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The worst "pvp" in a game ever.


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Typical fan-boy response. "Don't like it get out!". What an ignorant response. If he didn't like this game, why would he bother posting on the forums his concerns about it? I thoroughly enjoy many aspects about this game including the storyline, but stop being so blind! There are things that need to be fixed for this game to succeed. Stop saying "get out" and instead say "That is your opinion". Geez, some of these kids...


I will say it again so you understand what people think about these post.


"There is a door, use it, no one will miss you."



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Oh so i cant pvp till 50, and if i do im supposed to enjoy getting 2 shotted? What about the casual player with a job and family? To bad for him? Ill speak with my wallet, gg


Butt hurt much or just a little?


L2P or level to 50.

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It fails in every single aspect at the moment. Please, someone explain to me what is so "new age" and cutting edge about it? Feels like it was thrown in at the last minute with out play testing or anything


Actually having played a number of different characters i'd say the pvp is very good, it's the lack of lvl brackets in warzones that make me cringe. I do however expect that to change within a few months, I also hope that with bracketing levels they keep bolstering in the game.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Sums it up nicely.


1-29 - Low

30-49 - Mid

50 - Endgame



definitely this.


geared lvl 50s with purple crystal lightsabers shouldn't be put in the same bracket with lvl 10s in starter pve gear.


furthermore, whoever thought a no bracket bg system like this would be a good idea needs to fired and blacklisted from ever working at a game company for the rest of his/her life

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It's not just me though, read the forums. There are more against posts than for ones, so they must be doing something wrong.


Sadly people are dumb... that's just the facts of life.


The 1% minority who are very vocal doesn't speak for the other 99%


I think PVP should have brackets, especially for level 50's... but it's not like PVP is some garbage broken failure like people are trying to make it out to be.


Fact is - people just like to whine.... human nature.

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Huttball is much nicer than anything I played in that other game, PvP wise.


But 20 fps with a $300 graphics card is lame.



What are the rest of your PC specs?


I run a 560 and I get 100 fps - constant, with max graphics set.... never drops below 50-60 range, even with lots of activity. I have a feeling the rest of your PC might be bottlenecking you if you have such performance issues?

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Understand this, people who claim that because there are more forum posts saying it's bad than it's good. People who like it are out PLAYING IT, people who love the game are playing it because they have no reason to come and whine about it. If you don't like it, you come onto the forums specifically to say "Hey, it sucks!", people DO NOT (usually) come on to say "Hey, it rocks!", because instead of saying it they can be playing it.


Furthermore, anyone who claims it's "the worst "pvp" in a game ever." is VERY VERY inexperienced in MMO PvP. I know fully developed games with far more boring, far less balanced, far more glitched PvP that is nearly impossible to even get into because no one really does it. SUN, Rappelz, LOA, STO, Vindictus etc. I could go on for so much longer, because unlike the OP I'm actually quite experienced with MMO's.


This game's PvP has it's faults, and you may or may not like it, but it is CERTAINLY not "the worst pvp in a game ever". Anyone who claims that what I'm saying is subjective, that is true, but there are objective ways to judge what is good and what is not. How many people do it (relatively), how many people like it or dislike it (relatively), how balanced it is (classes), how fair it is (equips), and is it equipment/skill/class/build based.


SUN, for example, it is completely based on class/build/equips, Ele's dominated everything, though a good Shadow or DK could be pretty good too, just no where near the same usefulness of an Ele.


TS2 is based almost only on equips as everyone uses the same skills, the classes were so unbalanced that everyone chose the one offensive damage class (you would literally be surprised if it wasn't the offensive damage class) which is Katana/Spear/Blade if I recall correctly (one for each race, Guan/Fuj/Jin), there was virtually no skill involved, it was all based on equips.


Rappelz is based on build and class, I remember in epic 5 Chaos Magicians were virtually unstoppable. Before that in epic 4 Evokers were virtually unstoppable.


Vindictus is on character (their version of class)/skill/equips, virtually no one PvPs in Vindictus, if they do, Staff Evie/Spear Lann have a nearly insurmountable advantage (I have a 70 Fiona/Lann/Evie).


STO is based on your character/ship class/build, while it has a fair amount of PvP, an Tact Escort will always win one on one (if played right, I would know, I'm one of them).


TOR is based on skill/build, classes are as balanced as any MMO has ever seen, and equips only play a small part in queue PvP. That's perfect, because it allows it to be based almost entirely on how good the played is, as opposed to his equipment or the class they chose.


Those are just a couple of MMO's that I have played for months each of them, if anyone wants more examples of imbalanced PvP in an MMO that truly objectively sucks, I'd be fine with giving more examples.



Ya sure, you may not like it. But I can objectively name multiple MMO's with far worse PvP, ones that I've played for months if not years and have a max/super high level in. The game is VERY balanced for an MMO, it isn't too quick (getting one shot or two shot like never happens), and the only major problem it has is the skill delay which -- mark my words -- will be fixed fairly soon.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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It fails in every single aspect at the moment. Please, someone explain to me what is so "new age" and cutting edge about it? Feels like it was thrown in at the last minute with out play testing or anything


I disagree....I am a huge fan of the combat that actually lasts longer than a few seconds. Other games were quite bad as far as that was concerned. Are you low level right now?

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It fails in every single aspect at the moment. Please, someone explain to me what is so "new age" and cutting edge about it? Feels like it was thrown in at the last minute with out play testing or anything


How does it fail?

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Wish I had a quarter for all the nerd rage in this thread.


