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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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I did not gather this intention from their wording. Just because you are 13 and have never seen a legal document before and are not careful about wording does not mean you are qualified to deduce BioWare's intention.


Please kindly go crawl back to where you came from and stop making generalizations just because you are angry. We get it. You want to play now. Grow up and learn to occupy your time some other way than continuing to complain in the same manner over and over again - as in if it somehow will get you more notice from BioWare.


If you don't like it, air your concerns and provide some constructive feedback. Otherwise, you just make yourself look like a little kid, crying over spilt milk.


Just chiming in here "Pot calling the kettle black" as well as "One should take one’s own advice".


Ok go back to warring with one another.

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We'll have to wait to see if people who preorderd before now actually get 5 days access. From what I understand everyone should.


From what I posted earlier from the dev tracker, they are going to ramp of the invites tomorrow, and thursday. Now my interpretation is everyone who preordered before now should have access on the 15th. And if you preorder after you get at least 1 day.


In all honesty, given the ****-storm of whining from people who are not currently in the game now, I would not be surprised if almost everyone gets in by the 15th. Why do you think they pushed it back to the 13th?


I honestly think they were expecting it, and moved it to the 13th, so that some would get in on the 13th, more on the 14th, and the rest on the 15th. That way everyone who pre-ordered gets at least 5 days, and they are still able to cater to those who pre-ordered early under the guise that they would get slightly more time to play first.


Great marketing move in all honesty if you ask me.

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Advertising rules are quite a lot stricter in the UK. Anyone that placed a pre-order on a date that had zero chance of getting up to 5 days, but was sold it with the suggestion that they could get "up to 5 days access", falls foul of advertising guidelines with trading standards.


You cannot advertise something that has no chance of being offered to the consumer - therefore anyone that placed a pre-order on, say, the 10th December - at a point when there was *zero* chance of receiving 5 days, was being misled by an advert suggesting they could get "up to 5 days".


(in the US, I believe things are more weighed towards companies than consumers, and companies can say pretty much whatever they want if they have a bit of small print denying it? Not so here).


But - it's fairly irrelevant - usually when adverts fall foul of trading standards, that advert gets banned, and in the worst case scenarios, a company may get a fine/slap on the wrist. Adverts get banned all the time here even after air time - most often due to things like this - advertising things that are not ACTUALLY totally available, or suggesting something is more than it actually is.


You can't sue a company. A company isn't going to "go down" for it. And you aren't going to get in any earlier even if you'd like to ;)


So... yeah... it does say "up to 5 days" - but for any recent purchasers this was a misleading statement (and adverts are not allowed to mislead consumers)... even so, it makes little difference to reality - the world isn't going to end because of it, the game's not going to stop dead or fail because of it, and nobody's going to get in any earlier than the magic lotto email lets them ;)

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Wow. A lot of passionate people in this thread who simply Can't. Wait. Another. Day. to get into this game to begin playing it.


Sounds like Bioware has a hit on their hands. Well, a potentially angry mob of forum posters, and a hit. But the angry mob is nothing to worry about until the "Occupy Mos Eisley" posters come out.

Edited by YankeeDelta
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I did not gather this intention from their wording. Just because you are 13 and have never seen a legal document before and are not careful about wording does not mean you are qualified to deduce BioWare's intention.


Please kindly go crawl back to where you came from and stop making generalizations just because you are angry. We get it. You want to play now. Grow up and learn to occupy your time some other way than continuing to complain in the same manner over and over again - as in if it somehow will get you more notice from BioWare.


If you don't like it, air your concerns and provide some constructive feedback. Otherwise, you just make yourself look like a little kid, crying over spilt milk.


Disagreeing with you isn't proof that I'm 13. And even a 13 year old could understand deceptive marketing.

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Just chiming in here "Pot calling the kettle black" as well as "One should take one’s own advice".


Ok go back to warring with one another.


Except I am not complaining about the situation. I am not complaining about the complainer's either. While my wording may be harsh, I am offering constructive criticism by telling them to let BioWare know they are unhappy (through email, starting a forum thread, etc) but in a constructive manner - crying over and over with a body of text stating nothing more than 'I AM MAD RRRRRRRRR' is not going to do anything for anyone.

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yeah...ok mate. What makes you think I was crying to you. You some kind of authority on the matter? You an EA employee? you work for bio wares complaints division?


You are complaining / crying in an open forum ... you want me to rub your back and put some vapo rub on your belly?


Face it man, you didnt buy the game in time and now you are waiting like the rest of us ... man up and wait your turn.

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Except I am not complaining about the situation. I am not complaining about the complainer's either. While my wording may be harsh, I am offering constructive criticism by telling them to let BioWare know they are unhappy (through email, starting a forum thread, etc) but in a constructive manner - crying over and over with a body of text stating nothing more than 'I AM MAD RRRRRRRRR' is not going to do anything for anyone.


No, you're calling us 13.

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This isn't mc donalds.

We're not standing in line, and THEN paying for the game the very second we get access to it.


What we're doing, is paying for the burger 7 days in advance, and they keep pushing it back. In the end we get a 6 day old burger, one we paid for 6 days ago. All while the mc donalds restaurant in question is not even full.


