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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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This isn't about the planet guys.


I bet if the character was level 50 it would have been the same result. This isn't about being on Illum at a low level, this is about being on Illum at a low level and engaging in an infinite credit exploit.


Basically they found a lock box, then consorted with a player on the opposing faction, and kept flipping the zone to reset the lock box, so they could instantly loot it, and gain more credits, then flip the zone and lather, rinse, repeat.


That would merit a ban but I wasn't aware of this particular exploit.

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And we will wait for you to actually read the entire thread rather than just posting randomly.


AGAIN: The OP is a liar, this has already been established. Yet he continues to bump his own post claiming he is just trying to keep people informed of the CS policies of BW.


What he is really doing is sitting back and watching people who dont even know what they are posting (because they didnt read the whole story) and laughing at the idiocy of people who keep dribble like this bumped up to 50+ pages.


NOONE was banned for leveling slicing to 400, going to Ilum and farming nodes.


The OP was banned (if he even was, that is still very much in doubt) for using opposite faction players to "flip" nodes to have them constantly respawn and provide unending bounty.


The fact that coding, or game mechanics allows this exploit to happen (at the moment) does not make it right.


What is even funnier than the people who are suckered in by the OP's lie about being banned for simply farming in a high level area, are the people who understand the OP was using an exploit and still believe its not his fault.


Apparently if I go into Wells Fargo and my teller walks away for a minute to talk to a manager, and accidently leaves the till open, its ok for me to take the money.


I mean theres a whole host of reasons why I can justify it right?

1- She should have been better trained. Not my fault she wasnt.

2- Wells Fargo should have implemented safety features to prevent this from having, not my fault they didnt.

3- I know its a bank, but hey money shouldnt be left withing reach of a customer! Not my fault the way they handle money is "broke".


I mean christ I could go on and on.


One of the biggest issues with the world today is as humans we seem to be getting to the point of being able to justify anything. Further noone takes responsibility for anything anymore. Sad.


People like the OP who use unintended game mechanics (opposite faction players working together to achieve goals) to exploit the game for money, armor, xp etc..throw the entire balance of the game off and effect the rest of us in countless ways.


But you go ahead and keep "excusing" his actions.





Well put.

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For the analogy to robbing a bank, how is it comparable when it's PERFECTLY OK to loot chests in SWTOR IN LITERALLY EVERY OTHER PLACE?


A better comparison would be you find boxes on the ground in a place where anything on the ground is up for grabs by anyone. You find an area where all the boxes have hundreds of dollars in them, so you camp out that area and claim all the boxes.


Also, if OP was a liar, Bioware would have closed this thread by now explaining that he's been lying, because only the most idiotic of companies would allow bad PR stemming from a lie to happen on their forums.

Edited by cdstephen
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For the analogy to robbing a bank, how is it comparable when it's PERFECTLY OK to loot chests in SWTOR IN LITERALLY EVERY OTHER PLACE?


A better comparison would be you find boxes on the ground in a place where anything on the ground is up for grabs by anyone. You find an area where all the boxes have hundreds of dollars in them, so you camp out that area and claim all the boxes.


Also, if OP was a liar, Bioware would have closed this thread by now explaining that he's been lying, because only the most idiotic of companies would allow bad PR stemming from a lie to happen on their forums.


How about this analogy: I tell you dont touch those $100 chests until you have been here a certain amount of time. You toss a fit like a child and insist you want them now. I put you in time out (since you are acting childish and spoiled) until you learn to listen.

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Don't believe it for a second. If I went there and had a good reason and was banned because of it I would fight it. If anyone was banned even though I don't think for a second that this is real, it was because of an exploit that they knew they were doing at the time.


So good riddens

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How about this analogy: I tell you dont touch those $100 chests until you have been here a certain amount of time. You toss a fit like a child and insist you want them now. I put you in time out (since you are acting childish and spoiled) until you learn to listen.


Except in this case you told me not to touch them until I had already touched them, and then proceeded to threaten me when I had no clue I had done anything wrong.

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I call BS OP. Just last night I went to Corellia at lvl 27. I went all over the place, spent a pretty penny doing it. But I never recieved a Ban.


If these people did recieve bans. Its because they were caught doing something they shouldnt. Highly Doubtful that Ilum (lower lvl zone then Corellia) is off limits.

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you can't put that in a thread here. I posted a video of ppl exploiting Illum and it was deleted in less than 5 minutes. http://swtormovies.com/movieview.php?id=663 here's the link again. OP is correct, warn ppl not to do it. post it for all to read, then you ban.

I'm happy to see bans for this stuff, without warnings. Yay Bioware. :cool:

Edited by Zengrok
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Completely Bioware laziness. In other games, as an example Lotro, if you go to area 10 levels above you, mobs have so insane agro radius, you simply can not gather any thing. You will get whooped instantly.

Banning for that, LOL... Call 1-800-BS...

Edited by Chaffery
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Yeah OP, it makes no sense and is hard to believe. If they're banning people for looting high level containers, why don't they just make the containers "can only loot @ 50" and "bind on pickup" or just level resstrict planets.
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First I was like :eek:, then I was like BW :cool::cool::cool:


I am beginning to wonder if they have any MMO people in the team. :D


Maybe they should fire a few people and hire someone with an idea. :D


Just a thought. Good luck. :D



By the way, I went to Alderaan as level 27 and the area is for level 28+

Do I get banned for killing 28 level mobs which drop level 28 items ?????????




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