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B3-S1 Bessi and RNG of training modules

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The fragments, if I'm done with the quests, I'll continue to farm for them, and they will drop still.  So, for example CZ...do the two missions to complete, if I am done and still have time left for Bessi (if I do others), I'll come back to farm for them.  I got all 10 for all 3 catagories with no real issues.  

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I was pretty excited for this companion at first. I still want to unlock it eventually.

But what would make this grind really worthwhile would be to make this companion OP. Like even more OP than Shae, something akin to Darth Malgus on Ossus.

And if not, but newer companions get locked behind a similar grind, then hopefully they will at least be OP.

This type of grind for a "normal" companion just isn't worth it.

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Honest question - what does B3 do that the other companions don't? What justifies such a lengthy grind with RNG involved too?

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6 minutes ago, arunav said:

Honest question - what does B3 do that the other companions don't? What justifies such a lengthy grind with RNG involved too?

Nothing, B3-S1 is Shae but with fully unique animations compared to Shae only having Aerial Annihilation and Jet Charge as unique animations 

like Shae, because their aoe is different from other companions AOE attack, it appears they're both the best dps companions in the game, but other than that B3-S1 functions the exact same as the rest

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Weekly caps, total caps, 197 different currencies, hourly timers, bound-per-character tokens, mandatory RNG to progress etc.

And this is just 1 minigame/side-questchain.

Just ridiculous.

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14 hours ago, Ranadiel_Marius said:

So something to keep in mind for anyone starting to stockpile modules, you only need to pre-emptively stockpile 4 for each location. When you go up a level you get three modules as a reward for completing the previous repair level. These modules are guaranteed to be modules you need for the next level. On early levels these modules are combat/support/defense, but at higher levels they are "generic" modules that will always drop a module for a specific location that you need (e.g., the modules for completing level 4 will always drop 1 CZ-198, 1 Iokath, and 1 Black Hole).

Thanks for calling this out as it dulls the prospect of RNG pain a bit. Yesterday was frustrating as I bought 3 missions (with the 10 of each I had left) plus a mission from a chip and got one with the locations for the week. So rest of week, it is about getting lucky with the one per day chance. I am at 3 of 5, 3 of 5, and 1 of 5, so 8 to go for the first three locations.

Also RNG on data frag drops has been ok, aside from Iokath where I tallied 138 kills before the 4th drop - seems pretty thin there, but other locations were much better.

My hope is that the first week of location-based mission RNG is the worse, but as we stockpile other locations and the remaining weeks won't be such a squeeze.

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7 hours ago, denajii said:

Nothing, B3-S1 is Shae but with fully unique animations compared to Shae only having Aerial Annihilation and Jet Charge as unique animations 

like Shae, because their aoe is different from other companions AOE attack, it appears they're both the best dps companions in the game, but other than that B3-S1 functions the exact same as the rest

Frankly, I much preferred when any new companions were tied to story content or Seasons. 

If the BS team wanted to tell stories with them that Seasons didn't allow for well, I'd be fine wtih a longer quest chain of some kind to earn a given companion, instead of the Seasons route. But this just seems like a huge time sink for players, doing all the old daily areas for it repeatedly no less. I get they have to make some type of content, but this just isn't for me. 

And I actually like running daily areas! But this process is way too much for what it's rewarding. 

Also, there's almost nothing in the game that can make use of a companion with slightly better dps than the others. Master Mode chapters require specific companions, so it can't potentially be used there. Eternal Championship is the only area I can think of that might make use of a dps stance sometimes, and there's essentially no reason to run that anymore (not to mention the balancing there hasn't been fixed to make up for all the 7.0 skill tree changes). 

I like the rewards on the farm event, so I guess that's something in the update for people like me. I'm hoping a farm Stronghold becomes available after the event, but we'll see what happens. The area looks like one, and perhaps a seperate instance will have the same map but without all the event-related assets in it. 

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17 hours ago, Ranadiel_Marius said:

So something to keep in mind for anyone starting to stockpile modules, you only need to pre-emptively stockpile 4 for each location. When you go up a level you get three modules as a reward for completing the previous repair level. These modules are guaranteed to be modules you need for the next level. On early levels these modules are combat/support/defense, but at higher levels they are "generic" modules that will always drop a module for a specific location that you need (e.g., the modules for completing level 4 will always drop 1 CZ-198, 1 Iokath, and 1 Black Hole).

This is not true. I stockpiled and took care to keep modules as I went. Now I have zero for BH, CZ and Iokath and can't progress the 5 training required for the required areas at 5/11. The RNG screwed me on this. I got just 1 of 5 of each BH, CZ and Ioktath completed. This needs to be fixed asap. I should have the ability to complete the 5 training this week and I cannot. Also bought one generic module from HK--24 and it gave me Onderon. This is where the Venture system fails.

