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Nerf Voss.


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Seriously, the worst planet in the game so far (lvl 45).

Playing as Sith, and everything about this planet is just horrible.


Normal mobs think they're Strong mobs, Strong mobs think they're elites, and Elites think they're 16-man Operation bosses. (okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but the mobs are VERY strong)


Questing is a pain, you have to run forward and backwards INSANE amounts of time, taking huge amounts of time.


Empire and Republic players SPAWN AT THE SAME RESPAWN POINTS. I cannot describe how utterly, utterly broken this is for PVP. Apparently, the Voss don't care about PVP, either. Some guards would be nice - Yeknow, around the quest hubs / respawn points, to keep Jedi scum/Sith a-hats in line.



If I had control of the Death Star, this planet would be obliterated IMMEDIATELY, usefulness of the population be damned.

/rant off :p

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I definitely agree about the travel times. The worst part about it is the questing structure though....they literally send you out 50 miles to do ONE QUEST, then you have to come back to get ONE MORE which sends you 100 miles away etc...


Really feels like WOTLK all over again.

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Its definitely harder than other planets. On Belsavis i was able to take on 3 elites at a time, on Voss i would sometimes die to two strong mobs (Vanguard Tank). I had to recruit help more than once to finish quests that would normally not be a problem. That said, i enjoyed how hard it got, it was a really nice change of pace, i used every CD when they were up :). Its lvl 44-47, no one is going to quit if they get that far, at least not over a planet.


I never noticed the travel times, and the pvp was awesome. However, i do not see the point of neutral guards if they dont react when some1 attacks another player, as i found out.

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Nothing wrong with Voss, you're doing it wrong.


How the hell is he "doing it wrong"? If anything, Bioware is "doing it wrong" for not structuring more planets like Corellia, all the quests in a logical and local order instead of running marathons to turn in a single quest.


Yeah, whatever, just got trolled, reported as such.

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Empire and Republic players SPAWN AT THE SAME RESPAWN POINTS. I cannot describe how utterly, utterly broken this is for PVP. Apparently, the Voss don't care about PVP, either. Some guards would be nice - Yeknow, around the quest hubs / respawn points, to keep Jedi scum/Sith a-hats in line.


How is this "broken for pvp"? Isn't one of the big complaints regarding world pvp that peole aren't finding world pvp because there aren't enough players in one location?

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Spawning at the same respawn - Extremely bad.


Open PVP or not that can lead to seriously problems with spawn camping and faction guards cant be used because they would be wrecking people even worse.


I found Voss rather irritating and left as soon as possible.


Corellia was far more lucid in mission style but that seems to be a major result of the urban environment. Instead of running for ages back and forth they put tons of narrow paths with NPCs in the way to slow you down.


Personnally I found Balmorra to be far more brutal for having to wait on lifts to go back and forth from high to low.

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How is this "broken for pvp"? Isn't one of the big complaints regarding world pvp that peole aren't finding world pvp because there aren't enough players in one location?


I had 2 people ganking me at the respawn point; I instantly respawned 10 TIMES (not kidding), slowly taking away their HP, until I killed one of them.


World PvP is one thing, dying 10 times in a 10meter radius is just broken.

There's no penalty/reward either, it's just a waste of time for everyone :/

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Played voss at lvl 44. Now level 46. Great story on Voss from what I was expecting. A couple of tough fights with some elites. One guy took me three attempts. Definately learnt to play and gear up better because of it.. don't just interupt.. had to interupt the right things and use all my abilities and environment to beat this guy.. Definately my most memorable battle to date.


I almost called in guild for help but really pleased I stayed with the hard fights as taught me loads.


I said in guild it was great but I would expect some people to have problems with it and cry for a nerf on the forums and here we are.

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