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Galactic Seasons Objectives April 2-8 and error in GS orig post

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I'd been wondering about this myself.  Is it just going to be the same objectives again?  Hopefully they'll at least reset in that case.  Or maybe the Week 4 objectives actually start tomorrow and the dates are miswritten?  Regardless, it'd be nice to know.

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18 hours ago, Saeten said:

The original post https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20240311 has Week 3 as March 26-April 8. This covers 2 weeks, not 1. I'm unsure if they intended two weeks of the same objectives, but I highly doubt it since Week 4 is listed as April 9-15.  @JackieKo Please clarify and correct for us!


Hey there! Definitely a typo! The dates for week 3 and 4 have been updated accordingly. Thanks! 

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The dates were obviously a typo, but I've noticed that the descriptions of the objectives in these articles often have changes when they actually appear in-game. For example, last week the Sparks of War objective in the article (above) said Alderaan and Corellia when the planets in-game were actually Tattooine, Belsavis and (I think) Hoth. And this week, the article described the objective Into the Void as completing the single-boss operation Lair of the Geonosian Queen (aka Hive Queen) but checking in-game just now shows that it is instead to complete the Chapter "Into the Void" (sorry, I don't have all the chapter names memorized to realize that this should have been in reference to the chapter.)  I feel there is at least one description each week in the article that doesn't match the in-game objective.

For someone who promotes swtor activity through planning guild events around the GS objectives, I really appreciate these articles to help in this planning. However, I'd greatly appreciate if the in-game objectives matched the article.

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