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Should BW begin to police guild and character names?


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I don't want to come of as some kind of a canon / lore zealot or anything, but I really did expect that ceratin names would not be allowed.


Examples, and I don't mean any malice in pointing these out:


"The Solo Legacy" for a Legacy Name..... Really? I would have expected that names that are the property of Lucas Arts (Solo, Skywalker, Vader, etc.) would be invalid.


"The Jedi Order" for a guild name on an RP server.... Really? I would have imagined that someone on an RP server would be a bit more original!


"The Sith" for a guild name.... Really? same issue as The Jedi Order.

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Or you could just stop worrying about what people want to name their characters/guilds, and just let them enjoy the game.


But what if their fun ruins yours? ;)


I am someone who is bothered often by these names. Though to expect them to be policed... On anything but a RP server I'd say no.


Though I get really annoyed when I see people running around with names like Marth Daul, San Holo and the likes - Even on a non-RP server. I really ridicule these characters to my guildies on ventrilo. But I don't lower myself to reporting them or anything.


I imagine people creating chars with those names just do it for laughs, even if I don't find it amusing. They're probably not out to harm anyone (I hope :D)

Edited by Arell
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Some people on our world have the same name... what makes you think that in THE GALAXY of SW the same thing doesn't happen?


Even if not the same, VERY SIMILAR.


The names are not offensive, and NOT being able to have them would be censorship in my opinion. Why? Because they are names, just that, no one should own names ( companies are another story, dont bring that up).


If it bothers you, think about that way, just some random dude who has the same name.

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I've definitely seen guild names that made me *headdesk*


but not the ones the OP complains about. those are pretty harmless. lack of creativity? absolutely. but they're simply the kind of guild I won't join. I'm far more '***' about names such as 'we rule' or 'noobkillers' (though I've only seen one player with that guild so far and hope it will remain that way)

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BW has already stated at the beginning that they will not enforce anything related to RP, and this I thought was smart...


They told us right away to not expect any special treatment in the user agreement documentation, and didn't lie about it, unlike other companies I could name in my past...


Too bad this means we get immersion ruination and rampant lore breakers. The only way to fight back is to ignore them, refuse to rp with them, and then either A) they will go away or B) everyone plays in their own way.


RP servers will always have the 4 common problems.... Trolls, lollers, lore breakers and immersion killers....

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The only way to fight back is to ignore them, refuse to rp with them, and then either A) they will go away or B) everyone plays in their own way.


If people can decide how they want to play this game for themselves rather than worry about what some random poster has to say about it the world might end. We need a petition asking BW to police having fun in SW:TOR before it is too late!


RP servers will always have the 4 common problems.... Trolls, lollers, lore breakers and immersion killers....


Actually, I always thought the problems with RP servers came from the vocal minority that insists everything needs to be done in the manner which they have decided is correct, and the "it breaks my immersion" club which seems to have more trouble staying immersed than a hot air balloon on a slip-and-slide.

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I really don't care that someone uses the name Skywalker or Solo, but I am more concerned with names that feature a private body part, or a sexually suggestive names, or racist monikers, etc. Those are the kinds of names that should be policed, and really can cause a great deal of liability issues on behalf of BW if they don't.


I don't have much respect for people who name their characters things like "Ipwndu" or "Killuqik" or something like that, because it shows a lack of imagination as well as a lack of connection to what the subject of the game is, and that is Star Wars. But these are legal names and don't offend me.


Now there was one character I saw briefly with a name looked like "F***ingB**ch" I think you can figure what the * are. I am not sure that was what I saw or not. But that is truly an offensive name, and really those are the sorts of things my 10 year nephew doesn't need to see.


That's my 2 cents.

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Actually, I always thought the problems with RP servers came from the vocal minority that insists everything needs to be done in the manner which they have decided is correct, and the "it breaks my immersion" club which seems to have more trouble staying immersed than a hot air balloon on a slip-and-slide.


I actually laughed here! But still, people need to ignore the big 4 and just get on with the RP...


It's always more fun when you're off having fun than when you're kvetching about others....

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Names are already being policed. Just submit a report via the CSR ticket system. If it's something minor [name change] - typically the person will receive notice about their name.


If it's an issue in general chat [obvious derogatory language] - take a screenshot and file a report. Eventually a CSR will contact you in game to inquire about the issue. You will need dates/times to back up your claim.

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