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Moment of truth: Did Bioware do a succesful job at making a Star Wars MMORPG?


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Lacking in too many ways.



Grouping -3

Market -3

UI -3



Fun to quest and level up. +4

It would prolly be fun even if it wasn't star wars.


10 - 9 + 5 = 5


So far there is little or no reason to remain in this game more than a couple months, or until leveling a few toons.


After a year or so, it will have to be free to draw some customers, and they will put ADS in-game to pay for it.

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So far it's been THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TROLL in history. 1.5 million people took the bait. As they guy above me said, if they can patch and fix as fast as Trionworlds does Rift then it might stand a chance.


But I'm certainly not holding my breath.

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Yes I have fallen into your trap willingly this time, but the sacrifice is worth it to spread awareness to what you and your team of trolls are doing.


God I am so tired of the troll term being used so loosely, the whole term is just stupid anyway. (BTW let me guess, I am trolling right now trololololo?)


So if you bring up a complaint you are a TROLL

If you do disagree with something, you are a TROLL

If you write anything negative you are a TROLL.

If you voice your opinion, you are a TROLL.



Seriously, the gaming internet community of 2011 make me rage (troll comment is troll, umad bro umad).




Thanks for sharing your great awareness though oh thou enlightened one. We mere mortals were all falling for his trolling but no longer!

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This is KOTOR 3. A Single Player Oriented MMORPG. A sort of first of its kind, of course im sure there are others out there. Looking at it from that perspective it is just short of mind blowingly awesome.


Now Bioware has three options. To keep the focus on creating a long Single Player driven game, to turn it into yet another MMORPG that devolves into PUG PVP, PUG raiding, and PUG grouping, devoid of mostly everything that made it fun in the beginning (most every MMORPG has suffered this, including WOW), or to walk on the thin thread that attempts to merge the two.


If they attempt to merge the two then I see them adding more flashpoints and operations. Probably a LFD tool, which will be a little sad but hopefully wont do to SWTOR what it did to WOW (I doubt it). I also see them continue to extend the Class Quests as they raise the level cap.


PVP wise they will probably add more warzones, but I doubt open world PVP will get much better.


All in all as a SPOMMORPG I think it is stellar. Beyond anything WOW is or ever was in that department. Now we just need to wait and see what it eventually turns into.

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I've made previous threads in the past which all caused debate amongst the community whether or not Star Wars was a MMO. Alot of people said it was and vice versa. This is a moment of truth question which isnt in anyway shape or form trying to flame/rant how rubbish or how good the game is. From your own personal opinion do you feel that the game created by Bioware made a successful attempt in making a Star Wars MMORPG?


I personally have always wanted a Star Wars MMO ever since I started playing them type of games. Being a big fan of Star Wars myself I went into this game for years with high expectations and when I played Mass Effect I was sure that this game would exceed my expectations. Although playing I was able to reach Level 31 Jedi Knight being a Sentinel as my talent progression. I have said this on countless forums that I do not feel this game is a MMO maybe because I'm not a fan on Theme-Park MMO's as I am more of a Sandbox type of player. I personally feel Bioware made a good attempt but believe they are more suited at Single player roleplaying games (Mass Effect) and even in this game it's quite evident they put alot of thought into the Singleplayer. So in terms of Singleplayer it was an amazing well done job but in terms of being a MMORPG I have to say I was dissapointed. I feel the surroundings felt claustrophobic and I didnt have any freedom to be able to move around without countless loading times. It felt like I was compacked into a small space and that I couldnt roam around wherever I wanted and that was the problem for me with the game. There was no moment of peace when I was on the planets that I could just sit down and enjoy the beautiful view which also made the game not as amazing as I would of hoped.



What are your individual opinions?



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With the obvous hater gonna hate comment out of the way. Yes they did. I am more than happy playing this MMO.


But then again I actually look for groups and play with other people unlike all of the "OMG TIS SINGL PLAYUR ONLINE GAMEZ".

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With the obvous hater gonna hate comment out of the way. Yes they did. I am more than happy playing this MMO.


But then again I actually look for groups and play with other people unlike all of the "OMG TIS SINGL PLAYUR ONLINE GAMEZ".


I think the WoW fanboys desperately wanted this game to be a single player clunky mess, and instead they got a very streamlined, much better MMO than the one they had before.


So, like confused 16 year old girls, they are throwing temper tantrums.

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I think the WoW fanboys desperately wanted this game to be a single player clunky mess, and instead they got a very streamlined, much better MMO than the one they had before.


So, like confused 16 year old girls, they are throwing temper tantrums.


Except it IS clunky. Just look at the ability delay threads.

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No, they didn't. They relied too heavily on voice overs and the Star Wars brand to carry them and cut corners on basic, MMO functionality. The graphics engine is horribly inefficient ( Why, when some people can run Crysis 2 on max settings, and other more demanding MMOs as well, does this one make their PC chug?) Why have they not been more communicative as to what they're doing to address the playerbase's concerns? As someone said in an earlier post, Trion had a much more successful launch, they were in constant contact, hotfixing and patching like crazy. Bioware pretty much remains silent on most issues.


As far as the actual game itself? It's essentially a Single-player RPG with poor MMO functionality. They tacked on PVP, the flashpoints are riddled with bugs and most importantly, the control mechanics are sluggish and tedious. They need to fix these things ASAP if they expect any longevity out of this game. I am a lifelong Star Wars fan, I grew up watching it, reading the books, and anxiously awaiting the day that a good Star Wars MMO would arrive ( I missed the boat on SWG when it came out, damned deployments). However, that alone won't keep me playing.

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This page says they did indeed




nuff said


Haha, don't you know that the people here who say it's not an MMO know more than all the organizations that professionally review and award video games and thier creators? Or more likely, the whole lot of them are just evil greedy capitalist sucking from the teet of EA waiting for their portion of the fat loot. (full disclosure: I love capitalism, please people go get rich!!)


So yeah, diggin the game. Haven't played an MMO since I quit DCUO (I know, ALSO not an MMO, according to the elite epeens), didnt' plan on playing this one. For the first few levels, I thought "WoW in space, this isnt gonna last.". I was wrong. It's lasting. I am enjoying every moment of questing. It's nice bumping into the SAME people again and again when questing or doing Flashpoints/heroics. I haven't felt more a part of a community in an MMO since my days on City of Heroes.

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I think they did, based on what I think a MMORPG is. That is to say, an RPG where I can meet a lot of folk (and I do, it's never really hard to get a group together for the Heroics, on any planet), quest with them (normal quests as well as Heroics), talk about things, and I can do none of that and play some solo quests to level up or advance my own story.


Oh, and it happens to be a Star Wars game.


There are a few technical issues (random green texture here and there, had major lag today for the first time during a Tatooine Heroic - and I wasn't alone with that, occasional slowdown whilst fighting - but that could just be the laptop), and some things I'd like (more trouser options for a Consular, a more in-depth character creator, more armour options for a Sentinel), but nothing's stopped me enjoying the game thus far.



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It won alot of awards for best MMO of 2011... lets see it has been out how much of 2011? Lets see what 2012 has to say?


i hope the 2011 award comment is sarcasm crap. An mmo no matter how damn good it is will not win 11 ACTUAL awards in the year before it's released. All mmos do crazy well though in reviews and it's stupid.


Msnbc isn't something ill listen to and E3 isn't either(war mmo of the Year when in the same year wow got all the subs back from war and grew to a new peak at 11.5 mil at wrath release. soooo yeah

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