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The worst "pvp" in a game ever.


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Only people that say that "PVP in this game is good" are the ones with the over powered classes,such as the Sith inquisitor/Juggernauts/Bounty hunters (healers), and the high level ones. Why high level ones? Because they have all the skills available for their class. yes,even if your low level you get ranked up to 50 while in Warzones,but what's the use if they have 6+ more skills than you(which will make them out dammage you by a truckload).


Right now PVP is just a stun lock fest, you get to see your characters health bar diminish right before your very eyes without being able to do anything! The 2 min. sorry excuse for CC escape doesn't work well (once you use it,you immediately get stunned again by another player).



No. They are just facerolling clueless ppl. Tottaly agree about stunfest, too much CC. And ppl who say that devs shouldnt fix ability delay are rly dumb. Thats goes from 50lvl

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The entire game, especially it's PvP is terrible. I canceled. I'd like to encourage you all to speak with your wallets.


Well they have your money, sure not subscription wise but copy wise. I don't like Strawberry Ice Cream, id like to encourage EVERYONE to not ever eat it, because I hate it.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out Sir.

Edited by Cyphen
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Only people that say that "PVP in this game is good" are the ones with the over powered classes,such as the Sith inquisitor/Juggernauts/Bounty hunters (healers), and the high level ones. Why high level ones? Because they have all the skills available for their class. yes,even if your low level you get ranked up to 50 while in Warzones,but what's the use if they have 6+ more skills than you(which will make them out dammage you by a truckload).


Right now PVP is just a stun lock fest, you get to see your characters health bar diminish right before your very eyes without being able to do anything! The 2 min. sorry excuse for CC escape doesn't work well (once you use it,you immediately get stunned again by another player).


I'm playing a Commando, and it's middle skill tree is mostly useless since it requires you to stay stationary for a majority of its skills (which means instant death in PVP). The right skill tree is a damage over time spec,which is again,useless since medics can heal them right up and they dont do much damage per tick anyway. Only useful spec is the healer tree (left side) because it lets you cast heals without getting interrupted for 15 seconds (if shield is up),which makes you an undying tank.


This is from my personal experience playing the commando (level 38).


Its funny how you say inquisitors and jugg are OP playing A COMMANDO


Please, constructive critics, less everyclass-except-mine-is-op and more pew pew

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Well they have your money, sure not subscription wise but copy wise. I don't like Strawberry Ice Cream, id like to encourage EVERYONE to not ever eat it, because I hate it.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out Sir.


Neapolitan should be fixed! You can't have all those flavors in there at the same time! It needs bracketed! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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It's not just me though, read the forums. There are more against posts than for ones, so they must be doing something wrong.




If this is the logic you use, then I can assume you've made a topic for every little thing that you think BW did well then. Do you also call Pizza Hut whenever you buy one of their pizzas and have an enjoyable meal? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no, you would only call them if you were angry that they served you a pizza with a severed head on it. Let me explain why that is then.




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Its funny how you say inquisitors and jugg are OP playing A COMMANDO


Please, constructive critics, less everyclass-except-mine-is-op and more pew pew


I never said that was the only class i played troll, but that's the highest one I got so far. Played an Agent until level 30 and they were good/fun to play, even in PVP.

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Well they have your money, sure not subscription wise but copy wise. I don't like Strawberry Ice Cream, id like to encourage EVERYONE to not ever eat it, because I hate it.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out Sir.


Durr merica love it or leave it!


People like you just annoy me. Your money isn't any better, you don't make the community any better. The only thing you're doing is helping ensure those with legitimate complaints don't come back and this game dies all the sooner with your polarizing, condescending attitude.


Commando/BH is crazy OP though and needs toned down.

Edited by Poor_Grammar
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If this is the logic you use, then I can assume you've made a topic for every little thing that you think BW did well then. Do you also call Pizza Hut whenever you buy one of their pizzas and have an enjoyable meal? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say no, you would only call them if you were angry that they served you a pizza with a severed head on it. Let me explain why that is then.




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All I see in this thread are people trying to justify the $60+ they spent on this game. If this were any other IP, no one would be defending some of these issues.


Plain and simple, I play a level 40ish Jedi Guardian Defense Spec. I DARE anyone to say its OP and actually mean it. I deal the least amount of damage of any class. I'm supposed to. I can still manage to get MVP scores and top the charts across the board more times than not in most Warzones I play simply for being a knowledgeable and skilled player and staying on objectives (meaning farming kills NEAR objectives).


That being said, I can honestly say that the stun locking issue is ridiculous. With no chance to avoid/break/resist CCs aside from a 2 minute CD and absolutely no diminishing returns makes PVP in this game what a previous poster stated: A stunfest. With no level brackets to divide players of majorly differing levels, the PVP is usually one sided in favor of whoever has the most lvl 40+ people or whichever has the pre-made group.


The game punishes you for actually trying to achieve objectives and fulfill class specific roles, such as a tank scoring in Huttball, or a Shadow slicing a bridge terminal in Voidstar. The game rewards people for farming kills, and so far the incentive to actually win the match doesn't add up to the amount you can gain from farming.


Class balancing is horrendous and the only people who will disagree are those that play the OP classes and don't want nerfs (you know who you are). There is a such thing as griefing in PVP and what Bioware is allowing players to do is very much close to that. I'm not asking for a PVP overhaul. All I want is for them to balance the obvious problems with classes, give rewards for completing objectives in warzones, and for raptor Jesus' sake give us more Warzone maps!

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It's not just me though, read the forums. There are more against posts than for ones, so they must be doing something wrong.


This is because the majority of players like the game and don't waste their time in the forums crying. I am here only because I am waiting for my pizza and won't hear the door if I am playing. LOL

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If you don't like the game there is a open and close door procedure you could use.


Just saying.


I'm glad that because I dislike something in this game I have no right to play it according to most of the defense force people on this forum.

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You must be level 10 and is geting beat up.


Go level.


Oh so i cant pvp till 50, and if i do im supposed to enjoy getting 2 shotted? What about the casual player with a job and family? To bad for him? Ill speak with my wallet, gg

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If you don't like the game there is a open and close door procedure you could use.


Just saying.


Typical fan-boy response. "Don't like it get out!". What an ignorant response. If he didn't like this game, why would he bother posting on the forums his concerns about it? I thoroughly enjoy many aspects about this game including the storyline, but stop being so blind! There are things that need to be fixed for this game to succeed. Stop saying "get out" and instead say "That is your opinion". Geez, some of these kids...

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I'm glad that because I dislike something in this game I have no right to play it according to most of the defense force people on this forum.




This made me laugh, because it's so true.


"Don't let the door hit you on the way ou- cliché"


The PvP in this game is silly right now. But the PvE is nice :D

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