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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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You didn't get in on day 1 of early access and so you're canceling... When did you pre-order, if you don't mind me asking. Did you expect to get in day 1?


No, see, they lost her and her husband as COSTUMERS.


I guess the Bioware employee's will have to find someone else for fake mustaches and silly hats.


I'm sure they are devastated.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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What's the point about sending early access mails on a period between 18/19 december? As many others said, actually only a part of the users used their early access, even if they received the mail.

So, if the game starts on 20, if you send other invites on 18/19, many other pre orders people will start on 20.

And what's the convenience? Servers will be REALLY overcharged. Not like now that there are nearly 10 ppl for each EU server.

And what will happen if servers on 20 will be overcharged because of the "standard users" + the preorders one invited on 18/19?

In that case we'll read anymore posts of "bioware moderators wannabe" defending a really strange policy?


Dude, hush! You're making too much sense for them to handle.

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Considering that all those that they've invited are most likely not on all at the same time, especially not now considering the time of day and day of the week, no it's not.

They were like this all day yesterday.

A small amount of people was invited, servers weren't filled beyond medium (and the very rare heavy) that's why people rage.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


OK, this makes sense. But the problem is that most QQers are simply whining or trolling, not making sense like you.


Anyway, I guess they'll see that things are going better than expected stability-wise so they'll probably ramp up the invites today and for the rest of the early access days. Can't wait to get mine! :D

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From what I see on forums there is more then 50% of customer who are angry waiting for invite, so whats the point to piss them off? Is it american way of doing business?

Customer is always right and if they are angry right now you should at least triple waves and invites. But noooo you only care about your reputation of smooth lunch, of course skrew the customer!

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They were like this all day yesterday.

A small amount of people was invited, servers weren't filled beyond medium (and the very rare heavy) that's why people rage.


I still don't understand this reaction, BW said that they were doing staggered launch because they wanted it smooth. At what point did people start thinking that this meant "cram the servers full until there's no more room" It's only been one day, af course the servers won't all be heavy yet and of course all those invited won't be on at the same time.

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This was a perfect storm for epic disappointment. This is Star Wars. so that alone adds massive hype. On top of that, KOTOR 1 and 2 are games that people like me played 20+ times. It was fun creating different types of characters to insert into the amazing story. We've been wanting a sequel to the KOTOR games for what seems like an eternity. The idea of getting an mmo version of that experience is so perfect an idea to me.


When you have this kind of hype, it can feel soul crushing to be left out of the "launch". Not knowing when your turn is coming is tough when excitement is this high.


I feel like watching peoples reactions to this epic disappointment is a study on human nature. Lets try to fight the urge to be bratty about this. Think of this as practice coping with being helplessly disappointed. It could come in handy when something that is actually bad happens to you.

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I find it pretty hilarious all the people here saying, "Shut up and deal with it! They said UP TO 5 days!"



I really wish Bioware would, instead of waves of players being able to access the game, allow certain groups of players the ability to log-on on certain early access days (ie. Your Early Access will be December 13-15th! Have fun!)


I'd like to see all these people who are currently playing and flaming those of us who are upset, have their access to the game revoked and people who can't access it have a turn.


What would happen? The very same people here on the forums telling us to shut up would be causing a firestorm. They would be claiming, "I pre-ordered first, WAAH! I should be able to play first, WAAH!" Instead, they are able to log in to the game so of course they are happy.


It would be absolute gold if they did this, and it would show the absolute hypocrisy of these people. How can you dare tell us to be quiet when you would be just as vocal if it happened to you? I know it isn't going to happen; but I could only wish.


You guys really need to step back and look at who you are flaming... I don't care what any of you say but ANYONE who is currently playing.. if your access suddenly was removed and you couldn't log in, you'd be right here making a flame thread. Don't deny it because you're lying if you say it's not true. At least have some empathy for people, it's obvious why they are upset and they have a very valid reason.

Edited by ericdjobs
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What a river of tears for such a 1st world problem. Yes I can see the reason you guys are upset, but I also fear for the disgruntled generation of instant gratification.


The problem is more of "being lied to". Late December preorders got advertised for "up to 7 days!". In my mind that should include an actual chance for 7 days. They advertise for 7 days while in the back they know December preorders get 1-2 days tops in their original plan. ***?


ISP advertises for Up to 100mbit broadband! When you buy it they hand you a ADSL1 box which caps out at 8mbit max. By your logics you shouldn't be mad as they didn't Guarantee a 100mbit line. It shouldn't matter also that they never planned to follow their advertisement.

