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7.6 content is now available on the PTS!


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Hello everyone!

The Public Test Server is now open! As mentioned in the PTS blog, we’re debuting Dynamic Encounters first with the new lair boss to follow soon. Here’s a rough estimated timeline of the PTS releases: 

  • October 18th - Dynamic Encounters on Hoth and Tatooine
  • Week of October 21st - Lair Boss (Story Mode)
  • Week of October 28th - Lair Boss (Veteran Mode)
  • Early/Mid November - all other content (except story critpath, of course!)

*Timeline above is subject to change

An important note about the timeline above. Typically, we would open the PTS when we host a dev livestream for these types of updates. Players will be getting a very early look into 7.6 content at this stage. To set expectations, know that the content that will be released at this time is still a work in progress and not polished. 

Players will be getting a very early look into 7.6 content at this stage. You will run into unfinished work: placeholder art for interactables and NPCs or UI elements, encounters that are functional but have few "polish" touches like special enemy abilities, and even potentially bugs with encounters that prevent them from being completed. That doesn't mean you shouldn't report issues you see--please do!--but it does mean that you will see many improvements to these encounters as we continue development. We're looking forward to your feedback on the system itself and on individual encounters!

Below are all the details you need to know about how PTS will be working for this iteration. 

  • Character copy will be available 
  • Story content will not be available
  • Galactic Seasons 7 will not be enabled
  • To test Dynamic Encounters, travel to Hoth and Tatooine and make your way to the various Encounters that are shown on your map.  

If you are streaming or recording your gameplay while on PTS, we would love to check out the VODs. Seeing players experience the content in real time is incredibly helpful, so feel free to post them here or DM them to me.

If this is your first time playing content on the PTS, read this post to learn how to get started! 

As a reminder, we’re bringing back PTS incentives. Here’s the breakdown that is applicable to Dynamic Encounters. 

To earn the Cutting Edge Title and Kai Zykken’s MK-85 Log Mount, players must: 

  • Complete 25 Dynamic Encounters with a Republic character on Tatooine
  • Complete 25 Dynamic Encounters with a Republic character on Hoth

To earn the Strike Team Hero Title and Kai Zykken’s MK-90 Holo-Log Mount, players must: 

  • Complete 25 Dynamic Encounters with an Imperial character on Tatooine
  • Complete 25 Dynamic Encounters with an Imperial character on Hoth

Completing all of the Dynamic Encounters achievements above will grant players the B1-SAL mini pet droid! Players will also receive the following titles:  

  • First Line of Defense
  • Strike Team Specialist
  • Strike Team Commander
  • Led the Charge


(B1-SAL mini pet droid)


Please leave feedback for Dynamic Encounters here

The Known Issues list can be found here

If you're using Steam, you can download the PTS here

*This post will be updated when we release the Lair Boss onto the PTS! 

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9 minutes ago, Saeten said:

Retired Achievements > Activities for Public Activist Phase 2 and 3 for the titles and mounts

I was referring to the ones for the Dynamic Encounters. They aren't in the Location -> Tatooine / Hoth location.

Edited by BenKatarn
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1 hour ago, supakeshi said:

The link on the steam store page isn't there for the PTS. When my cursor is over the 'click here' text, there is no link embedded anywhere here.



14 minutes ago, VoshStargazer said:

Also having this issue

Hey there! We're inquiring on what happened with the link in the blue banner, but the PTS is still downloadable directly from this page

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After playing these for a bit I'm kinda wondering why exactly they were added if the only rewards we're getting from them are 50 tech fragments.  How many people are actually going to do these on the live servers?

If anything, some kind of reputation or tokens should have been added with these and a new vendor with new items.

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I can't get the PTS to download at all on the launcher. Progress for download gets stuck. I tried whitelisting it on my antivirus as well with no change. Will try to grab it from the Steam link that some have provided.


Edit: Downloading the Steam version worked.

Edited by JusticeMoody
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@JackieKo Is the Dynamic Encounter test intended to be finished before October 21st? Or will the testing for it continue after that?

The 100 encounter total takes quite a bit of time, particularly the 50 on Tatooine. Hoth is much faster to complete. 

It would be helpful to know, as the initial announcement is somewhat vague on when testing for these particular events ends.

Edited by arunav
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I completed all the dynamic event requirements for both Republic and Imperial. I generally think this is a great addition to gameplay, especially for solo players. I am so tired of doing the same dailies to get tech fragments. I encountered a lot of bugs though and a lot of clipping/sizing issues with some enemies, especially the ice trompers. I recorded gameplay but I don't really know where to put it except maybe on my YouTube Channel that only has 1 video on it. Also, can a kind person please let me know when or if I'll receive the Titles and Pet? I thought I would get them after getting all the dynamic event achievements, but I didn't receive anything. I am autistic and sometimes miss critical information. Thank you.

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17 hours ago, CatoUticensis said:

Simultaneously, I would increase the number of enemies or boxes or bosses or whatever it takes to complete it so the quest completion time increases

Problem: in X months nobody will be doing the dynamic events with any regularity, so to get the cheevo one will need to farm for far longer by themselves. (Just longer, not more difficult, not more rewarding, etc; instead of '20' objectives for a specific Dynamic Event there will be '40' (made up numbers oc), it won't be funnier, just a slob)

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