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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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There are two ways to look at this.


1. The email is real.

2. The email is a lie.


If 2 is true, then there's no reason to believe a ban ever even happened. There's no reason to even believe there is a "friend" at all that it supposedly happened to. The entire things may as well be a fabrication.


On the other hand, if 1 is true, then the email says absolutely nothing about conspiring with the other side. It says nothing about flipping the zone. All it mentions is going to a higher level zone.


It is infinitely bizarre that people ignore the two actual possibilities and rant about some third option completely unrelated options that has exactly nothing to do with the thread.


I'm going to do that too.


You know, the worst part is when someone is in front of you in the bank line and they haven't even filled out the forms yet! And hotdogs come 10 to a pack when buns come in packs of 8! And that is why the Japanese can make all these cheap cars - it's all Bioware's fault!


The email if true also says it is clearly communicated to you what you are doing is a violation. It says since he continued to do it thats why his acct was banned.

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The email if true also says it is clearly communicated to you what you are doing is a violation. It says since he continued to do it thats why his acct was banned.

And if true, that also means that the rules they have are stupid and we need to complain about them. Proper enforcement of bad rules is still nothing to be happy about.


Again, that is still operating under the assumption that the email is true, as using the other assumption would result in a sensible person simply leaving the thread.

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I looked at e-mail (unless it is fake then I was wrong). What hell is "suggested area", isn't 1 part of MMO exploring? Who cares if someone goes to area above level? Do you care?

What about bit of exploring adrenaline, do I get killed or not?

Just yet another reason for jelly peoples moan about exploiting, buy mixing 2 terms, exploitation and exploration.

I have been doing same thing in many MMO's, what is the freaking big deal?

And if it so bad then level lock but then this game is sort of prison camp, not an MMO.


Ok I can see your missing the point.


The player in question did not get banned for exploration, he got banned because he was exploiting a game mechanic on the planet ilum.


The banned player then figured "lets make a thread on the forums to try to make everyone believe bioware is incompetent and unjust".


I then looked at threat and the so callled proof and thought "hey let's try to set people straight on this matter'

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I think this is BWs attempt to get rid of slicing farming BOTS...




Back in other MMOs you can have people going to whichever place they want, granted they get their butts kicked. Or you want to have a storage alt there, etc. There is nothing in the rules stated about being banned for going to an area you are not levelled for yet.


OP or that person they are referring to did something other than just go into a zone they aren't in... or BW is insane.

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I'm going to assume that the guy who got banned was banned not for going to Ilum, but for specifically exploiting the game in some fashion, as the 'email' points out.


That said, if it was a ban for simply going to the planet, that is pretty retarded.

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Ok I can see your missing the point.


The player in question did not get banned for exploration, he got banned because he was exploiting a game mechanic on the planet ilum.


The banned player then figured "lets make a thread on the forums to try to make everyone believe bioware is incompetent and unjust".


I then looked at threat and the so callled proof and thought "hey let's try to set people straight on this matter'

No I got point log time ago, if he looted something above his level then.

1.Game lacks protection, aka required level. It is like welcome message to in game currency sellers.

2. He pointed out game mechanics weakness, instead thanking him, account got suspended. That is game bug and should be adressed ASAP.

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GMs (or any other type of admin) make mistakes all the time - false bans included. And since the game just came out - I highly doubt that proper guidelines were drawn out for the admin and customer service staff on what to do in this specific situation for this player slicing in Ilum.


Most likely, BW/Mythic is working out a plan on how to handle this situation in the future....but if they aren't...well....that sucks for the players :(

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No I got point log time ago, if he looted something above his level then.

1.Game lacks protection, aka required level. It is like welcome message to in game currency sellers.

2. He pointed out game mechanics weakness, instead thanking him, account got suspended. That is game bug and should be adressed ASAP.


Sorry but you have not got the point.


As far as I understand it there is a mechanic that with another player from the opposite faction you can exploit to loot the same lockbox over and over again.


He was not banned for exploration or looting he was instead banned for using a game mechanic to obtain an unfair advantage which is punishable by a ban as stipulated in the EULA.


Why would you thank someone that in no way wanted to point out a bug, if anything he/she wanted it to be kept a secret so they could continue to benefit from it; a thankyou is not needed if the persons sole reasoning for doing something was and is for their own ends.


It is a fauly mechanic as far as i know, not a bug but I agree it does need to be looked at but by the same token anyone attempting it should be banned as it will adversely affect the games future.

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No I got point log time ago, if he looted something above his level then.

1.Game lacks protection, aka required level. It is like welcome message to in game currency sellers.

2. He pointed out game mechanics weakness, instead thanking him, account got suspended. That is game bug and should be adressed ASAP.


It's amusing how often people say "I POINTED IT OUT TO THEM THEY SHOULD REWARD ME!" when they find and continue to use a mechanic in an unintended manner for an unfair benefit.