Logic works both ways.


Lul Wut?

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people cry and say november/decemeber people should of pre-order'd earlier but...


bioware never said they were gonna give early access depending on when you pre-order'd if that was the case they would of got alot of earlier customers



Unlike most people, some ppl have obligations and cant splurge 60+ dollars on a game they really want because of bills, school, loans or whatever


Imo give the community what it wants you'd get alot less complaints and when all goes wrong shove us in a mirror spank us and tell us how bad we are!!


I Am Zyzz! come at me bro!!

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Disagreeing with you isn't proof that I'm 13. And even a 13 year old could understand deceptive marketing.


Welcome to the real world. People are deceptive. Do you think someone's going to cry or fight for you because the apple you bought that said RED DELICIOUS wasn't delicious?


Stop trying to say that they OWE you the 5 days because they were trying to IMPLY 5 days. Until you can prove that they worded it as MAY in order to screw the customer over, you can't just assume that this was their intention. I read MAY as a "well, if our servers **** up we don't want to get sued", yet still recognized that it was a MAY and not a WILL.

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OMG! seriously? Obviously they have changed all the info to match what is currently happening. If It had said you "might" get up to 5 days...but you might get one...I would not have pre ordered.


Yes, it's a big conspiracy to screw you over for a few extra days of play. Everything II've ever read has said UP TO 5 days. It's more likely you don't have a full grasp of the English language than Bioware ripping you off.

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You are complaining / crying in an open forum ... you want me to rub your back and put some vapo rub on your belly?


Face it man, you didnt buy the game in time and now you are waiting like the rest of us ... man up and wait your turn.


Yeah, in an open forum. so why did you offer me your e mail address.


Thats what the damn forum is for, feed back of every kind. Not just your take on things.

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Yeah, in an open forum. so why did you offer me your e mail address.


Thats what the damn forum is for, feed back of every kind. Not just your take on things.


I offered you my email address because I know I will be in by the 16th and if you arent then you could send me an email and cry to me ... I would listen then ... maybe

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Wow. A lot of passionate people in this thread who simply Can't. Wait. Another. Day. to get into this game to begin playing it.


Sounds like Bioware has a hit on their hands. Well, a potentially angry mob of forum posters, and a hit. But the angry mob is nothing to worry about until the "Occupy Mos Eisley" posters come out.


More like alot of people who cant read and comprehend.

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people cry and say november/decemeber people should of pre-order'd earlier but...


bioware never said they were gonna give early access depending on when you pre-order'd if that was the case they would of got alot of earlier customers



Unlike most people, some ppl have obligations and cant splurge 60+ dollars on a game they really want because of bills, school, loans or whatever


Imo give the community what it wants you'd get alot less complaints and when all goes wrong shove us in a mirror spank us and tell us how bad we are!!


I Am Zyzz! come at me bro!!


False. In the Pre-Order FAQ it's always said that when you get into Early Access is entirely based upon when you pre-order, and then REGISTER, your pre-order code.

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Yes, it's a big conspiracy to screw you over for a few extra days of play. Everything II've ever read has said UP TO 5 days. It's more likely you don't have a full grasp of the English language than Bioware ripping you off.


What!? lol. ok. pretty sure websites get updated to current information on a regular basis. Can you honestly tell me that all of this information that is currently available on this site is the same information from a year ago?

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In all honesty, given the ****-storm of whining from people who are not currently in the game now, I would not be surprised if almost everyone gets in by the 15th. Why do you think they pushed it back to the 13th?


I honestly think they were expecting it, and moved it to the 13th, so that some would get in on the 13th, more on the 14th, and the rest on the 15th. That way everyone who pre-ordered gets at least 5 days, and they are still able to cater to those who pre-ordered early under the guise that they would get slightly more time to play first.


Great marketing move in all honesty if you ask me.


Aye, seems to me that is it exactly. My opinion (Which doesn't count for much) is they originally planned to stagger it out from the 15-19th, but due to public response realized that wasn't the best idea and bumped the date up a couple days and decided to get everyone in by the 15th.


The only reason they coming out and saying "Almost everyone will get in by the 15th" is they don't wan't to create another mess if they fail to meet expectations if there are a few people who don't get an invite on the 15th who pre-ordered before than.


Seems a good strategy. Keep the old marketing technique, use new plan. Fall back on the old one if it falls through.

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Lots of entitlement going around. Sad to say I'm not surprised. :( I remember getting my CE back in late July and thinking I wouldn't get in early access at all due to the slow roll in. That didn't bug me at all. I knew I would get to play and have to fight for mobs, build alliances to steam roll punks fighting for mobs and make friends while doing it. That $5 you paid was for in game goodies not the play time. That's just a freebie. A freebie. You, the ones tearing a hole where their scalps used to be, are kicking and screaming over free game time. You knew from the tome you paid, or should have read more carefully, what was going on with early access. I, for one, applaud bioware for having the foresight to take baby steps in order to reduce troubles MMOs usually incur during large launches. This is my first bioware game and with the beta I was tickled, and I expect cotinued good work. So, I may have to wait a day or two before I get into play. I'm not that impatient. I'll go read a book while I continue to tap reload to my email with my big toe. :cool:
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