the carbonation runs out.


I mean seriously, there's a lot of **** out in the world that you don't have enough information about, yet most people aren't in a nervous wreck 24/7.

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the reason people preorder a game is for early start not the junk you get in a box or from the store,its to start the game early,to pull in front of the waves,to craft to start the market,when u give people a full 7 days ahead of the masses then u make the game out of balance,ie on a pvp server.so why preorder to get into the game on the 19th and at 1201 am the servers go off line till 7 am, thats some real bs i think agree or not.and yes eu paid 5$ extra for head start.
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How do they live?


I mean, when I enter my car, I don't fret about there not being a timer til the next time I get into an accident.


When I go to an interview, I don't fret about there not being a timer til they call back and let me know whether or not I got the job.


When I open a can of coke, I don't fret about there not being a timer til the carbonation runs out.


I mean seriously, there's a lot of **** out in the world that you don't have enough information about, yet most people aren't in a nervous wreck 24/7.


You can bring that type of thing up in any arguement ever.


Complain about something? Bring up starving children in Africa. Bring up genocide, bring up every screwed up thing in the world.


That's no way to have a discussion.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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Zones aint really empty.


I still dont belive why people will whine about this, this has been known since the first day of preordering, that this is how its going to be - There is enough people around to group up with, they will also add more and more people each day.


So dont you worry.


For people who ordered november / december, sucks - you should have ordered earlier if you wanted in before.


Game launches the 20th, be happy that its possible to play before that.


I paid 80 dollars to start at the same time as everyone else who paid 80 dollars to start. I didnt pay 70 to start 3 days later or 60 to start 5 days later. I paid 80, 5 dollars extra to to make sure of it. They screwed the pooch big time and I have been in on every major MMO launch since DAOC and this one takes the cake.

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