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2 hours ago, HypSpec said:

Also RNG on data frag drops has been ok, aside from Iokath where I tallied 138 kills before the 4th drop - seems pretty thin there, but other locations were much better.

I just did Iokath data frags this morning, I suspect that some of the enemies don't drop the data frags (or have lower rates). Specifically I think Scour droids have the borked rates as I think I killed something like 50 of them before getting my first drop and then got them pretty quickly once I started going exclusively after custodian droids. Could be RNG, but I doubt it.

5 minutes ago, Saeten said:

This is not true. I stockpiled and took care to keep modules as I went. Now I have zero for BH, CZ and Iokath and can't progress the 5 training required for the required areas at 5/11. The RNG screwed me on this. I got just 1 of 5 of each BH, CZ and Ioktath completed. This needs to be fixed asap. I should have the ability to complete the 5 training this week and I cannot. Also bought one generic module from HK--24 and it gave me Onderon. This is where the Venture system fails.

I said you get 1 guaranteed drop of each module, not that every drop once you reach that level will be for those modules.

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Well, you get two "free" modules every time you activate B3-S1. Since RNGesus does not seem to be with me, I am now basically just waiting for the hour to run out, so I can reactivate B3-S1 and hopefully get a module I need. 

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1 hour ago, Ulathar said:

Well, you get two "free" modules every time you activate B3-S1. Since RNGesus does not seem to be with me, I am now basically just waiting for the hour to run out, so I can reactivate B3-S1 and hopefully get a module I need. 

You don't have to wait the hour out, if you unsummon Bessi or summon another companion she'll be in the lab and you can spend another chip to refresh the hour timer.

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This isn't any different complaint than others, but maybe just maybe (although doubtful) if enough people complain something might change on this or future content using this method.

Level 5-11 RNG for specific area missions is just frustrating.  I did 2/5 CZ yesterday, 1/5 Black Hole Yesterday, and got lucky on a drop today so got to 2/5 Black Hole today, and I did 1/5 Iokath yesterday.  And now, I'm gated hoping I get RNG drops for the specific areas modules.  In 2 extra pulls of Bessi today, I'm 0 for on the drops. 

How many times am I supposed to unsummon her and waste more memory chips on an RNG hope I pull the "correct" modules?  Or spend currency on the hope I pull the "correct" modules? Or am I just supposed to only get her once/day so at least I don't "waste" memory chips since u get one memory chip/day off that console?

Right now, every time you start the Bessi mission it's a hope u get the right module otherwise it feels like an absolute waste of a pull.  (I know you can bank the module for later when u might need that area, but that doesn't make the pull feel any more wasted in the moment.)

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Don't be afraid to spend all your memory chips and currencies each week if you are gated waiting for a specific mission location. You get plenty of the currencies doing missions so just store them unopened once you are currency cap so you can start next week off to either upgrade Bessi or buy more missions. You get 10 memory chips per week (20 missions). I spent everything I could this week and even though I didn't finish level 5, I have enough missions for level 6 and most missions for level 8 & 9 already. I couldn't finish level 5 this week anyways due to currency cap so I feel I'm in a good place next week to finish level 5 as I was able to go 5/5 on CZ, 4/5 on Black Hole and 5/5 on Iokath. I don't know if RNG was with me or I just spent everything I could to get missions. I have 30 missions stored for future weeks. 

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3 hours ago, arunav said:

Frankly, I much preferred when any new companions were tied to story content or Seasons. 

If the BS team wanted to tell stories with them that Seasons didn't allow for well, I'd be fine wtih a longer quest chain of some kind to earn a given companion, instead of the Seasons route. But this just seems like a huge time sink for players, doing all the old daily areas for it repeatedly no less. I get they have to make some type of content, but this just isn't for me. 

And I actually like running daily areas! But this process is way too much for what it's rewarding. 

Also, there's almost nothing in the game that can make use of a companion with slightly better dps than the others. Master Mode chapters require specific companions, so it can't potentially be used there. Eternal Championship is the only area I can think of that might make use of a dps stance sometimes, and there's essentially no reason to run that anymore (not to mention the balancing there hasn't been fixed to make up for all the 7.0 skill tree changes). 

I like the rewards on the farm event, so I guess that's something in the update for people like me. I'm hoping a farm Stronghold becomes available after the event, but we'll see what happens. The area looks like one, and perhaps a seperate instance will have the same map but without all the event-related assets in it. 

