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Force Camaflouge bug


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Every single time I have used this ability in a pve situation it has not worked.


Example: 3 mobs are shooting me,i use force camo,im invisible,mobs continue to shoot me while im invisible. It doesn't bring me out of stealth but I continue to be shot. Same thing has happened with or without companion and with or without group mates.


Anyone else have this happen?

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I've never managed to drop combat with it in PvE. Its only ever worked as a threat dump(for which it is very good). I *have* managed to sneak past mobs with it, if I pop it out of combat.


Its great for running away like a coward in pvp, like I do.

Edited by Sayc
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It is an Agro Dump. If the mob has no agro from other targets you will still be targeted by the mob. Think of it as a low level stealth, not Vanish. PS it does make you invis, I use it to pass mobs sometimes and if you don't initially have agro and walk by a mob with it up you will not agro it, also a side note, Companions do not generate agro from being too close to a mob.
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