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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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The same people who are whining about pre-order details not being clearly posted are probably the same people who used to scream at other people on the forums for not knowing enough about the game.


I'm in early access. I know why I'm there - I put my money down early. I get two or three days on a lot of you. That's the harsh truth of it, guys. Early investors coin it.


Works that way in real life too.


I just can't wait to see how tomorrow goes. Some of the people who have been raging about this will probably get invited, then you will start seeing them post:


"Stop complaining nerds, just be patient"

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


I totally agree with you and think your post is 100% understandable and you would of thought a big Company like BioWare/EA would have made the preperations to have alot more Servers open even if the others get filled out by the count of all the Pre-Order Codes that have been redeemed. Sounds to me that BioWare/EA is holding back for no reason.

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Patience and YOU! How do I get patience? Simple...




and a million other questions before youve stepped off the platform.


We finally make it down and pick up a bonus quest. Four hours later, she finally decides that she wants to...turn left.


It's at this point you remember that you just filled the gas container earlier in the week to make sure you have gas for the snowblower over the winter.


Gasoline works much better then hairspray


And that boys and girls is how you learn patience


You, my friend, are a gentleman and scholar.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.




Bioware did EXACTLY what they said they would. They told us all on July 21st, "Hurry and pre-order, the order in which you are admitted to early game access depends on it."


It was always called "early" access, not "Same time for everyone" access.


Their most loyal fans appreciate Bioware handling things exactly as promised and delivering the smoothest launch in MMO history.

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Their most loyal fans appreciate Bioware handling things exactly as promised and delivering the smoothest launch in MMO history.


Minus the "exploiting" in warzones, having nobody to group with for flashpoints due to so few people being on the servers and forums full of angry customers, ya, smooth.

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Minus the "exploiting" in warzones, having nobody to group with for flashpoints due to so few people being on the servers and forums full of angry customers, ya, smooth.


To be fair, this forum is always full of angry customers.


Sometimes they're not even customers.

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It's great to say you have a valid reason. Everyone has a valid reason to be mad. But the way the community acted today? as a whole? When Customer Service forums were literally flooded with complaints that it made it impossible to find the threads of people who actually required assistance? When the phones crashed and burned because of how many people calling about EGA? "Valid" doesn't look so valid anymore.


I mean, yeah, OP and other level-headed angry individuals, you can't be blamed for that disastrous outcome. But this huge raging mentality of flood-it-til-it-dies that the rest of the community has vastly takes away from every valid point you made, and that's sad. The level of entitlement outweighed any consideration for anyone else.

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Should have pre-ordered when it came out then if you wanted on early. Wait, sorry, you didn't?


That's why you're not playing the game at the moment. I knew about this arrangement back when I redeemed my pre-order code on the 25th, nearly six months ago. I find it hard to believe that a crowd of well versed internet consumer champions couldn't read the same sentence on the pre-order sites and the main website that I did.


For the record, I'm level 6 atm. I've got a job that takes up most of my time, so chances are you dedicated SWTOR "fans" that are whining atm will overtake my "early advantage" within about 8 hours.

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Yes, because going to the website of the game you're buying to check preorder details means you're a beta nerd.


For the record, I played beta...for one brief weekend. But lets say you've been casually following the game as it evolved. Then your slap down your 60 or 80 or 130 bucks on whatever iteration you've chosen. The 3rd party retailers do not specifically elucidate this "rolling" early access. Neither does the account activation. My contension is that upon your code activation you should be bluntly presented with the "its not really 5 days early access" statement. Which it was not. Unless you've been frantically clicking around the website, which I have not and shouldn't have to, you would not know this.

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It's great to say you have a valid reason. Everyone has a valid reason to be mad. But the way the community acted today? as a whole? When Customer Service forums were literally flooded with complaints that it made it impossible to find the threads of people who actually required assistance? When the phones crashed and burned because of how many people calling about EGA? "Valid" doesn't look so valid anymore.