No wonder flimsy companies make a lot of money if there are alot of customers like this :p


When you advertise for something, you should have atleast a chance for giving what you promise. Advertising for 7 days in december when all prelaunch plans had been done and they could see december was in the last day of invites... Only serves to get people angry.


It isn't the end of the world, but a lot of people don't like being lied to and screwed up. That's why you see people cancelling their orders as they don't like to continue making business with companies who revert to such measures.

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Stephen Reid said he did a database "pull" earlier on the invite list - well - COMMUNICATE it to the community so people will know when they can expect to play, rather than keep it a guessing game. At this stage in the launch process - you deliver. Hype period ended at 7am EST this morning.


Pretty much this. The lack of communication is very disappointing. Considering that it's one week before x-mas and people have other commitments, they should really provide their playerbase with solid information about the wave schedule.


Instead of relying on twitter to tease us with snippets of information, give us a list already of who's most likely to have access when, and be done with it.

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From what I see on forums there is more then 50% of customer who are angry waiting for invite, so whats the point to piss them off? Is it american way of doing business?

Customer is always right and if they are angry right now you should at least triple waves and invites. But noooo you only care about your reputation of smooth lunch, of course skrew the customer!

I doubt it's 50% of customers. Reputations have been ruined by rushed launches, i.e. cramming the servers full until there are unbelievable ques, sever lags and over populated starter areas.

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I find it pretty hilarious all the people here saying, "Shut up and deal with it! They said UP TO 5 days!"



I really wish Bioware would, instead of waves of players being able to access the game, allow certain groups of players the ability to log-on on certain early access days (ie. Your Early Access will be December 13-15th! Have fun!)


I'd like to see all these people who are currently playing and flaming those of us who are upset, have their access to the game revoked and people who can't access it have a turn.


What would happen? The very same people here on the forums telling us to shut up would be causing a firestorm. They would be claiming, "I pre-ordered first, WAAH! I should be able to play first, WAAH!" Instead, they are able to log in to the game so of course they are happy.


It would be absolute gold if they did this, and it would show the absolute hypocrisy of these people. How can you dare tell us to be quiet when you would be just as vocal if it happened to you? I know it isn't going to happen; but I could only wish.


You guys really need to step back and look at who you are flaming... I don't care what any of you say but ANYONE who is currently playing.. if your access suddenly was removed and you couldn't log in, you'd be right here making a flame thread. Don't deny it because you're lying if you say it's not true. At least have some empathy for people, it's obvious why they are upset and they have a very valid reason.

If that was the information stated by BW all along then a lot of the people trying to apply reason to all the rants around the forums would probably still be trying to do so. BW are just doing what they've stated they would. As things are BW stated all along that it would be up to 5 days early access (now they've extended that possible number by 2) and the earlier you enter you pre-order code the earlier you would get in. I don't see where the panic inducing revelation is.

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I doubt it's 50% of customers. Reputations have been ruined by rushed launches, i.e. cramming the servers full until there are unbelievable ques, sever lags and over populated starter areas.


Read the forum again, almost all posts include rage... yesterdays topic with complaints reached 700 pages or more. I'm not saying put all people in, I'm saying at least put much more people in, cause all eu servers are empty and they invited much less people then during stress test, so it would be save to assume if the invited 500-600k ppl per day there will not be a problem with lags. Or like someone said make limit for logging in, so people will at least be in line waiting, not ************ on the forums, giving lots of customers reason to quit.

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I am utterly amazed at the nonsense people are spewing over a video game. I fear for the world of tomorrow when this generation is running things. Oh wait, they won't be running ****, they'll be too busy crying over not getting their way in the "next big thing".
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Of course they're light and medium. BW is filling them up slowly instead of dumping everyone into it at once. Oh how dare they!


The reason why people are "upset" is because most gamers are nothing else but *****y little girls.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


This is not stress test and BioWare clearly stated that they wanted something smooth and not the crowded cabin of the Marx Brothers. I do agree that some more people, in waves or not, would have fit easily but as early game access days go, what is light in first day, may become heavy by the fifth day.


I did see some minor trouble finding people to do Heroics in Ord Mantell (I suppose that Tython and Korriban would have less trouble as the majority roll lightsabers XD ) and Coruscant, but nothing that won't happen eventually as the game launches and most of the population moves away from them.


My server didn't look dead as I could see plenty of people running around. Only "dead" place would be the station that when I reached it, there were only other six people.

