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All my characters cannot load into the game after patch.

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I'm having the exact same problem, only I'm on Tulak Hord.

I created a new character on Darth Malgus to check if it's a problem with my local files, and I was able to load the game successfully there. So it doesn't seem to be a server specific problem.

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I am on Star Forge, I could log in yesterday fine but I’m encountering the exact same issue after today’s patch. How did you break the game even more with your “fix”, so incompetent. 

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Same, I cannot load into ANY of my characters on my main server (Darth Malgus).
They all get stuck at 90% on the loading screen.
I can log my few characters on Satele Shan, Star Forge, Shae Vizla, Leviathan, and Tulak Hord just fine.

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I tried installing swtor on my laptop as well to see if characters would load there, but no luck. Same issue on laptop with character getting stuck at 90% loading. So it seems it is something server side maybe?

I don't believe it has anything to do with them being on a guild flagship or something either. The characters are in different places too, some are in various different strongholds, and a couple are on planets. But it makes no difference, they will all just get stuck at 90% on loading screen.

At least on Darth Malgus for me, my characters on the other servers do still load.

I sent a mail to swtor support too but not really expecting anything from them, seem quite some people are suffering from this issue.


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same here - can't get past 90% at the chapters loading screen.  only my 2 newest characters get that far.  all others i click on say that particular character is in game and can't log on - and had someone else check and whenever i selected to log in - the character was in game - but - not active.  when i restart after closing out of game - the character disappears.  so - it's just not finishing the loading process for some reason - regardless of location.

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try to switch loading other characters, and it says im logged into the first one i tried to log into



while in the loading screen, i can move my character around (hear foot prints) and hear other players move about.

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Ok a small update.

For a brief period when I tried to load a character on Darth Malgus server I get booted to the server select screen and a message pops up saying "A login error has occurred." And when I tried to log a character it loaded me into the game and then booted me to the server select screen with the message "Your account has been disconnected."

Now it's back to how it was the rest of the evening with me being stuck at 90% for my Darth Malgus characters. But able to log my characters on other servers. A guildmember also reported to me that they could see my character come online, despite me being stuck at 90% on the loading screen.

I haven't been able to play all evening now, and unless this gets fixed tomorrow im dreading being unable to play my characters and with my guild at all this entire weekend.

Would be nice if we could get some confirmation devs are aware/looking into this issue or planning a fix.

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My friend is having this issue too atm, she's about to post in here, but the login issue MIGHT be visual...I can see her logged in our guild roster and her toon is on fleet, I can see it, and it moves when she moves and does it's aoe attack when she hits that...she is Raynerreapper....but on her end she is still seeing the loading screen

Screenshot (997).png

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5 hours ago, Darthjantom said:

Same, I cannot load into ANY of my characters on my main server (Darth Malgus).
They all get stuck at 90% on the loading screen.
I can log my few characters on Satele Shan, Star Forge, Shae Vizla, Leviathan, and Tulak Hord just fine.

I'm having this exact same issue, except I cannot load into any characters on Star Forge, but can on all other servers.

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@JackieKo Hi there!!, 

Sorry I don't mean to bother you but/however my guild's event is happening now and I like to join them sometime soon before its over and they log off for the day please acknowledge this its been over 6 hours and nothing thank you!!

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Same for me. I am on Star Forge. I phoned Support but was told to create an in -game ticket which can be done by the initial server character screen. I thought my lack of response was down to my putting ticket under "connection" rather than "character" but there is obviously more to it. 

So missed a raid. I have upcoming raids; am midway through PVP objectives for the week; was wanting to progress Ventures; need to also get those blueprints; and if not sorted by daily reset no login reward-(I guess if just a visual bug and am actually logged in then would get daily reward).


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I have doing some messing around with this and so far these are my results (my ui does not show up what so ever no matter what I do) this is on the satele shan server

Star Wars™_ The Old Republic™ 2024-06-27 9_23_10 PM.png

Star Wars™_ The Old Republic™ 2024-06-27 9_38_12 PM.png

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and now after playing for a couple of hours, while loading out of a wz, the loading screen did it to me too....stuck at same amount as others, about a small amount left, but won't load off the loading screen further....had to log out after waiting for quite a while, now can log in to character screen, but when logging into character i get stuck on the loading page too with that small amount of load left.......

every patch breaks something else...good grief....I am glad about the Venture change tho!!!

my biggest issue here though is this has been happening to people ALL day and not one response from the devs....no one expects you to fix it immediately but you CAN at least let your subscribers that pay you money KNOW you are aware and going to be working on it!!!  that's basic customer service!!!

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