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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The D5-Mantis Sucks


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it is funny that you can get fall damage in the ship. Have someone ever tried to die in it ?


I find the trooper shuttle way more ugly.


I think some pages earlier in this thread someone describes killing themselfs from fall dmg on the ship.. took them a while though.



Also everytime I see this thread I want to come in and say "no you suck" to the person who hates on the D5-Mantis, it may be an ugly ship, but only I can make fun of my ugly ship....

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I have to disagree.


Not only does the Mantis fit the class perfectly, but (minus the wings) it looks amazing, and the inside feels much more like a rugged ship should.


This isnt your first class military issued ship that the agents and sith gets. This is a beat up powerhouse that the BH stole.


The ships are one of the thing I felt bioware did the best I feel like all of them( except maybe trooper) fit their respective class very well. the smugglers clear draws inspiration from the milinium falcon and the ebon hawk. The Jedi has a kind of Jedi starfighter look to it(ships in eps 2-3). The sighs flat out looks imperial, the hunter is reminiscent of slave . All are very well done.

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I've managed to die in the Mantis. It's easier to do in low levels. You just have to run up onto the upper floor in the entry section of the ship, run back towards the door, jump off, and repeat.


I like the Mantis, personally. It's got that definite Serenity vibe going on.

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Took this from the wikia.


"Built for combat, the rare, compact-framed D5-Mantis was a best-in-class patrol craft, designed to compete with—and meet the demands of—much larger starships, such as Interdictor-class cruisers. "


This baby was built to compete with cruisers, I doubt the designers thought about how pretty it would look when build it. It may not look good doing it but it gets the job done and it gets it done well.

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