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1 Day of Early Access... yay?


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I call BS. It has ALWAYS said "Up to 5 days early!" not "On the 15th of December 2011!".


Pretty sure the date 15\12 has been smashed up all over the place in videos and forums world wide. Even retail stores have huge signs up saying 15\12 early access.. so how can you say no one has said "15th of December 2011"

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Right, the "up to" clause totally makes it not lame that they aren't letting a large number of people actually get any real "early" access.


I never claimed it wasn't a bad move. I just said they were vague with it, and perhaps intentionally. If they had given an exact date, and failed to meet it, how much worse do you think these forums would be right now.

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So, if I pre-ordered on the 11th of December is there any chance of me playing up to 5 days early?


Assuming they hadn't already planned the exact release schedule yet, yes, there was/is. Not to mention some people who pre-ordered in December are in-game now (if the forum posts are true).


Given all the extra work going around the BioWare office as of late, I would not be surprised if the tentative dates were worked out for sure after all the pre-orders/early-access stuff was dealt with. That is to say, yesterday or perhaps the day before at the earliest.


So no, it's not false advertising.


Not to mention that the statement simply implies that you MIGHT get early access period (the time will vary, as well as the possibility of early access). Some might not even get early access at all, going just by the wording.

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um then your quarrel is with who ever you bought the game from, not bioware. it has been said over and over that it was first come first server. bioware has no controll what some random dude at a retail store had to say, and i cant believe you took his word for fact.


the information was on game-sites all over the Net too.


and i saw that we do get early access on the 15th.. not "UP-To"

if most of the people that pre ordered to get in game on the 15th, arent able too then all hell will break loose.. especially if we hit the 17th day.. and havent let everyone in. then i wouldnt blame the whiners lol. (Just Sayin)


but hey. its only the 14th here ... sooo i have no real quarrel right now.

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point is even with an extra 2 days, the fact still stands it has been known FOR MONTHS that early access would be staggered AND that it would depend on when you enter you preorder code. they have kept their word from what i see


But by keeping their word in this fashion they have created division and not unity. They could have created a much better play experience by allowing all pre-orders in within the first 24 hours. Stagger the waves every 2 hours and allow 100-200k in per hour. That would more than accomodate the player base.


Anything less than the below will be shoddy on BW's part:


BioWare needs to allow all pre-orders into the EA 14 Dec.

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um then your quarrel is with who ever you bought the game from, not bioware. it has been said over and over that it was first come first server. bioware has no controll what some random dude at a retail store had to say, and i cant believe you took his word for fact.


BioWare's intention was to lead everyone who pre-ordered to believe they would get 5 early. No, they didn't break any laws. But yes, we will complain. We will complain a lot.

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But what buggers me, is how they've told us that they are letting more people in than was planned, and that everyone would get atleast 5 days to play in early access,


What buggers me is people who can't seem to understand what "You MAY get UP TO 5 days early access" means.

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Early Game Access* will begin on December 13th at 7:00AM EST, 2011 and ends on December 19th, 2011 at 10:01PM EST. During this time, we will be emailing invitations to join Early Game Access based on the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code. Pre-load the game client now, so you're ready to play when your Early Game Access invitation arrives. Note that download time can vary and may take awhile.


I have heard and seen many people wrongly state things regarding the early access and way in which it is determined. Above is a copy of the email that I received from swtor. I am simply glad that I now have an excuse to leave warcraft and follow what has always been a favorite of mine, star wars. Early access is a perk, and I will be glad if I get even 1 day of it before it launches. Finally a game worth playing..just promise me you won't dumb it down so much a 5 year old can play it in the future. Keep it challenging, keep it interesting, and above all keep up the hard work BioWare.

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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


you will pay the same thing as the guy in front of you, but I bet he will get his food first

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But by keeping their word in this fashion they have created division and not unity. They could have created a much better play experience by allowing all pre-orders in within the first 24 hours. Stagger the waves every 2 hours and allow 100-200k in per hour. That would more than accomodate the player base.


Anything less than the below will be shoddy on BW's part:


BioWare needs to allow all pre-orders into the EA 14 Dec.


until i see someone who can actually go out and prove they can do better instead of complain i think they are doing fine.

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It still is not the 15th ...


Yeah I realise that. But the way things are going, it seems that I probably wont get my invite tomorrow. Its this part that annoys me. I placed my pre order for a very specific reason. Because at that time it was bloody well advertised as pre orders get eraly access on the 15\12. Wish i could still beta test :(

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Yeah I realise that. But the way things are going, it seems that I probably wont get my invite tomorrow. Its this part that annoys me. I placed my pre order for a very specific reason. Because at that time it was bloody well advertised as pre orders get eraly access on the 15\12. Wish i could still beta test :(


Cry to me when it is the 16th and you are not playing ... I will give you my email address

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you will pay the same thing as the guy in front of you, but I bet he will get his food first


You weren't promised a place in line for paying part of the cost ahead of time. Metaphor falls apart.


If BioWare wants people to pre-order stuff, they shouldn't give extremely tentative promises.

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BioWare's intention was to lead everyone who pre-ordered to believe they would get 5 early. No, they didn't break any laws. But yes, we will complain. We will complain a lot.


I did not gather this intention from their wording. Just because you are 13 and have never seen a legal document before and are not careful about wording does not mean you are qualified to deduce BioWare's intention.


Please kindly go crawl back to where you came from and stop making generalizations just because you are angry. We get it. You want to play now. Grow up and learn to occupy your time some other way than continuing to complain in the same manner over and over again - as in if it somehow will get you more notice from BioWare.


If you don't like it, air your concerns and provide some constructive feedback. Otherwise, you just make yourself look like a little kid, crying over spilt milk.

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It never said you WILL get 5 days early access, it said you could get UP TO 5 days.

That means you could get anywhere from 1 second to 5 days playing time.




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We'll have to wait to see if people who preorderd before now actually get 5 days access. From what I understand everyone should.


From what I posted earlier from the dev tracker, they are going to ramp of the invites tomorrow, and thursday. Now my interpretation is everyone who preordered before now should have access on the 15th. And if you preorder after you get at least 1 day.

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It never said you WILL get 5 days early access, it said you could get UP TO 5 days.

That means you could get anywhere from 1 second to 5 days playing time.





Actually, you will get atleast 1 day. So you'll have way more than 1 second.

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You weren't promised a place in line for paying part of the cost ahead of time. Metaphor falls apart.


If BioWare wants people to pre-order stuff, they shouldn't give extremely tentative promises.


No, he got in line before you ... because he wanted to eat before you ... or he had the oppertunity to do so ... maybe you were stuck in traffic.

Edited by chapmandoo
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