Edited by Areka
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I doubt it's 50% of customers. Reputations have been ruined by rushed launches, i.e. cramming the servers full until there are unbelievable ques, sever lags and over populated starter areas.


So it's better to ruin their reputation by making 90% of their customers wait? Rushed? Overpopulated? The stress test excuse is just poor. Have you even thought what's going to happen on 19th and 20th? First server goes down for maintenance, then comes back up on 20th for the launch. Yes, that's right. EVERYONE gets in at once.


Currently they're afraid to let more than 300k in at once yet in 6 days they have to let all the millions in at once? Sounds like a catastrophe coming up on 20th. Or maybe they just have an über strict director who refuses to divert from ZE PLAN! even amids the information and reports about fairly desolate servers.

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OK, this makes sense. But the problem is that most QQers are simply whining or trolling, not making sense like you.


Anyway, I guess they'll see that things are going better than expected stability-wise so they'll probably ramp up the invites today and for the rest of the early access days. Can't wait to get mine! :D


That's what I am hoping Archi.

I can understand an initial softly, softly approach on day 1 but as long as there were no disasters yesterday, I am hoping they will ramp it up today.


I was part of the last beta tests brought in for heavy, heavy load stress tests on the servers for the last couple of weekends. All the servers were very heavy and you were looking around for a server with a queue less than half an hours wait - some queues ran into hours. So they know the servers can handle it. I think they were making sure any new changes since that time were ok before they start opening the flood gates.


After today's intake, any continued softly, softly would be frustrating though. The lack of explanation or estimates from the go-live team only adds to this frustration.

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Read the forum again, almost all posts include rage... yesterdays topic with complaints reached 700 pages or more. I'm not saying put all people in, I'm saying at least put much more people in, cause all eu servers are empty and they invited much less people then during stress test, so it would be save to assume if the invited 500-600k ppl per day there will not be a problem with lags. Or like someone said make limit for logging in, so people will at least be in line waiting, not ************ on the forums, giving lots of customers reason to quit.


My point is that those content or at least understanding of the situation are most likely not here, simply keeping silent on the issue or posting so little that it's drowned in all... this.


It's only been 1 day so far, and they've said that todays invites will be more numerous.

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If that was the information stated by BW all along then a lot of the people trying to apply reason to all the rants around the forums would probably still be trying to do so. BW are just doing what they've stated they would. As things are BW stated all along that it would be up to 5 days early access (now they've extended that possible number by 2) and the earlier you enter you pre-order code the earlier you would get in. I don't see where the panic inducing revelation is.


I understand that's what they stated. The point I'm trying to make is people need to get off their high horse and stop flaming others who are genuinely upset. The fact is, the majority of the people doing the flaming are those with early access. If these people with access suddenly lost it, a percentage of them would be here and be just as vocal, but because they are playing the game they feel its' their right to flame others concerns.

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So it's better to ruin their reputation by making 90% of their customers wait? Rushed? Overpopulated? The stress test excuse is just poor. Have you even thought what's going to happen on 19th and 20th? First server goes down for maintenance, then comes back up on 20th for the launch. Yes, that's right. EVERYONE gets in at once.


Currently they're afraid to let more than 300k in at once yet in 6 days they have to let all the millions in at once? Sounds like a catastrophe coming up on 20th. Or maybe they just have an über strict director who refuses to divert from ZE PLAN! even amids the information and reports about fairly desolate servers.


Where did you get the number 300k? If you have a source for the actual number invited then I'd be glad to see it.


In any case, BW are doing all this to stand a good chance at a smoother launch. Hopefully they will succeed, what I will find interesting to see is; if they do accomplish this, will the people calling this the worst launch ever still do so?

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I understand that's what they stated. The point I'm trying to make is people need to get off their high horse and stop flaming others who are genuinely upset. The fact is, the majority of the people doing the flaming are those with early access. If these people with access suddenly lost it, a percentage of them would be here and be just as vocal, but because they are playing the game they feel its' their right to flame others concerns.


Suddenly lost their early access without information about such a situation having been given out several weeks/months earlier you mean?


I agree that some people are needlessly flaming and bashing on those who are just complaining over things that have been known for a while. There are a fair number though who are simply trying to apply logic to this situation.

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Sending waves 24/7 until its too heavy, take a break and keep sending. = GJ Bioware, nice!


Sending 5 waves every 2 hours, everything stable, take a 16 hour break. = Go suck on a shotgun!

Warning. Extreme levels of Sarcasm detected. Danger. Danger.


I don't see the point of cramming the servers full either, which is what would happen in the end if the people complaining about this situation got their way.

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