The thing to do would have submitted a ticket saying they discovered this thing and leaving it at that, not abusing it.

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This thread either needs to be closed or responded to by the customer service team. Wether or not they comment on the specific account in question is beside the point. Clarifying the Terms of Service would take more or less 5 mins of one persons time.


Anyways for some background on this, it was posted on reddit and the poster is to say the least fishy...


Having around 5 posts and the first 4 related to VPN services. I think that stands for itself what hes trying to do.

Edited by Seryl
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Wow, 59 pages of replies...all because some snot-nosed little brat made up a story to get a bit of attention.


MMO players are such fools.


There actually are exploits on Ilum and it's understandable that people are getting banned. The problem is people trying to make it sound like Bioware is the bad guy because they got caught.

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Vahn, why do you keep posting when all it does is bump this thread that you obviously haven't liked since the moment you made your first post?


No, the OP (myself) was not banned.

No, I have not lied.

Yes, I provided all the screenshots I could without violating the forum policies.

No, I have not gotten the screenshots notarized to prove their authentication.


I've learned more about the exploits in this game in this one forum post than any other.


To my knowledge, the person KNOWINGLY did nothing different than many others of you have already (going to Ilum and harvesting nodes). All I have to go on is the emailed response from the GM that banned the player in question.


Please keep your personal attacks out of the forum post.


I'm certain that people ARE exploiting the game. I'm fairly certain my friend was not one of them. I'm glad the Bioware is working to minimize the exploits. But I do not like the way it is being handled from a customer service standpoint.


That is why I started the post. It's not to discuss the guilt, or innosence, of who knows how many players that may or may not have been banned for exploiting Ilum, but to voice my concern as to how Bioware is handling (or not handling) the problem.


I don't have any other ulterior motive. Posting this will not unban my friend. I like the game, and want to see it succeed. I certainly hope nobody cancels their account over it (I've read a few posts where people said they might) I DO hope that it will spark further revisions in how Bioware handles exploits, customer service, and warning/banning (and maybe even try to find out why the logic/grammar of their GM's post is so terrible)


If there was a suggestion forum, I would have posted in there instead. But well, there's not even one of those.

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Sorry but you have not got the point.


As far as I understand it there is a mechanic that with another player from the opposite faction you can exploit to loot the same lockbox over and over again.


He was not banned for exploration or looting he was instead banned for using a game mechanic to obtain an unfair advantage which is punishable by a ban as stipulated in the EULA.


Why would you thank someone that in no way wanted to point out a bug, if anything he/she wanted it to be kept a secret so they could continue to benefit from it; a thankyou is not needed if the persons sole reasoning for doing something was and is for their own ends.


It is a fauly mechanic as far as i know, not a bug but I agree it does need to be looked at but by the same token anyone attempting it should be banned as it will adversely affect the games future.

Sadly it is mechanics. Same happen in WoW, high levels "boosted" lowbies to get in game currency faster. I don't recall that anyone got suspended, devs admitted fault and problem got fixed very quickly.

My point is, this game come out 2011. MMO's been out for very long time and when new game comes out then devs repeat all old games mistakes over and over again. For how long this game was in beta test? No time think about possible in game currency spammers in major cities? They should taught about boosting possibility. Clever peoples like OP should be welcome on test server.

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Highly doubt that anyone is getting banned for going to ilum? Even doubt anyone is getting banned for using this so called exploit.


From what I understand no gamesystems are being bent/broken/exploited to cap these bases in ilum, as such there is no real exploit there in the first place.


As for banning someone just for going to a zone with a low lvl, that makes absolutely no sense, and I highly doubt even bioware would be dumb enough to step into such a minefield, Don't want low lvls in a high lvl zone? simple set a lvl restriction.


Like I said, I don't see this supposed exploit people mention, is people using the system in the favour? sure, are they exploiting it? no, they are well within the limits the game set for them.




PS: Vahn by your logic everyone who used slicing pre-patch should be banned because the amount of credits they gained from it will effect future economy in theyr favour, if anyone is at fault here, and I don't belive anyone is, then it most definatly is the developer who deemed theyr game so ready to release that they pushed it out earlier then planned, with several HM Fp's and Raids being uncompletleable because of lackluster beta testing.

Edited by Munx
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This sounds to me like a phishing scheme. I get them all the time from WOW phishers, saying my account is being banned because for various reasons. Did the email ask you to click on a link to "verify your account" or something?


If not that, then it's got to be a hoax. One of your gaming buddies is probably behind it. Ask yourself, "Who saw me there and knows my email address?"

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He deserves to be banned! It's clearly a zone intended for 40+, to me when I see like a level 20 in a zone 20 levels below him I suspect something. He shouldn't be able to be a millionaire at his level, it makes it totally unfair.


You've GOT to be trolling

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