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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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How about a volunteer for a mission to fly to the planet Ilum and to carry out a full an proper investigation into these alleged disturbances of protocol? I am sure there must be an Imperial Agent worthy of their title that will take on this potentially damaging work.


They should be prepared to divulge all that happens to them on a hopefully safe return.

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Couldnt be assed to read all of this thread...just saw the words Ilum, ban and slicing nodes as I skim read it...


So someone got a ban for exploiting the slicing nodes in Ilum and is now crying that BW shamelessly banned them for no good reason, am I right?





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With my eyes? I dont understand what you mean by how did I see it. I looked at the monitor and it was there heh.


Where did you see it? On a random monitor on your monitor at a friends house where did you see it?

and there is no chance what so ever you can get a screenshot...your a friend of op?

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Technical writers, lawyers, and editors are expensive; entry-level customer support is cheap. You get what you pay for. The interesting part about this list is that the bulk of errors seem to occur in the second paragraph - the one that the CS rep, lacking a ready-to-go template, would have to fill in by hand to explain the offense. I'm not claiming that the e-mail is genuine, but I'm not willing to outright dismiss it either.


I worked as GM for Blizz (put the finger on me :p) I can /100% QFT what that guy said

i loled hard on this makes me remind of how i was sitting there "**** how do i spell that

crap again?!" xD

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Couldnt be assed to read all of this thread...just saw the words Ilum, ban and slicing nodes as I skim read it...


So someone got a ban for exploiting the slicing nodes in Ilum and is now crying that BW shamelessly banned them for no good reason, am I right?





Well, either...


A. Nothing happened and it's all made up


B. someone got banned for slicing nodes in Ilum with no obvious exploit


C. someone got banned for simply entering Ilum at too early a level but without the use of an exploit since none was needed


D. some combination of B and C


Your interpretation is not supported in any way by anything except pure flight of fancy.

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Where did you see it? On a random monitor on your monitor at a friends house where did you see it?

and there is no chance what so ever you can get a screenshot...your a friend of op?


Yes I saw it at my house my friend logged into his email and showed me. As far as a screenshot it has his personal info on it so I doubt he wants that on the forums or someplace. Its the same email. The only diff my buddy knew what he was doing probably wasnt intended but was a nice way to make some serious money on a low level character. So he accepted his ban and will be back in a few days heh.

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I'm calling shenanigans.



A player may have been banned....but it wasn't for going to a planet at too low of a level, unless they were denied access to the planet through conventional travel mechanics, and found a workaround. IE they used an exploit.

Edited by Lazerius-
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I doubt it's real. They wouldn't spel Ilum wrong and make numerous typos and grammatical errors.


And dont say how long one is banned. Funny same mail Screenshot... :D


I still have this "happend to one person and only to one Person for a different reason" feeling. ^^

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if you are super low level


but you have skilled up slicing pretty high, you can make MASSIVE money going to Ilum as a lowbie and picking up the slicing items there


which is why it seems lowbies are getting banned if they go there to exploit the infinite money pots there

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If Ilum is high level, there needs to be (and prolly will be in the future) a level lock on it. That being stated, it seems to me that (if this is real....that "email proof" was laughably bad) the banned player was exploiting by going to a planet he had no business on to circumvent certain restrictions. The OP is clear that the only reason this player was on Ilum was to slice nodes in an area that he was not appropriately leveled for, which is a clear exploit for (in-game) financial gain, even if access was not restricted by the game mechanics yet.


The player's toon should have been returned to the fleet along with an email (both in and out of the game) warning that this behavior would not be tolerated, but let's face it...there's nothing to show that this player hadn't already received (and ignored) such warnings before. On top of that, although GM's can catch offenders red handed, many times exploiters are caught only after being reported, so it stands to reason that this person was camping a node in a safe area, and got reported for it.


Tough luck about the ban (if t's true) but the OP's friend shouldn't have been cheating.

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if you are super low level


but you have skilled up slicing pretty high, you can make MASSIVE money going to Ilum as a lowbie and picking up the slicing items there


which is why it seems lowbies are getting banned if they go there to exploit the infinite money pots there


You could easily argue that it should not be an exploit.