Really, it'd take less effort to just progress the next galactic season a bit, get enough season tokens and then buy Shae and level her to 50 than it'll take to fully repair B3-S1 to actually unlock her

I enjoyed the companion stories that were with each season and I'm enjoying this one, just not the grinding

as for content, you're totally right, even if you're an extremely constantly solo player there's still almost nothing available that the droid could genuinely shine in
Master Mode flashpoints maybe?? Can those even be soloed? I sure don't know

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as far as the areas, get the weeklies there as 9 times out of 10 you will go back, but only do two missions at a time and therefore you already have the missions you will need to do with her when you go back.


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Something to conside: If the droid's abilities are on par with Shae's and considering the current storyline and how out of control/obsessed Shae has been for over a year now, I would not be surprised if this droid is going to be a potential replacement for Shae and that she may get killed off or at least have the option to be killed in our storylines.  Granted, the Odessan companion terminal could fix that, but I am not erasing my choices in my character arcs.  If that does happen, a lot of people will wish they'd worked on this droid.

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11 hours ago, casirabit said:

as far as the areas, get the weeklies there as 9 times out of 10 you will go back, but only do two missions at a time and therefore you already have the missions you will need to do with her when you go back.


Just an FYI It appears (at least on CZ-198) if you have say 4 quests picked up, do 2 then try to use another role you WILL NOT be able to because the number of dailies left on the console is less than 2. You will have to drop dailies until there are at least 2 on the console in order to use a Role chip. I found this out the annoyingly hard way.

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Just now, RyvickTheFirst said:

Just an FYI It appears (at least on CZ-198) if you have say 4 quests picked up, do 2 then try to use another role you WILL NOT be able to because the number of dailies left on the console is less than 2. You will have to drop dailies until there are at least 2 on the console in order to use a Role chip. I found this out the annoyingly hard way.

Another thing to remember is not to be on a mount/rocket boots when completing objectives that end a quest, or it wont count for the dailies. 

Overall, this whole grindy venture is offputting and I don't get why anyone would think excel-spreadsheet sidequests is good design

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Location RNG...

Pretty frustrating to dismiss her, pick up the daily chip, have to use it, and then get area training not applicable for the level. 1 out of 8 trying to pull Iokath, CZ, BH...

/rant :)

Maybe I'm dumb, but just decided to burn down chips left (7) and struck out across the 14 missions, not one for level 5. That makes 1 out of 22...so lame. Bright side, I have 4 modules for 2 upcoming locations stockpiled. 38 inventory slots taken up by venture right now.

/really end rant (at least until the next set of pulls lol)

 @JackieKo Please tell us this was not the intended outcome - a week of burning through chips and getting only 1 location mission for the level I am on. Suggestion: for levels 5-9 a training module from chip should yield at least one location mission corresponding to the current level ( and that still would only be 7 of 15 needed per level). Also, and especially, modules bought from HK should have significantly stronger odds to pull location for current level.

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I burned through 13 chips and all my remaining venture currencies to get as many location modules as possible. I am 5/5 for Iokath and CZ, but still need 3 BH. Also have most of the upcoming modules already, except for Ossus and Khessan's Landing. Still, I would prefer if I could buy specific location modules at the HK-vendor, even if those were to cost a bit more. 

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22 hours ago, Ulathar said:

I burned through 13 chips and all my remaining venture currencies to get as many location modules as possible. I am 5/5 for Iokath and CZ, but still need 3 BH. Also have most of the upcoming modules already, except for Ossus and Khessan's Landing. Still, I would prefer if I could buy specific location modules at the HK-vendor, even if those were to cost a bit more. 

I need 1 CZ, 2 Iokath, and 3 BH :( 25 missions, 13 Collected Research in the bay and no currencies left. Hoping to get lucky in my last two chip pulls for the week.

Update: Struck out again today, but did pick up my 5th Ruhnuk and 4th Manaan. But even though I am getting to stockpile missions for future levels, the RNG means it is possible for me to continue to be stuck on level 5 until I score 6 level 5 missions AND the right ones - ultimately, as we knock out 1 and 2 of 3 locations the odds on drops gets increasingly worse.

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15 hours ago, HypSpec said:

 @JackieKo Please tell us this was not the intended outcome - a week of burning through chips and getting only 1 location mission for the level I am on.

Agree, before we speculate things, let's get confirmations from the dev first coz this just seems a bit too unreasonable to be intended and it just jumps too far from the progression in lvl. 1-4. Tbh i wouldn't at all be surprised if this is a bug or smth and that there's smth unintentionally missing - so dev pls respond!


edit: also anyone knows if these modules can be traded or given to other player? I haven't tried it but i suppose would make it much easier if we can.

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Aren't the modules character-bound? No trading, I guess.

Also, there i's been zero of communication with devs or Jackie for almost two weeks now. Nothing on Bessie, on bugged dialogs in new story, on shaders going wild with half of armors. Nothing for at least 12 days straight. This is getting concerning.

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