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Mercenary seems to be lacking compared to other classes?


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so there have been a lot of threads and posts about how mercenary's 'suck' and how powertechs are much better in pvp and how little damage mercenary's do. I am now regretting taking the mercenary class as i was hoping to d some pvp later in the game. Are mercenary's really as bad as everyone is saying in pvp? and do you think the classes are unbalanced?
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wrong, they dont do ridiculous OP damage...all of those big numbers you see in warfront are just because BH have lot of aoe.....so they hot lets say 2k crit but on 6 player..wich make lot of damage, but single target we are far from the ridiculous OP damage that ppl think:D Edited by eroscastaldi
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wrong, they dont do ridiculous OP damage...all of those big numbers you see in warfront are just because BH have lot of aoe.....so they hot lets say 2k crit but on 6 player..wich make lot of damage, but single target we are far from the ridiculous OP damage that ppl think:D


Thats Crap lol my Guildmate is a Bounty Hunter and we have a Full geared Group für Flashpoints, he is by far the most *********** OP Damage Dealer in the Game. 1 Missle and a Mob is Dead in an Hard Mode Flashpoint , our Other Dmg Dealers are really angry about this OP Mercenary / Commando Class .

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wrong, they dont do ridiculous OP damage...all of those big numbers you see in warfront are just because BH have lot of aoe.....so they hot lets say 2k crit but on 6 player..wich make lot of damage, but single target we are far from the ridiculous OP damage that ppl think:D


I didnt say OP damage.


I said ridiculous damage.


Ignoring AoE Mercs can drop some serious damage between tracer missile, unload, HSM and rail shot.

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so there have been a lot of threads and posts about how mercenary's 'suck' and how powertechs are much better in pvp and how little damage mercenary's do. I am now regretting taking the mercenary class as i was hoping to d some pvp later in the game. Are mercenary's really as bad as everyone is saying in pvp? and do you think the classes are unbalanced?


Thats only because the people who actually speak up on the forums are the ones that feel like complaining, me and most other merc pvpers (i assume) are completely satisfied with the class at the moment.


Sure we get owned by melees if we can't get them off of us, but the damage output and especially AOE damage we can put it as well as having 2 knockbacks puts us in a fairly good spot in pvp (hence why you see bounty hunters topping damage almost every game)

Edited by Juicenewtonz
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Hi guys just played pvp for a while and i have to say i dont see what other people have been complaining about, ive been finishing in the top 4 every game and last game i got 23 kills and 0 deaths i dont know whats good and whats not but i was happy with that score. Pvp has been really fun so far with a mercenary but im only lv 19. I'm happy with the damage i do and the aoe is brilliant. Sorry if the post seemed like trolling at first i was just wondering what all the negative posts have been about. I will now definately go all the way as a mercenary :)
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mercs are severly limited in pvp. we have no interrupts, one knockback, activation times, and we are as mobile as a house. not to mention that our dps is horrible. im thinking about rerolling


reroll out of the game, i think it might be a bit too hard for you :rolleyes:

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I play Pyro Merc and find myself often atop of Warzone top 3 damage dealers. Granted I am only level 31 and cannot speak for the merc end game. But so far I've been satisfied with merc class.


Pyro is somewhat lack lusted but not UP, I've struggled 1 on 1 against some Tank / healer hybrids because they stopped completely to fight me and focused 100% on healing.


I get often murdered by Power Tech BH's or Arsenal Mercs and most of the time it is impossible to haul your *** out of dangerous encounters. But I am satisfied with pyro merc, I like the way it plays so far.

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Merc is in a very nice place. You're not very mobile, so you might be aggravated if your server has a population imbalance, but you're still solid. If you feel you don't have damage.. I don't know how to help. I'm a bodyguard and still feel like I have a solid recourse for damage. If you wanted to go zipping around the battlefield, or have problems with low mobility--you picked the wrong class.
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Merc is in a very nice place. You're not very mobile, so you might be aggravated if your server has a population imbalance, but you're still solid. If you feel you don't have damage.. I don't know how to help. I'm a bodyguard and still feel like I have a solid recourse for damage. If you wanted to go zipping around the battlefield, or have problems with low mobility--you picked the wrong class.