- There are no locks


- No clear warnings


- Wintergrasp was the same way (be it you had to be higher level overall).


I agree




same link for the tos.

Edited by Pyrolight
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Im saying I saw the email not a screenshot of it. The parts the guy who originally posted took out had to do with account names and emails. I dont really care if you believe me honestly I am just conveying what I saw. I think Bioware doesnt want people in those high lvl areas at low level because they dont want newbs with millions of credits. Its clearly a lvl 50 area. That being said they are banning people for going there below lvl 40. Ive seen the email I cant believe Bioware would send emails out like that. Must be a company who's first language is not english who made that email (meaning I think they outsource this stuff).


So, that's a "no"?

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There's an issue with Ilum, Nobody plays it, On my server republic and empire both refuse to play it, they wont even do the dailys, so the points just sit under empires control all week because nobody goes there. maybe 1 or 2 people from the republic will do the objectives then promptly leave, they don't even meet any opposition from the empire because we need them to reset the caps so we can have a shot at doing the daily.


It's terribly implemented and it needs to have an overhaul so that people will actually want to do it. that's not the players fault, it's Biowares fault.

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like every one else is saying, sounds like the players in question did more than simply fly to ilum. they probably actively exploited the game mechanics to have access to the nodes, using either questionable tactics such as pulling aggro with level 50 character friends, or something even worse.


lastly, it's a temp ban so your tears will dry up soon enough.

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Not at all what the OP was saying. You are perpetuating a hilarious misconception.


No, what the OP was saying was he or someone he know went to Ilum under levelled in order to exploit slicing nodes, got a warning, carried on so got a ban.


You're right though, not the same thing at all.


The poster that you are replying to does however demonstrate that BW are not banning people simply for going to Ilum under levelled. So there must have been foul play of some kind on his / their part imo.


Thanks for clearing that up though.



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if you are super low level


but you have skilled up slicing pretty high, you can make MASSIVE money going to Ilum as a lowbie and picking up the slicing items there


which is why it seems lowbies are getting banned if they go there to exploit the infinite money pots there


So you are saying I would be risking that a trial acct, might get banned but more likely just warned for a shot at farming infinite money pots?

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If Ilum is high level, there needs to be (and prolly will be in the future) a level lock on it. That being stated, it seems to me that (if this is real....that "email proof" was laughably bad) the banned player was exploiting by going to a planet he had no business on to circumvent certain restrictions. The OP is clear that the only reason this player was on Ilum was to slice nodes in an area that he was not appropriately leveled for, which is a clear exploit for (in-game) financial gain, even if access was not restricted by the game mechanics yet.


The player's toon should have been returned to the fleet along with an email (both in and out of the game) warning that this behavior would not be tolerated, but let's face it...there's nothing to show that this player hadn't already received (and ignored) such warnings before. On top of that, although GM's can catch offenders red handed, many times exploiters are caught only after being reported, so it stands to reason that this person was camping a node in a safe area, and got reported for it.


Tough luck about the ban (if t's true) but the OP's friend shouldn't have been cheating.


Slicing nodes that he has the skill for is exploiting? Where are you getting this drivel?

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Atm I am writing there is a lvl26 sith assassin on Corelia (Aoth City - name Sadistyc) farming Security Chests. Do u think this is correct? Ban is the right solution, would be even better have a minimum level requisite before u can move outside the spaceport or dunno, have istant 100 yards aggro on every possible npc.
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No, what the OP was saying was he or someone he know went to Ilum under levelled in order to exploit slicing nodes, got a warning, carried on so got a ban.


You're right though, not the same thing at all.


The poster that you are replying to does however demonstrate that BW are not banning people simply for going to Ilum under levelled. So there must have been foul play of some kind on his / their part imo.


Thanks for clearing that up though.




The OP never said it was just going to Ilum. The poster in question implied he did.



Why? Cause I didn't exploit?


You implied the OP said something he never said. He never said you got banned by just going to ilum.

Edited by Pyrolight
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