I mean, yeah, OP and other level-headed angry individuals, you can't be blamed for that disastrous outcome. But this huge raging mentality of flood-it-til-it-dies that the rest of the community has vastly takes away from every valid point you made, and that's sad. The level of entitlement outweighed any consideration for anyone else.


Yeah, that's always funny. Flood customer support, then complain it sucks.

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Dude get over it. They were not planning on having invites done till later on in the evening but since people were whining about the free game time bioware is gifting, they moved all the waves earlier. Even then they let in about 2 more waves than they originally planned on. Stop looking a gift horse in the mouth and be grateful there even IS an early access. If you create an MMO and let people play on it before the release date then you are welcome to make up your own rules. Edited by Thorronn
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Do you want to be able to play your starter planet? Could you imagine a 'heavy' server population in ONE AREA. Not to mention the starting areas are the smallest planets to start with.
Doesn't matter, since those areas are instanced when the population gets too high.
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For the record, I played beta...for one brief weekend. But lets say you've been casually following the game as it evolved. Then your slap down your 60 or 80 or 130 bucks on whatever iteration you've chosen. The 3rd party retailers do not specifically elucidate this "rolling" early access. Neither does the account activation. My contension is that upon your code activation you should be bluntly presented with the "its not really 5 days early access" statement. Which it was not. Unless you've been frantically clicking around the website, which I have not and shouldn't have to, you would not know this.


I don't know what to tell you man, it was extremely clear to me when I went to the website during summer and saw the preorder info. I didn't even have to enter the actual forums to find out. Was right on the front page.


One of my friends who does not even have an account on this website and rarely visits knew the exact details before I did.


Right, getting a ton of people to quit early on saves money on servers. Good point.

Best mmo design ever, figure out what your minimum player base will be on day 1 and go with that.


A "ton of people" are not going to quit over this. By launch no one will care, it's the way it always is with MMO launches.

Edited by Jaku
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Yeah, that's always funny. Flood customer support, then complain it sucks.


Yeah, exactly. I just... I could not understand how people complained that customer support was horrible when customer support had been crushed, stomped, and then set on fire. I get that it's not as good as it should be, right? But if the CS forums are anything to go by on, how can anyone have expected better service? Or ANY service? It just boggles the mind.

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To be fair, this forum is always full of angry customers.


Sometimes they're not even customers.


Touché on both points. Regarding number two, I suppose people who cancel aren't really customers anymore, but I'd also wager the number of them on this forum is relatively low. I mean, people generally don't get this angry over a game they dislike and have cancelled, they get angry because they like it and want to enjoy it but they're currently not (for whatever reason.)

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These forums are insane. EGA was not even supposed to begin til TOMORROW, also, its FREE EGA and guess what they can do whatever they want. In the grand scheme of things everyone crying foul and OMG I WILL NOT BE PAYING FOR THIS will most likely still be playing a month or two from now.


Everyone will get in when they get in, and that is just the way it is. Just be happy you are getting in early, and not going to be stuck in the cluster of new players come the 20th.


All in all it is only a game, go outside, read a book, be productive.

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Right, getting a ton of people to quit early on saves money on servers. Good point.

Best mmo design ever, figure out what your minimum player base will be on day 1 and go with that.


Could have been worse. you could have gotten in and then we would have missed the entertainment value of your whining.


Here is thing, I used to laugh when the great rage was about video game ratings, or about parents complaining about violence on tv etc. Dennis Miller said it best, "**** and turn off TV"


Same goes for this, if you don't like it, then **** and move along! Get a refund on your preorder and go back to playing Rift, Wow, or whatever game you think is so much better.


Me? I like the entertainment value of watching the forums. Some of these posts just crack me up.

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Well I didn't get invited, and I preordered very early. The way I see it, they promised 5 days for people who ordered the earliest, they gave people 7 days instead. I can't be mad about something I was never really promised. Edited by Jaku
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It's just mob mentality. It'll pass.


Weird how people don't understand it for an MMO.... The whole concept is based around mob mentality. And making friends with people you'll never, ever meet....for little-to-no reason other than to have someone to do something with while you're paying to occupy a space.


Oh look; this is a football game! MOAR BEEER!

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