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What It's Like to Heal at Level 50 (part 2, diff person)


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As requested by some of the people in the first thread, here is the video of a full pug vs pug match, sped up a bit so it isn't quite as long. Not a video producer or anything so I know I don't do a great job making them, but...yeah whatever. To you people saying heals are bad, here is a healer for you, 530k heals in an Alderaan. Comment/flame on.


Fitting music for the game this time at least although I'm not a bounty hunter....Rift video haters.



Edited by RoughRaptors
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At the moment making a 50 only bracket would be a poor decision. Level 50s wouldn't get pops and would get bored and quit. The 50s are most likely some of their most dedicated players that they should try to keep. With brackets, it just wouldn't work with 30+ minute queue times and I'd personally probably quit due to this. Yes, it's a little ridiculous that I can do 6v2s and 4v1s etc, but it needs to happen right now before more people hit 50. Also take into account that I don't kill anyone, I just heal myself and run around in circles. Not everyone can do it, it takes some skill (as easy as it sounds). I have over 20 keybindings that i constantly use and have to know what skills to use when and where.
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What's your point ?


Speed is too high so we can't learn anything, we're just seeing a pile of casts.

I'm not judging your skills though.


All I can say by looking at the damage numbers you receveived is that opponent were poorly geared.


I sometimes have the feeling as a healer that I'm fine, and ... I am, I mean having a healer in a warzone is a huge addition. This feeling is sometimes ruined when I meet some really good geared people. I met this Bounty hunter, he can fire a salve of 3 missiles, around 3600 each (I suppose he crits around 35%). I cannot support this level of damage. I can barely survive until his next cc comes up, much before my breaking cc goes up.


I enjoy Healing, but I fear about high end PvP 'cause I have the fealing that heals do not scale up as good as damage does. I hope I'm wrong.

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What's your point ?


Speed is too high so we can't learn anything, we're just seeing a pile of casts.

I'm not judging your skills though.


All I can say by looking at the damage numbers you receveived is that opponent were poorly geared.


I sometimes have the feeling as a healer that I'm fine, and ... I am, I mean having a healer in a warzone is a huge addition. This feeling is sometimes ruined when I meet some really good geared people. I met this Bounty hunter, he can fire a salve of 3 missiles, around 3600 each (I suppose he crits around 35%). I cannot support this level of damage. I can barely survive until his next cc comes up, much before my breaking cc goes up.


I can heal through a BH's tracer missile spam and his other missiles. I can heal through an operatives burst (sometimes). I can heal just about anything. It's only sped up to 1.5x normal, which isn't huge. I don't have a problem following what is happening nor did one of the other people I showed it to before posting it. I guess we figured it would be alright for everyone else to follow, sorry if it isn't. I assumed more people would watch the video if it wasn't the full length due to boredom or just human nature to stop watching things halfway through :-P. Just look at the kiting and pretty green numbers.


Some of the people I fought were 50 and some weren't and therefore weren't geared. That's the point of the pug vs pug video. It's fair, both teams are even. I took heavy burst from time to time, as well as others. I either healed through it or some people died. Most of it has to do with simply line of sighting everyone else and healing while they can't attack.

Edited by RoughRaptors
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Is there a single level 50 on the other team in this video?


If not, it's irrelevent.


Unsure, was too busy healing :-P. But my pug did just beat a 4 man level 50 premade on Alderaan with my being the only healer though. They were obviously bad, but it nullifies the level 50 argument.

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It's the expertise that makes the whole differance, pritty much makes you immune to anyone under lvl 50. I use to think healing in pvp sucked becuase everyone would wack you dead without trying till i got 400 expertise~ 10% dmg reduction/heal bonus helps alot since pvp healing is already nerfed by 30% isnt it? :p


oh btw i play a op healer :)

Edited by killerdamo
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Just imagine how different that would have gone if more than 1 DPS occasionally did some token DPS to him. Or CC'ed him. Or did anything to stop him from freecasting heals all day.


People have to do a better job taking responsibility for not targeting down healers. Even one dps on a healer makes a big difference, it rattles their concentration on healing others, makes them fear interrupts/cc/ect so they re-position, losing healing time. Even if you can just chase the only healer around a pillar barely denting them, chances are the DPS around he isn't healing are dieing.

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Unsure, was too busy healing :-P. But my pug did just beat a 4 man level 50 premade on Alderaan with my being the only healer though. They were obviously bad, but it nullifies the level 50 argument.


they had lvl 50 sorcerer healer in 50s pvp gear so yes they had lvl 50 for sure

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Unsure, was too busy healing :-P. But my pug did just beat a 4 man level 50 premade on Alderaan with my being the only healer though. They were obviously bad, but it nullifies the level 50 argument.


No it doesn't. Are you posting that game as a video "proving" something balance related?


I kill 50 healers like they're nothing and i'm one of the lowest dps classes.

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Just imagine how different that would have gone if more than 1 DPS occasionally did some token DPS to him. Or CC'ed him. Or did anything to stop him from freecasting heals all day.



Yes, exactly. People like this have never played against anyone remotely decent.