Pvp in this game is awesome. It is well balanced, and if you are having an issue with your class, then pick another class... maybe you didn't pick one suited to your playstyle.


My only wish is for bracketed pvp; seperate the lvl 50s who have access to the best pvp gear, and let the people leveling in warzones to still have fun at it. The scaling for level works if you arent against a bunch of peeps in champ gear.


I hope all you peeps "speaking with your wallet," actually go away, but I'll bet you'll still be playin and whinin in a year.

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It fails in every single aspect at the moment. Please, someone explain to me what is so "new age" and cutting edge about it? Feels like it was thrown in at the last minute with out play testing or anything


It was. It did receive plenty of testing however. During the beta the PvP forums looked much like they do now with all of the same complaints.


It had thousand post threads regarding:


  • L50s with PvP gear facerolling everyone that wasn't L50 in PvP gear
  • The prioritization of animations over combat response times (lol "instant" abilities that get interrupted... ***?)
  • The clunky feel of the engine
  • The unoptimized warzone (FPS drops)
  • The terrible lag and client <-> server sync (stun someone, try to backstab them and get "out of range" for 3 seconds until they warp forward 10m.
  • The design choices of Illum (was there any design? kill trading?)
  • The desire to not queue for Huttball for the 90th time
  • Broken abilities (group stealthing bomb planters, full auto not hitting anything, ravage only doing 2/3'rds of it's damage and many more).


You name it, it probably had a massive thread in the beta asking for it to be addressed. What did they do? They removed "match to chest" because they felt a better system needed to be designed and said "looks good now! ship it!".


None the above issues were ever addressed directly. None of it was improved throughout the 4 months of beta testing that I was involved with. Every thread had a hundred fanbois screaming at the complaints saying "it's beta what did you expect?" and "it'll be fixed before launch". Hmm... now they're all saying "the game was just released, what did you expect" and "It'll be patched soon". Yeah, right.

Edited by getdownsb
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Wish I had a quarter for all the nerd rage in this thread.


Pvp in this game is awesome. It is well balanced, and if you are having an issue with your class, then pick another class... maybe you didn't pick one suited to your playstyle.


My only wish is for bracketed pvp; seperate the lvl 50s who have access to the best pvp gear, and let the people leveling in warzones to still have fun at it. The scaling for level works if you arent against a bunch of peeps in champ gear.


I hope all you peeps "speaking with your wallet," actually go away, but I'll bet you'll still be playin and whinin in a year.


Because playing 300 hutball games for a bag with nothing in it is sooooo much fun. The PvP servers may as well be PvE servers, there are no DMR on CC, no world PvP... I can count on one hand how many players I've seen outside of ilum, and don't get me started on that joke of a pvp planet.


So, lets see... for PvP we have hutball and a TERRIBLE reward system, and no valor brackets.


Yep, best PvP experience I could ever hope for!


Sure, lets put the team from a complete failure of a PvP game (warhammer) in charge of the PvP in SWTOR and just hope for the best.


Edit: I hope this game makes it a year... I suppose the IP alone should guarantee that, I should say, I hope they do something about it and I'm still here in a year. For now, I cancelled. I want them to see subs drop. I want them to do something GREAT for this game. I however, won't be holding my breath.

Edited by Moloko
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Sure, lets put the team from a complete failure of a PvP game (warhammer) in charge of the PvP in SWTOR and just hope for the best.


I just wanted to let you know that the guys that made Warhammer also made Dark Age of Camelot, which recently won the best PvP game of the decade award so.. if that's the same team, I have extremely high expectations of whats to come.


On topic, my biggest annoyance with PvP right now is that level 50s steam roll to easily. I have been capped on valor since level 10 and nothings gonna stop me but it gets frustrating. I'm a fairly smart player but no matter what I do against a level 50 I really have 0 chance.


Can only beat 50s by getting the objectives hah.

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I just wanted to let you know that the guys that made Warhammer also made Dark Age of Camelot, which recently won the best PvP game of the decade award so.. if that's the same team, I have extremely high expectations of whats to come.


On topic, my biggest annoyance with PvP right now is that level 50s steam roll to easily. I have been capped on valor since level 10 and nothings gonna stop me but it gets frustrating. I'm a fairly smart player but no matter what I do against a level 50 I really have 0 chance.


Can only beat 50s by getting the objectives hah.


I played DAoC, and I can assure you... it is NOT the same team.


Same company does NOT = same staff.

Edited by Moloko
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It fails in every single aspect at the moment. Please, someone explain to me what is so "new age" and cutting edge about it? Feels like it was thrown in at the last minute with out play testing or anything


Actually it is quite good the PVP itself. I have no problems with it. I find it more balanced than in other games too. I think they need to add some reward such as valor or trash loot/xp/medals or something for open world pvp but that is all. Other than that I think it is fine. I would like to see a 50 tier only warzone as well. The bolster system actually works great for the level 10 to 49 crowd. Once the 50's have pvp gear then they are that much better which is why they need a new tier.


Overall I am happy with this game and the amount of whining about the pvp system as it is has most likely caught Biowares attention because that really is all people seem to whine about. It will get fixed have some patience this is just how a launch goes. More content/bug fixes/ etc come later as fast as they can put them out.

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Because playing 300 hutball games for a bag with nothing in it is sooooo much fun.


It's a brand spanking new game.. I've played many mmo's and this has a lot more to offer in early stages then any other game has.


Huttball is an awsome way to keep queue times at a minimum.. Yes, 5 games in a row can be annoying, but I would rather that then 2 hr queue's like we had for WoW AV's.

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