Im loving it now :)

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mercs are severly limited in pvp. we have no interrupts, one knockback, activation times, and we are as mobile as a house. not to mention that our dps is horrible. im thinking about rerolling


This. Re-roll

Edited by Hilnarox
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Roll powertech and at 33+ go pyro

U won't regret it



Well I have a 34 merc, and let me tell u I'm a real pvper, forget all these people who say merc has crazy damage. There tell lies, operatives have crazy dnt, sorcerers have crazy dmg, merc is just good, but u have no mobility as the guy I quoted from. U can't move, u literally stand there in one spot and do a cast that frankly struggles to take on casters let alone meele. Look at snipers per say, they can root you, take cover, they have more mobility and they deal more damage. Iv refilled to a bb pyro and I can tell u I hit higher then my merc, the dots alone crit and tick loads, then the basicly spam of 2.6ks.


I real pvper would no merc slanted benefit your team or benifit u generally in pvp, stationary without anyone attacking you they are good because of aid dmg, u Target them they go down simple as that.


A lot of people saw oh oh merc in a great position, let them face the pvp guild I'm going to and let's see if they won't get wrecked. You need 2.2k + I Soz, because the server I'm on has a lot of skilled wow players who come to the server instead of being on servers with scubs. The guy in the quote described the exact reason nerves are bad.


Uno what. Any of u guys of legion of Luther or however u spell it and around 34,I want to show them how i can stop them from even getting one cast on.



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looks like some people are getting pretty defensive about their class. hiding something?


Iv got a 35 merc, And 34 BH Powertech Pyro-tech, And Powertechs are a PvP class, mercs arnt simple as that.


Too many scrubs trying to say mercs good, but really these guys cant PvP

Edited by Hilnarox
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Mercs are good, and I'm willing to bet that all of the people saying they aren't just don't know how to play the class. I've been doing great in pvp and I do as much if not more dps than anyone I'm usually with in groups for pve. Level 50 by the way, not some 20-30 troll who is missing out on 20 levels of play and skills.
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I'm not at cap, but I still feel just as balanced as any other class. If I go into a burn phase and spam Tracer Missile and Rail Shot it's almost always game over for the other person. The only problem is it leaves me completely vulnerable against a new target as I'm maxed on heat. Even standing still against a mobile opponent is pretty faceroll if you just outburst them. I have found that the Mercenary has nearly 0 survivability against multiple targets though. Always bring friends that can peel.
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so there have been a lot of threads and posts about how mercenary's 'suck' and how powertechs are much better in pvp and how little damage mercenary's do. I am now regretting taking the mercenary class as i was hoping to d some pvp later in the game. Are mercenary's really as bad as everyone is saying in pvp? and do you think the classes are unbalanced?


Let me tell you something: Never come to these forums looking for opinions on a certain class. Because no matter what class thread you go to you will always have a vocal minority flying of the handle about how that class sucks...


If you are bad at pvp, then you will be no good at this class. If you know how to pvp, and enjoy ranged pvp then you will love the merc. Great damage, slows, stuns, knock backs, heals, powerful aoe abilities.


Also if you don't like cast bars, don't roll a merc. In the pyro tree there is a little more mobility but not much more. But yes the merc has to cast most of his big hitters. Which should be no surprise considering its a ranged class, all ranged classes have cast bars.


Merc is beastly, and you can wax melee, no worries there. Just takes practice....good luck.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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I'm 2.3 rated arena on my rogue

2.1 on sham

2k on hunter


And I got all of these ratings in under 1week.


And if u don't play wow 2.3 is good, and I'm telling you that merc is not pvp class end of.


Half of these guys or dont even all actually have no real pvp xp on other game very similer to swtor and act like they do.


Without a interrupt.


And ability to slow constantly not on just a cd move.

Meens there noway any good for pvp except there raw damage. O actually operative, sorcerers and sniper have far more damage and have atleast two of this things.


Intact earlier today in a war game I was farming two level 50 mercs, I'm thinking there level. Even if its a bad class they should kill a level 35. Didn't drop under 50%. Even the crappest players regardless at 50 should get me to atleast 50%.


So iv made my point, and if any wow players who think merc is good for pvp. I would like too have visual proof of ur arena xp before you tell me Mercs are good.......


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I think the misconception here is that Mercenary is underpowered, when in reality we're probably one of the more balanced classes out there. It's the broken state of other classes that make us look weak by comparison.
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