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Yes, while they are dpsing me and I am kiting their DPS around a pillar, my team is busy taking damage, the thing is though, they are down 2-3 DPS that are chasing me. So my team is going to kill them before they kill my team due to being short players. Either way, it is a win/win situation if I'm being attacked or ignored.
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Yes, while they are dpsing me and I am kiting their DPS around a pillar, my team is busy taking damage, the thing is though, they are down 2-3 DPS that are chasing me. So my team is going to kill them before they kill my team due to being short players. Either way, it is a win/win situation if I'm being attacked or ignored.


I am 1 dps. I can kill you by myself in about 30 seconds if you have los, 15-20 if not. That's quite a bit faster if I have "2-3" DPS instead of just me.


Kiting low levels and bad players who stun you at full health from max range for no reason around LoS objects is something you can do as any class, as any spec.

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Srsly this video is pretty sad for the state of healers.


Like i said yesterday in a similar post (in part 1 i believe).


Your 50 vs lvls 20's most of the time that dont havea clue whom toassist.


You rarely if ever get focused and you almost never get cced , you just standing there freecasting.


Im not saying you suck or anything , im just sayiong that if any lvl 50 dps decides to focus on you ull go down pretty fast.


All i see is pathetic 400ish hots rarely 3ksomehing heals most of the time is near 2-2200 the big one 600 per tick the innervate and around 1000ish the 1,5 sec.


Compare to the numbers that are flying around like getting crit for 3200 form tank and any good dps will do4k on you even with expertise armors and your toast.


Even if ur manage to save ur self through kiting - cc , that means uou dont heal.


fyi you can barely keep your self alive from random lowbies i dont see how is possible to help your team vs any premade that assists you .

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I am 1 dps. I can kill you by myself in about 30 seconds if you have los, 15-20 if not. That's quite a bit faster if I have "2-3" DPS instead of just me.


Kiting low levels and bad players who stun you at full health from max range for no reason around LoS objects is something you can do as any class, as any spec.


Assuming you are a 50 sage. You would never kill my 50 sage healer. Sorry

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Rofl seriously a single dps will NEVER kill my medic operative unless every single one of my cooldowns are blown. A single sage/sorc would never kill me unless I'm not paying attention spam healing someone going for a score in hutball or something.
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Rofl seriously a single dps will NEVER kill my medic operative unless every single one of my cooldowns are blown. A single sage/sorc would never kill me unless I'm not paying attention spam healing someone going for a score in hutball or something.


lol operative. Actually the easiest to kill out of any of them. Love people basing their experiences off fighting people who open with every cc they have when you're at full health and they aren't even in a situation to deal damage to you yet. Oh no you actually interrupted underworld medicine, thats never happened before because I only play against idiots, **** what do I do now? (The answer is die btw)


The best part about it is how, while dying, they have to focus on healing themselves, so while they're dying, their whole team is dying too :)))))))

Edited by CHRISGG
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I am 1 dps. I can kill you by myself in about 30 seconds if you have los, 15-20 if not. That's quite a bit faster if I have "2-3" DPS instead of just me.


Kiting low levels and bad players who stun you at full health from max range for no reason around LoS objects is something you can do as any class, as any spec.


maybe my entire server is just full of bad players, but i have never ever ever ever ever ever (ever) died to a solo dps as an operative healer




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To Nordain, I raised it to 3.5p/cs.


To everyone else bragging about how fast they can kill someone, I'd like to see you try. I was in a premade of 4 level 50s today (we lost) but three of them decided to jump me. I stayed alive by myself for about a full minute. Are you mad that I know how to cc and survive properly? Are you mad that I know how to pop my cooldowns when I am supposed to? Or should I just assume you are another random scrub who doesn't know how to play and is trying to brag about being able to kill people, when really you haven't faced a good healer before.


Also to the person saying his 50 sage could kill a healer, GL with that one there buddy. I'd love to see any sage kill me in a 1v1, I could keep myself alive with my eyes closed.

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To Nordain, I raised it to 3.5p/cs.


To everyone else bragging about how fast they can kill someone, I'd like to see you try. I was in a premade of 4 level 50s today (we lost) but three of them decided to jump me. I stayed alive by myself for about a full minute. Are you mad that I know how to cc and survive properly? Are you mad that I know how to pop my cooldowns when I am supposed to? Or should I just assume you are another random scrub who doesn't know how to play and is trying to brag about being able to kill people, when really you haven't faced a good healer before.


Also to the person saying his 50 sage could kill a healer, GL with that one there buddy. I'd love to see any sage kill me in a 1v1, I could keep myself alive with my eyes closed.


Um I watched your video. You're a prolific S keyer, you have no concept of positioning, standing right on top of the fight 95% of the time, you don't even use all of your gcds because you're so slow, etc. You're definitely not living against me for very long. If I catch a dumpster healing sorc standing right out in the middle of the map, he's totally screwed, especially if he's at your level of gameplay.

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I stood in the middle because there was no real threat due to you know...it being a pug vs pug match. What was the point of moving out of the fight when I can just aoe heal myself and probably soak up more damage due to higher stats than most other players? I'd rather take less damage and be able to heal it than heal others who take extra damage. And if I waste GCDs it's usually for a reason, such as no one needs a heal or I need force. Also as you can see multiple times my mouse screws up really bad and I can't click anybody, so that kind of screws me up a bit. At least my 15k+ ping spikes have been fixed....(don't jinx myself) Edited by RoughRaptors
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